Introduction The procedure for collection and analysis of sulfur dioxide
(SO2) in air is described in OSHA method no.
1. Experimental Protocol This method has been evaluated using 60-L, 60-min samples having concentrations ranging from 2.5 to 10 ppm SO2 (640 mmHg and 24 °C). At the time this method was evaluated (1981), the OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) was 5 ppm as a Time Weighted Average (TWA). The evaluation consisted of the following experiments:
All samples were analyzed using a model 10 ion chromatograph (Dionex,
Sunnyvale CA) with a 3 × 2. Analysis Spiked samples were prepared and analyzed to determine analytical precision and accuracy. Procedure: Samples were prepared by adding known amounts
of a stock sodium sulfate solution to 25 ml of 0.3 N
H2O2. The
concentrations evaluated were 362, 723, and 1,425 µg as
SO2. The 2.1. Preparation of SO42 ¯ Stock Solution A 12,003 µg/mL SO42 ¯ stock solution was prepared by dissolving and diluting 1.7748 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) to 100 mL with a 0.3 N H2O2 solution. On the day preceding the preparation of this stock solution, the Na2SO4 had been heated for approximately 2 h at 110 °C in a drying oven and then allowed to cool overnight in a drying desiccator. 2.2. Preparation of Known Spiked Samples Three sets of spiked samples were prepared by injecting 45.2, 90.3,
and 178 µl, respectively, of the stock solution into
2.3. Each sample was analyzed twice by IC. Results: The results of the analysis are presented in Table 1. Analytical precision and accuracy was excellent at the concentrations tested. 3. Sampling and Analysis Samples were collected in 0.3 N H2O2 from dynamically generated test atmospheres and then analyzed to determine the overall precision and accuracy of the method. Procedure: Test atmospheres of SO2 gas were dynamically generated at approximately 2.5, 4.8, and 10.0 ppm SO2 (640 mmHg, 24 °C) by diluting gas from a certified gas cylinder (Matheson, East Rutherford, NJ) which contained 505 ppm SO2 in nitrogen. The SO2 was diluted with purified, humid compressed air. A diagram of the generation system is presented in Figure 1.
3.1. The certified SO2 gas was calibrated against a primary standard of SO2 (National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD) to verify the concentration. The certified gas was determined to be ±2% of stated concentration and the stated value was used in all calculations. 3.2. The humid air and certified SO2 gas were mixed together in a Teflon mixing tee (7/16 inch i.d.) prior to entering the sampling chamber. The sampling chamber was a twelve port (7/16 inch i.d.) Teflon sampling manifold. There were six sampling ports located on opposite sides of the sampling manifold. The sampling ports were spaced approximately 3 1/4 inch apart. 3.3. Additional connecting tubing and fittings were made of stainless steel or Teflon to avoid any contamination problems. 3.4. The flow rate of the test atmosphere into the sampling manifold was approximately 2.2 times the total sampling flow rate. 3.5. The flow rate of the certified SO2
gas was monitored and controlled by a model FC 260 mass flow
controller (Tylan Corp., Carson, CA). The flow rate, temperature, and
relative humidity of the diluent air was controlled by a model
3.6. The flow rates of the certified SO2
gas and the air were measured at 2.5 and 4.8 ppm test levels just
prior to sampling. At 10.0 ppm, the flow rates were measured just
prior to and just after sampling. The certified
SO2 gas flow rate was measured by a model
3.7. A calibrated Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer manufactured by Interscan Co. (Chatsworth, CA) was used to continuously monitor the SO2 concentration of the test atmosphere in the sampling manifold during the 10.0 ppm test. 3.8. Test atmospheres at 2.5 and 4.8 ppm were generated at 24 °C and 75% RH. The test atmosphere at 10.0 ppm was generated at 24 °C and 50% RH. 3.9. Six samples were collected simultaneously for 60 min (with one exception; one was collected for 90 min) at each of the three test levels. A flow rate of approximately 1 L/min was used. These samples were collected in MFGBs containing 15 mL of 0.3 N H2O2 using calibrated Du Pont model P4000 constant flow sampling pumps (E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Co., Wilmington, DE). The MFGBs were connected to the sampling ports of the manifold with Teflon tubing and fittings, and to the sampling pumps with short pieces of Tygon tubing. Prefilters were not used during sampling. 3.10. After sampling, the samples were transferred to 25-mL volumetric flasks. The MFGB base and stem were rinsed with 4 to 8 mL of unused 0.3 N H2O2 and the rinsings were added to the flasks. Samples were then diluted to volume with 0.3 N H2O2 and analyzed twice by IC. Results: The results of sampling and analysis are shown
in Table 2. The precision and accuracy data based on the NIOSH
statistical protocol (10.2.) are presented in Tables 1 and 2. The pooled
coefficients of variation for spiked (CV1) and
generated (CV2) samples and the overall
CVT are:
4. Collection Efficiency (CE) and Breakthrough Procedure: Samples were taken in series from the generation system to determine the sampling efficiency and if breakthrough could occur. The generation system and conditions described in Section 3 were used. Additional details are listed below. 4.1. Two MFGBs, each containing 15 mL of collection solution, were connected in series with a short piece of Tygon tubing. A sampling pump was then attached to the second MFGB. 4.2. Five samples in series were prepared and collected from the generation system at a concentration of approximately 9 ppm. Sampling times ranged from 240 to 270 min and a flow rate of approximately 1 L/min was used. 4.3. After sampling, the samples were transferred to glass 20-mL scintillation vials. The bubbler base and stem were rinsed and rinsings were added to the vials. 4.4. The amount of SO2 collected in each MFGB was then measured by IC. Results: The results are reported in Table 3. The CE was calculated by dividing the amount of SO2 collected in the first MFGB by the total amount of SO2 collected in the first and second MFGB. Breakthrough was calculated by dividing the amount of SO2 collected in the second MFGB by the total amount of SO2 collected in the first and second MPGBs. The CE was 100%. No breakthrough into the second MFGB occurred at this concentration, flow rate, or sampling times. An additional experiment was conducted to examine CE and breakthrough results from SO2 collection with midget impingers versus MFGBs. Both devices contained 10 to 15 mL of 0.3 N H2O2. Results indicated a significant difference did not exist between the two sampling devices for CE or breakthrough. 5. Storage Stability Procedure: A study was conducted to assess the storage
stability of air samples taken for SO2 in 0.3 N
H2O2. These samples
were stored in 5.1. Six samples were collected and analyzed for the storage test. All samples were exposed to about 4.8 ppm SO2 using the generation system [Note: The same six samples collected in the sampling and analysis experiment (Section 3) were used. The results for these samples represented day 1 of the stability data]. 5.2. After collection the samples were transferred to volumetric flasks. These flasks were then closed tightly and stored on a lab bench at normal laboratory temperatures. An aliquot from each of the six samples was analyzed after 1, 24, and 31 days of storage. Results: Results are shown in Table 4 and indicate that samples may be stored under normal laboratory conditions for at least 31 days. 6. Detection Limits Procedure: Six standards at a concentration of 0.013 µg
and six reagent blanks were prepared. The Rank Sum Test (10.3.) was used
to determine the qualitative detection limit from the analysis of these
samples. The test is a For the quantitative detection limit determination, low concentration standards ranging from 0.033 to 0.33 µg (as SO2) were prepared by serial dilution of the SO42 ¯ stock solution. Six standards were prepared at each concentration. Six reagent blanks were also prepared. The standards and blanks were analyzed and peak heights were measured. The quantitative detection limit was determined by using the coefficient of variation (CV) from the results of each set of six standards as a guideline. If the CV for a set of standards was greater than 0.10, then the CV for the next larger concentration was considered. The quantitative detection limit was found when the next higher concentration set of standards had a CV less than 0.10. Results: The qualitative detection limit results are
shown in Table 5. As shown, the limit was 0.013 µg of
SO2 per The analysis of standards (0.033 to 0.33 µg as
SO2¯) and reagent blanks gave a quantitative
detection limit of 0.033 µg of SO2 per
7. Method Comparison The NIOSH barium perchlorate titration (BPT) procedure (10.4.) for analyzing SO2 was chosen as the reference analytical method to compare to the IC method. The same three sets of spiked samples which were prepared and analyzed by IC in the analysis study (Section 2) were used for the comparison. The NIOSH analytical procedure (10.4.) was followed with slight modifications. Procedure: The reagents and procedure used for the BPT method are listed below.
7.1. Reagents 7.1.1. 2-propanol. 7.1.2. Barium perchlorate solution, 0.00521 M (obtained from Hach Chemical Co., Ames, IA). 7.1.3. Thorin indicator solution (0.15% in deionized water). 7.1.4. Perchloric Acid, 1.8%: A 25 mL aliquot of reagent grade
perchloric acid (70-72%) was diluted to 7.2. Analytical Procedure 7.2.1. An aliquot (4.6 to 9.5 ml) of each spiked sample prepared
in Section 2 was transferred to an individual 7.2.2. The pH of each sample was adjusted to be within the range of 3.2 to 3.5 using 1.8% perchloric acid. 7.2.3. Eight drops of the Thorin indicator were added to each flask and then titrated with 0.00521 M barium perchlorate solution to a pink colored end point. 7.2.4. The amount of SO2 found in each sample was calculated from the volume (mL) of barium perchlorate solution needed to titrate the sample. Blank corrections were made. 7.3. Results: The comparison data of the BPT and IC methods are shown in Table 6. This data was statistically analyzed using concepts mentioned in references 10.5. and 10.6. to determine if any significant difference existed in the results of the two methods. A linear regression, plotting the results of the IC versus the BPT method, was calculated and the results are shown: 8. Interferences Particulate sulfate and sulfuric acid will provide a positive
interference with the analytical determination of
SO2. This suggests the need for a prefilter when
sampling in the presence of these substances. A suitable candidate for the
prefilter was considered to be a polystyrene cassette containing a
A later experiment (10.9.) conducted with a lower sampling rate did indicate a slight decrease in SO2 recovery when using a prefilter in a high humidity atmosphere. Some of the loss appeared to be due to the backup pad because replacement of the pad with a stainless steel (SS) support ring gave higher results. However, the recoveries were still 8 to 10% low when using the SS ring, perhaps indicating a reaction was still occurring between the cellulose filter/cassette and the SO2. A flow rate of 0.2 L/min was used which may account for the slight loss found in this experiment and not in references 10.7. and 10.8. There is an increase in sample residence time in the cassette and a decrease in total mass at this lower flow rate. The reactive surfaces of the prefilter assembly would not be passivated as rapidly at a lower flow rate if a reaction is occurring. Although the extent of reactivity of SO2 with cellulose-type filters appears minimal at a 1.5 L/min flow rate, it is recommended to sample, when necessary, with a modified prefilter when using this method. In areas suspected to contain particulate sulfate or sulfuric acid, sampling should be performed with a prefilter consisting of a cassette containing a glass fiber filter and a circular support ring of cellulose or stainless steel. The support ring should hold the filter in place in the cassette and not interface with the flow of air into the MFGB. 9. Conclusions This method has demonstrated sufficient precision and accuracy for determining SO2 at concentrations near the Transitional PEL of 5 ppm. No breakthrough was noted at a sampling rate of 1 L/min and storage stability was adequate to meet normal laboratory needs. Results in Tables 1 and 2 indicate the sampling and analytical method did not display an increase in imprecision when determining low concentrations (about 2.5 ppm). Therefore, this method should be capable of determining compliance with the Final Rule PEL of 2 ppm SO2 (TWA) using similar sampling conditions. Sampling times for TWA determinations can be longer than previously recommended in reference 10.10., especially when sampling at lower concentrations. A sampling time of 60 min was recommended in the past. For the Final Rule limit of 5 ppm (STEL), a 15 min sample should be taken at a flow rate of 1 L/min. 10. References
10.1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Technical
Center: Sulfur Dioxide in Workplace Atmospheres (Bubbler)
by T. Wilczek and E. Zimowski 10.2. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health:
Documentation of the NIOSH Validation Tests by D. Taylor, R.
Kupel and J. Bryant (DHEW/NIOSH Pub. No. 10.3. Dixon, W.J. and F.J. Massey, Jr.: Introduction to
Statistical Analysis. 2nd ed. New York: 10.4. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health:
NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods. 2nd. ed., Vol. 4 (Method.
No. S308) (DHEW/NIOSH Pub. No. 10.5. Westgard, J.O., D.J. de Vos, M.R. Hunt, E.F. Quam, C.C.
Garber and R.N. Carey: Concepts and Practices in the Evaluation of
Clinical Chemistry Methods: III. Statistics. American Journal of
Medical Technology 44: 10.6. Westgard, J.O., D.J. de Vos, M.R. Hunt, E.F. Quam, C.C.
Garber and R.N. Carey: Concepts and Practices in the Evaluation of
Clinical Chemistry Methods: IV. Decisions of Acceptability.
American Journal of Medical Technology 44:
10.7. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Backup Data Report No. S308 for Sulfur Dioxide. Cincinnati, OH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1977. 10.8. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Health Response Team: Sulfur Dioxide by Edward Zimowski. Salt Lake City, UT. 1981 (unpublished). 10.9. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Analytical
Laboratory: OSHA Analytical Methods Manual
10.10. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Analytical
Laboratory: OSHA Analytical Methods Manual
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