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Safety and Health Topics > Sampling & Analytical Methods
Index of Sampling & Analytical Methods

Methods Search

Go to 'KEY' for definitions of abbreviations.

Alphabetic Table of Methods - S
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Key
Substance and Method Number CAS Number(s) Instrument / Sampler
Safrotin; PV2050; Partially Validated 31218-83-4 GC/ECD; GFF
Selenium; ID121Fully Validated 7782-49-2 AA; MCEF
Selenium; ID133SG; Partially Validated 7782-49-2 IC; MCEF
Sevin; 63; Fully Validated 63-25-2 HPLC/UV; OVS-2
Silica; ID142Fully Validated   X-Ray Diffraction; Low Ash PVC with Cyclone
Silver; ID121Fully Validated 7440-22-4 AA; MCEF
Sodium; ID121Fully Validated 7440-23-5 AA; MCEF
Sodium Azide; ID211Fully Validated 26628-22-8 IC/UV; Silica Gel coated with Sodium Hydroxide
Sodium Dichloroisocyanuric Acid; ID101SG; Partially Validated   ISE; PTFE Filter followed with bubbler containing Sulfamic Acid
Soils; ID194; Fully Validated   Bulk
Solders; ID206Fully Validated   ICP; MCEF
Stannous-2-Ethyl Hexanoate; ID221SG; Partially Validated 7440-31-5 AA/HGA; GFF
Styrene; 9; Fully Validated 100-42-5 GC/FID; CSC
Styrene; 89; Fully Validated 100-42-5 GC/FID; CSC coated with TBC
Sulfur Dioxide; ID104;
 Fully Validated
7446-09-5 IC; Bubbler with Hyrdogen Peroxide
Sulfur Dioxide - Backup    
Sulfur Dioxide; ID200;
 Fully Validated
7446-09-5 IC; Anasorb 747 coated with Potassium Hydroxide
Sulfuric Acid; ID165SG;
 Partially Validated
7664-93-9 IC; Silica Gel
Sulfuric Acid; ID113;
 Partially Validated
7664-93-9 IC; MCEF
Sulprofos; PV2037; Partially Validated 35400-43-2 GC/FPD; OVS-2
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Key

Revision Date: 03 June 2003
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