- History
When a trench or other excavation is
made in soil, the residual forces in the ground work to restore the soil
to a more stable configuration. If those residual forces (gravity) are
greater than those holding the trench or excavation walls where they
are, a cave-in occurs. There are a number of factors which determine the
stability of a given excavation wall. It is beyond the scope of this
document to fully describe soil mechanics in this way. However, it has
been found empirically that soil, when sloped appropriately, will resist
the residual forces and remain safely stable.
Because the
evaluation of soil conditions and structure is crucial to safe operation
in and around excavations, an excavation standard was among the first
promulgated by OSHA in 1971. In that standard, soils were classified
into three types called running, unstable, and hard compact (Ref. 3.2).
These terms were generally misunderstood. Later, the terms were revised
and renamed granular, cohesive, granular cohesionless, and cemented
(Ref. 3.1).
In 1989, it was estimated that there were 70
fatalities and more than 800 lost workday injuries annually in the
United States due to excavation accidents. Responding to this high
incidence rate, OSHA promulgated the current excavation standards (Ref
3.1) and it has the following requirements:
- Classification of soil and rock deposits. Each soil and rock
deposit shall be classified by a competent person as Stable Rock, Type
A, Type B, or Type C in accordance with the definitions set forth in
29 CFR 1926 Subpart P Appendix A.
- Basis of classification. The classification of the deposits shall
be made based on the results of at least one visual and at least one
manual analysis. Such analyses shall be conducted by a competent
person using tests described in 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P Appendix A, or
in other recognized methods of soil classification and testing such as
those adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, or the
U.S. Department of Agriculture textural classification system.
- Visual and manual analyses. The visual and manual analyses, such
as those noted as being acceptable in 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P Appendix
A, shall be designed and conducted to provide sufficient quantitative
and qualitative information as may be necessary to identify properly
the properties, factors, and conditions affecting the classification
of the deposits.
- Layered systems. In a layered system, the system shall be
classified in accordance with its weakest layer. However, each layer
may be classified individually where a more stable layer lies under a
less stable layer.
- Reclassification. If, after classifying a deposit, the properties,
factors, or conditions affecting its classification change in any way,
the changes shall be evaluated by a competent person. The deposit
shall be reclassified as necessary to reflect the changed
As a result of the new
regulations, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported, in 1999, 44 deaths
due to excavation and trenching accidents. (Ref. 3.10)
The angle
of the slope depends upon the properties of the soil in which the
excavation has been made. The mineral particles that constitute soil and
other earth materials can bond by chemical and physical forces that
oppose the force of gravity. Chemical bonding, or cohesion, refers to
the chemical forces that bond mineral particles. Physical bonding refers
to the bonding of the more coarse grains such as sand and gravel by
frictional forces that include the interlocking of particles.
CFR 1926 Subpart P Appendix A is based on site and environmental
conditions, and on the structure and composition of the soil deposits.
The soil classification system means a method of categorizing soil and
rock deposits in a hierarchy of Stable Rock, Type A, Type B, and Type C,
in decreasing order of stability.
- Stable rock means natural solid mineral matter that can be
excavated with vertical sides and remain intact while
- Type A means cohesive soils with an unconfined, compressive
strength of 1.5 ton per square foot (tsf) (144 kPa) or greater.
Examples of cohesive soils are: clay, silty clay, sandy clay, clay
loam and, in some cases, silty clay loam and sandy clay loam. Cemented
soils such as caliche and hardpan are also considered Type A. However,
no soil is Type A if:
- The soil is fissured; or
- The soil is subject to vibration from heavy traffic, pile
driving, or similar effects; or
- The soil has been previously disturbed; or
- The soil is part of a sloped, layered system where the layers
dip into the excavation on a slope of four horizontal to one
vertical (4H:1V) or greater; or
- The material is subject to other factors that would require it
to be classified as a less stable material.
- Type B means:
- Cohesive soil with an unconfined compressive strength greater
than 0.5 tsf (48 kPa) but less than 1.5 tsf (144 kPa); or
- Granular cohesionless soils including: angular gravel (similar
to crushed rock), silt, silt loam, sandy loam and, in some cases,
silty clay loam and sandy clay loam.
- Previously disturbed soils except those which would otherwise be
classed as Type C soil.
- Soil that meets the unconfined compressive strength or
cementation requirements for Type A, but is fissured or subject to
vibration; or
- Dry rock that is not stable; or
- Material that is part of a sloped, layered system where the
layers dip into the excavation on a slope less steep than four
horizontal to one vertical (4H:1V), but only if the material would
otherwise be classified as Type B.
- Type C means:
- Cohesive soil with an unconfined compressive strength of 0.5 tsf
(48 kPa) or less; or
- Granular soils including gravel, sand, and loamy sand; or
- Submerged soil or soil from which water is freely seeping; or
- Submerged rock that is not stable, or
- Material in a sloped, layered system where the layers dip into
the excavation or a slope of four horizontal to one vertical (4H:1V)
or steeper.
In its 1989 rule
making, OSHA relied heavily on a classification system developed in 1982
by the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of
Standards and Technology - NIST). In addition, OSHA used several other
sources of information including ASTM standards. (Ref. 3.10)
addition to these fundamental references, SLTC used The Unified Soil Classification System (Refs. 3.3
and 3.4), the Engineering Geology Field Manual of the
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Ref. 3.5), and other documents (Refs.
3.6-3.9) in the development of this method.
OSHA Method ID-194
was developed to emphasize the performance and engineering properties of
soil and is consistent with the objectives and requirements of the 1989
Federal excavation regulations. Many other methods used to classify soil
provide a textural name for soil such as clay, silty clay, sandy clay,
clay loam and, in some cases, silty clay loam and sandy clay loam.
Because each of these methods specify slightly different tests, the
names are similar to each other but can have a different meaning. An
attempt is made to provide a textural name of the soil with this OSHA
method (so that a comparison can be made with other methods) but a
compete separation of all of the soil components is not performed by the
tests described in this method. This could result in a textural name
that is slightly different from other soil classifying methods.
- Analytical
The analytical procedures of this method
are grouped under the headings: visual, manual, and classification. Soil
samples may represent a proposed excavation site or selected areas of an
existing excavation. All samples are analyzed and classified by the
methods outlined and described here.
Safety and health
precautions include care to prevent air-born dust and the use of gloves
and safety glasses when handling wet soil.
2.1 Visual (Ref.
Copy all sample identification numbers from the sample
submission report form to sample work data sheets (An example is
included at the back of this method.). For analytical convenience,
accountability, and continuity, record the number of each container used
in analysis.
Open the soil bag and record the general
characteristics of the sample, such as sand, gravel, or clay. Note and
set aside any rock fragments (pieces of rock >3 in.) that may be
present. Estimate the percent of the sample that is in the form of
clumps between ¼ and 1 in., and identify possible structural
discontinuities such as layers, lenses (discontinuous layers) and cracks
or fissures. Note the presence of water or other features that are
peculiar to the sample.
2.2 Manual
The manual tests
include the equipment required for analysis and the procedures used to
determine the specific properties and classification of the
2.2.1 Equipment
- Bread pans of regular size for drying samples.
- Stainless steel bowls of at least 2- L capacity.
- A forced air oven that will hold and dry samples at 60°C.
- U.S.A. Standard 8-in. dry sieving pans #4 (4.75-mm opening), #40
(0.425-mm opening), a #200 (0.075-mm opening) and a catch pan and
- A #200 U.S.A. Standard 8-in. wet sieving pan.
- A laboratory balance that will read up to 3 kg with a precision
of ±1.0 g.
- A standard soil pocket penetrometer (Ref. 3.2) for the
measurement of the unconfined compressive strength.
- A fine hair bristle brush and a wire bristle brush for cleaning
the test sieves.
2.2.2 Procedures
- Unconfined Compressive Strength (Ref. 3.1)
Within five
minutes after a sample of broken soil is exposed to the open air,
remove one or more of the largest clumps and analyze it with a
pocket penetrometer. Slice each clump with a spatula to provide a
smooth surface for analysis.
Press the penetrometer cylinder
against the sample and compress the soil and the calibrated spring
of the instrument to the marked ring on the cylinder. Read the
position of the ring on the calibrated scale of the cylinder. Record
the unconfined compressive strength reading in tons per square foot
(tsf) or kilograms per square centimeter (kg/cm2). Report
the average of at least three readings if possible. Note all samples
that break apart and do not provide a positive analysis.
- Plasticity (Refs. 3.3 and 3.4)
Plasticity is defined as
an inherent property of certain soils to mold and roll between the
palms of the hands into a stable thread 0.3 cm ( in.) in diameter
and the tensile strength to support a 5-cm section when held at one
end. To possess plasticity for classification purposes, the soil
must satisfy these conditions and contain at least 15% silt and clay
as determined by gradation analysis.
Determine and record the
state of plasticity of the soil at the as-received water content. If
plasticity is not observed, analyze the sample after it is dried
using only that part of the sample that passes the #40 sieve. Add
water in different amounts to obtain a wide range of water content
for analysis. If the clay content is low, plasticity is not an
inherent property of the soil, and it will not be identified at any
water content.
- Gradation Analysis (Ref. 3.3)
This test is used to
determine the amount of gravel, sand, and total silt and clay in a
soil sample. These constituents are identified using the particle
size scale of the Unified Soil classification system. Silt and clay
are not distinguished from each other in this test. The gradation
procedures are described as follows:
Dry the soil for 2 days
at 60°C to prepare the soil for analysis. Vent the air from the oven
to the outside to avoid exposure to possible toxic
Tare a bowl on a laboratory balance. Add at least 100
g of a dry fine-grained sample or 200 g of a coarse-grained sample
(sand and gravel) to the bowl. If that amount is not available, use
as much as possible. Record the weight and cover the sample with
water. Let it stand in this state for at least 2 hours and up to 24
Transfer this material to a #200 wet sieving pan and
wash the fine grains of silt and clay through the sieve with running
water until it is visibly clear. Wash the material that is retained
on this sieve back into the bowl and decant the water and any
supernatant. Dry this residue at 60°C or at any other preferred
Place the dried soil onto a nest of pans
containing a #4 sieve at the top, a #200 sieve in the middle, and a
pan at the bottom to catch any residual silt and clay. Tap the pans
manually on a table top at least 20 times to separate the grains by
Report the total gravel as the weight of material
retained on the top or #4 sieve and the total sand as the weight of
material retained on the next or #200 sieve. The total silt and clay
content is equal to the difference between the combined weight of
the sand and gravel and the weight of the sample used. Silt and clay
comprise the fine-grained material that is washed through the #200
sieve during analysis. Convert the weight of the material retained
on the #4 sieve and the #200 sieve as the dry weight percent of the
gravel and sand, respectively. 2.3 Classification
The analytical data is used to
classify the soil according to the dominate texture, structure, and Type
(strength), the ultimate objective of analysis. These classifications
are identified according to specific conformance and performance
standards and definitions outlined in 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P Appendix A
and the following definitions and instructions:
2.3.1 Structural
The common soils include those that
correspond to a granular, cohesive, or granular cohesionless
structures outlined in the Federal excavation regulations. They are
identified as follows:
- Granular soil contains <15% silt and clay (>85% sand and
gravel) (Ref. 3.4)
- Cohesive soil possesses the property of plasticity
- Granular cohesionless soil contains >15% silt and clay and
does not possess plasticity, or otherwise, is neither granular nor
cohesive. (Ref. 3.4)
- Fissures are identified visually or indirectly by the tendency
of clay with a Qu >1.5 to break into small pieces
between ¼ and 1 in. due to microfissures when disturbed.
2.3.2 Type
- Granular soil is Type C
- Granular cohesionless soil is Type B
- Cohesive soil is Type C if the unconfined compressive strength,
Qu, is <0.5
- Cohesive soil is Type B if Qu is 0.5 to 1.5
- Cohesive soil is Type A if Qu is >1.5 and not
- Cohesive soil that is fissured is Type B unless the
Qu dictates that it is Type C.
- Fissures may be identified visually or indirectly by the
tendency of clay with a Qu >1.5 break into small
pieces between ¼ and 1 in. due to microfissures when
A more convenient guide to classification is given
in the chart on Page 7. The three soil structures appear at the top
of the chart, and the appropriate definitions and properties that
apply are listed below with Soil Type at the bottom. Soil Structure
and Soil Type systematically unfold accordingly. 2.3.3 Textural Classification
Soil texture is based on the following definitions and
- Designate clay as the last word in the textural name of all
soils that are cohesive, and designate sand or gravel as the last
word for all soils that are granular.
- Modify that name with the less predominant constituents as a
first name.
- Do not use either sand or gravel in the textural name if the
soil contains <10% and <30% of the dry weight of the soil,
- An example and the most typical of all soils classified at
OSHA-SLTC is sandy clay.
The following information will be
entered onto the sample report in the section titled 'Comments for
Specific Analyte':
Classification: Textural: xxxx (e.g.,
Sandy Clay) Structural: xxxx (e.g., Cohesive) Type: x (e.g.,
B) The above classification is based on visual/manual procedures
described in OSHA Method ID-194. 2.3.5 Soil Reclassification
Classification of soils by this
method is based upon measurement of physical properties appropriate
to the OSHA excavation standard, and the condition of the sample as
it is received at the Salt Lake Technical Center. Certain field
conditions, such as the presence of standing water, may override
this laboratory classification as mentioned in 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P
Appendix A. Supplemental testing by other methods of analysis may
provide a more appropriate description and classification of unusual
or atypical soils.
 |
Note: |
1) Intact cemented soils such as hardpan
and caliche (a layered carbonate accretion) are classified Type
A. 2) All fissured soils are classified cohesive and Type
B. 3) Angular gravel and rock fragments are classified granular
cohesionless and Type B. 4) The value of 15% in the above chart
corresponds to the maximum amount of silt and clay that is permitted
in a soil that is granular in structure. (Ref.
3.4) |
- References
3.1 Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, Part
1926, Subpart P, 1999, pp. 372-409. U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402-9328.
3.2 Ibid. 1987, p. 207.
Earth Manual, U.S. Dept of the Interior, Water
and Power Resources Service, Denver, CO, 1980, pp.1-22.
3.4 U.S.
Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering Geology Field Manual, Volume 1. p.38.
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402-9328.
Fundamentals of Geotechnical Analysis, Dunn,
I.S., 1980, p.33, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
3.6 Materials Testing Catalogue, Soiltest Inc.,
Corporate Headquarters, 86 Albrecht Drive, Lake Bluff, Illinois,
3.7 National Academy of Sciences,
Compendium 13. Slopes: Analysis and Stabilization, 1980, p.141.
Washington, D.C. 20402-9328.
3.8 Mechanics in
Foundation Engineering, Wilun, Z. and Starzewski, K., p.77, 1972,
Surrey Press, 450 Edgeware Rd. London.
3.9 Engineering Classification and Index Properties of Intact
Rock, Deere, D.U., and Miller, R.P.,Clearance House for Federal
Scientific and Technical information, Dept. of Commerce, Washington
3.10 Federal Register, Vol. 54,
No. 209 p45894 et seq., U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
D.C. 20402-9328
The method for packaging the soil
samples for shipment to the SLTC will be in a sturdy, leak-proof
container, which include the following:
Samples will be placed in a heavy-duty plastic
bag that will not tear and secured and sealed airtight with tape. The
plastic bag will be placed in a heavy-duty cotton bag for additional
- Each soil sample will be sealed for identification with an
official Form 21 seal containing a field number, sampling date and the
sampler's name.
- If the soil sample being shipped from all foreign sources,
including Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
through any U.S. port of entry, a PPQ Form 550 will be attached to the
outside of the shipping box. Copies of this form may be obtained by
telephoning 801-524-7900 and asking for the Soils Laboratory. Requests
for the form can also be made by e-mail to merrell.clint@dol.gov or crane.dan@dol.gov.
is an example of the Soil Permit that is necessary to import soil
samples into the United States. A copy of the actual permit is to be
attached to the OSHA Form 91A. The permit can be obtained by
contacting the persons mentioned above.
 |
Classification of Soils for Excavations
Sample Work
Data Sheet |
Analyst: |
Sampling Number: |
Reporting ID: |
Inspection Number: |
Laboratory Number:
Submission Number: |
Sample Description: |
Compressive Strength (tsf)
(average): |
Clumps (estimated):
Fissures: |
Yes |
No |
>1 in. (%): |
Layers or Lenses: |
Yes |
No |
>¼ in.<1 in. (%): |
Water Present: |
Yes |
No |
Drying Pan Number: |
Plasticity: |
Yes No |
Graduation Bowl Number: |
Sample Weight (g): |
>#4 Sieve (g): |
>#200 Sieve (g): |
<#200 Sieve (g): |
Gravel (%): |
Sand (%): |
Silt & Clay (%): |
Classification |
Textural: |
Structural: |
Granular |
Cohesive |
Granular Cohesionless |
Type: |
A |
B |
C |
Notes: |