This backup report was revised April, 1991
The general
procedure for the collection and X-ray confirmation of
vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) exposures is given in OSHA
Method ID-185
The general procedure for the collection and analysis of air samples for
V2O5 is given in OSHA Method ID-125G
The sampling technique and analytical instrumentation of these two methods
differ in both detail and purpose. The inductively coupled plasma atomic
emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) approach in
ID-125G is an elemental analysis and cannot identify the
vanadium-containing compound. OSHA Method ID-185
is used when there is doubt as to the specific V compound that is the
source of the V exposure.
This method was evaluated when the OSHA
Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) was a ceiling value and was for exposures
to total dust or fume. Currently, the V2O5 PEL is a
time weighted average (TWA) for either a respirable dust or
This back-up report consists of the following
(1) Experimental
procedure (2) Analysis (3)
of the accuracy and precision (4) Determination
of detection limits (5) Effect
of particle-size distribution on X-ray recoveries (6) Method
comparison (7) Summary
of results (8) Conclusions
1) This method is for confirmation
use, where heavier sample loadings are expected, and therefore larger
amounts were used in the validation than might be expected in a
8-h TWA sample.
2) The evaluation was additionally
designed to assess the effect of particle size on the analytical accuracy
of X-ray analyses V2O5.
1. Experimental Procedure
1.1 Two analytical X-ray
techniques were investigated and compared against an atomic absorption
spectrometry (AAS) procedure for analyzing V.
1.1.1 X-ray diffraction (XRD) was
performed using custom OSHA Laboratory software and two Model 3500
Automated Powder Diffractometers (APDs) (Phillips Electronics
Instruments Co., Mahwah, NJ) sharing the same generator. Results for
these APDs are labeled APD-A or APD-B in
this report.
1.1.2 X-ray fluorescence (XRF) was performed using
a Model 77-800 (upgraded to Model 77-900A)
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) Spectrometer
(Finnigan Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA) consisting of: a an
X-ray generator with a direct-beam Rh
end-window X-ray tube and an
X-ray spectrometer console using a Computer Automation
Alpha 16 computer.
More recently, field samples submitted to
the Laboratory for V2O5 analyses have been
analyzed using a Kevex 770/8000 Delta EDXRF system (Kevex Instruments
Inc., San Carlos, CA) consisting of: Kevex 770 X-ray
generator, its associated satellite box, vacuum system, helium flush
system, firmware-based 8000 keyboard console, computer
monitor, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) 11/73 computer, graphics
memory, Kevex spectrum analyzer, and Toolbox II software. This latter
system uses an Fe secondary target for this analysis and offers
improved sensitivity, lower background and greater resolution of
interferences (9.1).
The system parameters for both XRF systems are given in the
experimental section of the method (9.1).
For the purpose of comparison, the V2O5 samples
on Ag membranes were re-analyzed for V by AAS procedure
using a Model 603 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
(Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwald, CT).
1.2 Three particle-size distributions
were investigated:
- "M" samples simulating respirable particle size range (0 to 10 µm
with median of approximately 3 µm). The "M" samples are referred to by
the label "Respirable".
- "W" samples simulating fine-respirable particle size
range (0 to 3 µm). The "W" samples are referred to by the label "Fine
- "Fine W" samples simulating fume-like particles.
1.2.1 Quantitation of
V2O5 dust (approximating respirable dust) was
assessed using spikes at nominal levels of 233, 467 and 700 µg
V2O5 ("M" samples).
1.2.2 Quantitation of
V2O5 dust (approximating
fine-respirable particle size) was assessed using spikes
at levels of 237, 474, and 710 µg V2O5 ("W"
samples). The spiked levels indicated in the NIOSH study were
duplicated and are not the usual validation levels of 0.5, 1, and 2
times the OSHA PEL. The respirable characterization and spiking levels
are further described in Reference 9.4.
To assess analyte sensitivities to very small fume-like particles,
aliquots of an unstirred acetonitrile suspension of the finest
particles in the "W" material were analyzed (See Section
1.2.4 All samples were analyzed by XRD, XRF, and
AAS techniques. 2. Analysis
2.1 Filter Membranes
2.1.1 FWS-D (0.5 µm pore size)
membranes were spiked with sonicated acetonitrile suspensions of
V2O5. Small pore size membranes were used during
the evaluation to prevent the loss of small particles during the
spiking with liquid suspensions. During sample collection of particles
suspended in air, the 5.0-µm pore size PVC membrane
should sufficiently retain the smaller particles due to static charge
and collection characteristics. Collection efficiencies exceeding 99%
have been reported of 0.3-µm Dioctyl phthalate aerosol
collection on PVC filters (9.5).
Silver metal membranes (25-mm diameter, 0.45-µm pore size) were used
to support the prepared thin films for presentation in
X-ray analyses. 2.2
Preparation of Standard Materials
2.2.1 Reagent grade
V2O5 (99.8%, J.T. Baker, Phillipsburg, NJ) was
used as the starting material for the X-ray methods. For
the AAS comparison method, a 1,000 µg/mL V standard in a dilute HCl
matrix (Lot #J141, RICCA Chemical Company, Arlington, TX) was used for
preparing AAS standards.
2.2.2 Respirable stock material ("M")
was prepared by hand grinding reagent grade V2O5
in an alumina mortar and pestle at room temperature. The ground
material was added to 50 to 75 mL of tetrahydrofuran (THF) in a glass
beaker. The sonicated suspension was west-sieved through
10-µm nylon mesh using a sieving bottle as shown and
described in Section 6.4. of the method (9.1).
The dust was isolated from the suspension by filtering it onto a Ag
membrane. This material was used in preparing only
2.2.3 For a finer particle-size
distribution, additional stock material ("W") was prepared by a
different grinding technique. Reagent grade V2O5
was ground in a freezer mill operated with liquid nitrogen for 10
minutes. This stock material was also wet-sieved through
10-µm nylon mesh as described in Section 2.2.2. In
addition to spiked sample preparation, this material was used to
prepare calibration standards because the freezer mill produces more
reproducible particle-size distributions than those
produced from hand grinding with a mortar and pestle.
2.2.4 Results: The reagent
grade material, "W", and "M" materials were analyzed by AAS and gave
an assay of 101.3% V2O5 as shown
"W" Material
"M" Material
mg Taken
Assay by AAS
mg Taken
Assay by AAS
mg Taken
Assay by AAS
1.307 |
104.59% |
2.263 |
101.59% |
2.069 |
102.66% |
1.633 |
101.84 |
1.581 |
101.39 |
1.535 |
103.45 |
2.348 |
99.96 |
2.295 |
99.48 |
5.663 |
97.30 |
Mean |
101.3% |
100.8% |
100.9% |
| The manufacturer's
assay of 99.8% was used in calculations for all materials derived form
the reagent grade V2O5. 2.3 Preparation and XRD Analysis of Calibration
2.3.1 X-ray calibration standards
Twenty-four calibration standards were prepared
from THF suspensions of fine-respirable stock material
("W"). To avoid reduction of V2O5 by warm
organic agents, fixatives were not used to secure the dust on the
membranes. This also facilitated sample and standard
re-analysis by AAS. Three standards were prepared on Ag
membranes at each of the following levels:
"W" Material - Standards
Standard Delivered µg V2O5
Volume (mL)
Reagent Concentration µg/mL
50 100 200 250 499 998 1996 2495 |
5 10 2 25 5 10 20 25 |
10.040 10.040 100.02 10.040 100.02 100.02 100.02 100.02 |
2.3.2. Calibration and analysis
These calibration standards were analyzed on two
different APDs. The sample analysis order was scrambled to reduce
instrumental drift effects. Two-theta calibrations were
performed using the primary 38.15° two-theta (2q) Ag calibration line to avoid potential
interferences from other V2O5 lines. (In
practice, the strong secondary 44.33° 2q Ag
line is within 0.03° 2q of a low intensity
V2O5 peak; therefore, no significant error is
introduced when using the secondary Ag line in 2q calibrations.) The X-ray generator
settings were 40 kV and 40 mA. Integration times of 1 s and 0.02°
2q steps were used throughout the study. The
detection limit was determined at both 1- and
10-s integration periods. A custom OSHA computer program
was used to establish a two-piece calibration curve and
calibration coefficients. Standard data is shown in Table
1. A two piece curve fit or a polynomial curve fit is generally
performed to optimize recovery over the entire analytical range. A
second-order polynomial fit for the low end allows for
the correction of losses due to penetration of dust into the Ag
membrane and to correct for the conservative heuristic used when
establishing integration limits. The second-order fit of
the upper end is smoothly spliced onto the upper end of the low range
fit. The second-order fit of the upper end allows for
partial correction for sample self-absorption effects.
This is important because a Leroux correction (9.7)
is not performed. In the past, Leroux corrections have been found to
over-correct (9.8).
2.3.2 Calibration and analysis (XRD)
These calibration standards were analyzed on two different
APDs. The sample analysis order was scrambled to reduce instrumental
drift effects. Two-theta calibrations were performed
using the primary 38.15° two-theta (2q) Ag calibration line to avoid potential
interferences from other V2O5 lines. (In
practice, the strong secondary 44.33° 2q Ag
line is within 0.03° 2q of a low intensity
V2O5 peak; therefore, no significant error is
introduced when using the secondary Ag line in 2q calibrations.) The X-ray generator
settings were 40 kV and 40 mA. Integration times of 1 s and 0.02°
2q steps were used throughout the study. The
detection limit was determined at both 1- and
10-s integration periods. A custom OSHA computer program
was used to establish a two-piece calibration curve and
calibration coefficients. Standard data is shown in Table
1. A two piece curve fit or a polynomial curve fit is generally
performed to optimize recovery over the entire analytical range. A
second-order polynomial fit for the low end allows for
the correction of losses due to penetration of dust into the Ag
membrane and to correct for the conservative heuristic used when
establishing integration limits. The second-order fit of
the upper end is smoothly spliced onto the upper end of the low range
fit. The second-order fit of the upper end allows for
partial correction for sample self-absorption effects.
This is important because a Leroux correction (9.7)
is not performed. In the past, Leroux corrections have been found to
over-correct (9.8).
2.4 Preparation and X-ray Analyses of
Spiked Samples
2.4.1 Sample preparation
Analyses were performed on a
total of 36 samples (six samples at each of three test levels for the
two different materials, "W" and "M"). Acetonitrile was used as the
vehicle for spiking FWS-D membrane filters. Neither
V2O5 nor the PVC filter medium dissolves
appreciably in acetonitrile. The "W" spiked samples were prepared by
filtration of acetonitrile suspensions of the freezer mill material
upon FWS-D (0.5-µm pore size) filters
supported on a fritted-glass filtering support. The "M"
spiked samples were prepared by similar filtration of acetonitrile
suspensions of the mortar-and-pestle ground material.
Upon drying, the filter membranes were transferred to centrifuge tubes
and the 10 mL of THF was added to each to dissolve the membranes. The
tubes were placed in an ultrasonic bath and the tube contents were
sonicated for approximately 10 minutes. The sonicated suspension was
filtered onto 25-mm Ag membranes (0.45-µm
pore size) for subsequent analysis. As in the preparation of the
calibration standards (See Section
2.3.1), fixatives were not used. The three test levels were
produced as follows:
Sample Delivered µg
Aliquot (mL)
Reagent Concentration µg/mL
"W" |
237 474 710 |
2 4 6 |
118.62 118.62 118.62 |
"W" |
233 467 700 |
2 4 6 |
116.92 116.92 116.92 | 2.4.2 Fume-like sample preparation:
In order to assess the effect of very fine particles on
recovery, three samples were prepared (10-mL aliquots)
from the center of the same 118.62 µg V2O5/mL
acetonitrile suspension of fine-respirable stock material
"W" after allowing the coarser material to settle out of the unstirred
suspension. After 2.5 h, a significant fraction of the larger
particles had settled out leaving a hazy suspension. Aliquots of the
supernatant suspension were spiked directly onto 0.45-µm
pore size Ag membranes. These samples were referred to as
"Fine-W" samples.
2.4.3 The "W", "M", and
"Fine-W" Samples and blanks were analyzed by XRD, XRF,
and AAS using the procedures which follow:
analytical procedure
The Ag membrane samples and blanks
were analyzed in the same manner as the calibration standards
described in Section
2.4.4 XRF analytical procedure
The "W"
calibration standards were analyzed by XRF using the program described
in Appendix
1. Count data were collected on all channels in air at 20 kV, 0.5
mA, for 100 s with a narrow collimator and without an
X-ray filter. After analyzing the standards, a
concentration-response curve was prepared to calibrate on
the integrated counts in the 17-channel (~0.64 kV) region
spanning the V Ka peak at 4.949
kV. Background counts were estimated using a linear background model
between 3.4 to 5.9 kV. The equations obtained (Table 1) were used to
calculate the amount of V2O5 present in spiked
("M" and "W") samples.
For the "Fine-W" spiked
samples, a separate regression was performed using single
representative "W" standards at each of the loadings.
2.4.2 Fume-like sample preparation:
In order
to assess the effect of very fine particles on recovery, three samples
were prepared (10-mL aliquots) from the center of the
same 118.62 µg V2O5/mL acetonitrile suspension
of fine-respirable stock material "W" after allowing the
coarser material to settle out of the unstirred suspension. After 2.5
h, a significant fraction of the larger particles had settled out
leaving a hazy suspension. Aliquots of the supernatant suspension were
spiked directly onto 0.45-µm pore size Ag membranes.
These samples were referred to as "Fine-W" samples.
2.4.3 The "W", "M", and "Fine-W" Samples and
blanks were analyzed by XRD, XRF, and AAS using the procedures which
XRD analytical procedure
The Ag membrane samples and blanks were analyzed in the same
manner as the calibration standards described in Section
2.4.4 XRF analytical procedure
The "W"
calibration standards were analyzed by XRF using the program described
in Appendix
1. Count data were collected on all channels in air at 20 kV, 0.5
mA, for 100 s with a narrow collimator and without an
X-ray filter. After analyzing the standards, a
concentration-response curve was prepared to calibrate on
the integrated counts in the 17-channel (~0.64 kV) region
spanning the V Ka peak at 4.949
kV. Background counts were estimated using a linear background model
between 3.4 to 5.9 kV. The equations obtained (Table 1) were used to
calculate the amount of V2O5 present in spiked
("M" and "W") samples.
For the "Fine-W" spiked
samples, a separate regression was performed using single
representative "W" standards at each of the loadings.
2.5 Calibration and Analysis (AAS) -
Stock Materials and Spiked Samples
2.5.1 Preparation of atomic
absorption standards:
Eight standards were prepared in a 4%
HCl matrix by serial dilutions of the 1,000 µg/mL V standard.
Concentration of the final standards ranged from 100 to 0.1 µg/mL.
2.5.2 Analytical procedure (AAS) - stock materials:
check the purity of the stock materials used in the evaluation of the
X-ray methods, four samples of each of the reagent, "W",
and "M" materials were weighed out and transferred to 100 mL
volumetric flasks using a total of 4-mL HCl and
approximately 5 mL deionized water (DI H2O). These were
brought just to a boil on a hot plate. After cooling, the samples were
diluted to volume with DI H2O to give a 4% HCl matrix.
Analysis was performed according to reference 9.3
The results are shown in Section
2.5.3 Analytical procedure (AAS) - silver membrane
The blanks and the spiked "W", "M", and
"Fine-W" samples were re-analyzed by AAS
after the XRD and XRF analyses. The edges of the membranes were bent
before acid extraction to encourage the free flow of acid above and
below the membrane. The membranes were agitated and sonicated for 10
to 15 s in 250-mL Phillips beakers containing
10-mL DI H2O and 1 mL concentrated HCl. After
the dust was visually released from the membranes, the beakers were
placed on a hot plate and brought just to a boil. They were then
removed to cool to ambient temperature (20 to 25 °C) while being
agitated. The solutions were then quantitatively transferred to
25-mL volumetric flasks using 4 to 5 small rinses of DI
H2O. The volumetric flasks were then diluted to volume with
DI H2O to give a 4% HCl matrix. Analysis was performed
according to Reference 9.3.
2.6 Results:
The results for the three different analytical techniques and sample
materials are presented as follows:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
XRD results for "W" material XRD results for
"M" material EDXRF results for "W" material EDXRF results
for "M" material AAS results for "W" material AAS results
for "M" material Summary - analyses of "Fine-W"
material Summary - analyses of "W" and "M"
material | Tables 8 and 9
contain summary results of the three analytical techniques performed on
each sample. 3. Determination of the Precision and Accuracy
3.1 Outlier and Bartlett's Tests (XRD
and EDXRF)
The calibration data (Table
1) and all of the "W" and "M" spiked-sample data passed
the ASTM test for outliers at the 99% confidence level (9.9).
All the spiked-sample data passed Bartlett's test (9.10),
so the results were pooled as appropriate. Statistical test results are
shown below:
Bartlett's Test Results
Reference Material (also used for calibration standards)
Bartlett's variance homogeneity
tests: |
Critical Chi-squared value
= 9.21 (99% Confidence Level and N =
3) |
Chi-squared =
1.11 Chi-squared = 2.11 Chi-squared
= 9.21 |
N = 3 N =
3 N = 3 |
"M" Reference material (coarser
than calibration standards)
Bartlett's variance homogeneity
tests: |
Critical Chi-squared value
= 9.21 (99% Confidence Level and N =
3) |
Chi-squared =
0.26 Chi-squared = 0.49 Chi-squared
= 2.04 |
N = 3 N =
3 N = 3 | 3.2 The precision and accuracy (9.11.)
for the XRD method:
Recoveries, precision, and overall errors
are shown below. X-ray diffraction results for "W" stock
material (AAS results are shown in parentheses) are:
Recovery: |
APD-A Ave. Recovery APD-B Ave.
Recovery Combined XRD Recovery |
= 0.894 =
0.880 = 0.887 (0.900) |
Precision: |
APD-A CV1(Pooled) APD-B
CV1(Pooled) Combined XRD
CV1(Pooled) |
= 0.117
= 0.125
= 0.121 (0.031)
Overall Error: |
= ± 36% | X-ray diffraction results for "M" stock material (AAS
results are shown in parentheses) are:
Recovery: |
APD-A Ave. Recovery APD-B Ave.
Recovery Combined XRD Recovery |
= 1.680 =
1.867 = 1.774 (0.933) |
Precision: |
APD-A CV1(Pooled) APD-B
CV1(Pooled) Combined XRD
CV1(Pooled) |
= 0.062
= 0.073
= 0.068 (0.015)
Overall Error: |
= ± 91% | 3.3 Precision and Accuracy - XRF method
Recoveries, precision, and overall error are shown below.
X-ray fluorescence results for "W" material (AAS
results shown in parentheses) are:
Ave. Recovery: Precision:
CV1(Pooled) Overall Error: |
= 0.871
(0.900) = 0.097 (0.031)
= ±
32% | X-ray fluorescence
results for "M" material (AAS results shown in parentheses)
Ave. Recovery: Precision:
CV1(Pooled) Overall Error: |
= 0.965
(0.933) = 0.064 (0.015)
= ±
16% | 4. Determination of
Detection Limits
4.1 Procedure: Blanks were analyzed in
order to estimate the microgram detection limits. Blanks were analyzed
by XRF using the total analytical times indicated in Appendix
1. The blanks were also analyzed by XRD as described in Section
2.3.2 using total analytical times of 65 and 650 s (corresponding to
integration times of 1 and 10 s respectively). The X-ray
detection limit estimates were based on the International Union of Pure
and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) definition as three times the standard
deviation of the measurements performed on blanks divided by the slope
The AAS detection limit was estimated using three times the minimum AAS
4.2 Results: Detection limit results are summarized
below and shown in Table
10. Detection limits determined for the analytical methods used (µg
X-ray Diffraction |
X-ray Fluorescence |
Atomic Absorption |
Total time
Total time
Total time
25 µg 25 µg |
65 s 650 s |
14 µg 2 µg |
100 s 1,000 s |
9 µg - |
4 s - | Some XRD blank results were abnormally high. This gave a
large detection limit for the XRD method. No V was identified using XRF
or AAS analyses on the same blanks; therefore,
V2O5 contamination was ruled out as a possible
cause. A sample of ten Ag membranes from the same lot also did not have
the XRD interference. This indicates that the PVC membranes and/or the
THF solvent may be responsible. Salt (NaCl) has its primary peak near
the V2O5 analytical peak. The
non-stoichiometric compound,
K0.2Na0.8Cl, has its primary diffraction line at
the V2O5 analytical peak. Finger prints which
potentially contain salt did not produce significant peaks in the range
scanned. 5. Effect of
Particle-Size Distribution on X-ray Recoveries
Comparisons were performed on the
results for the three different particle-size
distributions. Due to the sample preparation method used for the
fume-like samples, the amount of V2O5
taken was not known beforehand. Using result ratios (Mean Relative
Recoveries) allows making a comparison.
The data used for this comparison study were taken from Tables 8
and 9.
5.2 The mean relative recoveries for the materials
Mean Relative Recoveries
Fume-like particles "Fine-W"
Fine-respirable particles "W" Respirable dust particles
"M" |
0.651 0.986 1.901 |
0.998 0.968 1.034 | 6. Method
Related to the evaluation of accuracy
and precision is method (system) comparison which normally employs
duplicate sampling (or spiking) to holistically compare the quality of a
known analytical system with one or more untested analytical systems.
Duplicate spiking (a separate set for each method) was not performed in
these comparisons because the non-destructive nature of the
XRD and XRF analyses made that unnecessary and
counter-productive. Westgard and associates (9.14)
have proposed a detailed scheme for method comparison. This evaluation
scheme calls for the application of a least-squares linear
regression of the results from the candidate method and comparative
analytical method (assumed to be dependent and independent variables
respectively). The regression is then analyzed by statistical techniques
such as the F-test, t-test,
least-squares analysis and correlation coefficients. This
scheme is based on the assumption that the comparative method gives the
true value (9.15).
The approach is possibly biased against discovering a better analytical
system. In these analyses, however, the AAS technique should give the
most accurate value for the amount of V2O5
captured on and in the Ag membrane and is considered the reference
method. The statistical evaluation is meaningful in that limited
context. Comparisons of the XRD and XRF candidate methods with the AAS
comparison method are presented below.
6.1 A summary of the AAS
versus X-ray comparison data from the computer calculations
APD-A "W" dust APD-A "M" dust |
2.11 -28.02 |
0.9848 1.8826 |
0.057 0.074 |
-4.33 340.92 |
0.9739 0.9886 |
0.9484 0.9773 |
APD-B "W" dust APD-B "M" dust |
-23.69 -35.38 |
1.0440 2.0999 |
0.063 0.088 |
-4.99 424.44 |
0.9717 0.9870 |
0.9441 0.9743 |
EDXRF "W" dust EDXRF "M" dust |
-3.69 -23.34 |
0.9779 1.0988 |
0.046 0.041 |
-13.06 17.95 |
0.9838 0.9900 |
0.9679 0.9800 |
Where: |
a (in µg) |
= |
intercept of regression line |
Slope |
= |
slope of regression line |
Sslope |
= |
standard deviation for the slope |
Bias (in µg) |
= |
mean µg V2O5 found by
candidate method less mean µg V2O5 found
by reference method |
r |
= |
correlation coefficient |
r2 |
= |
Coefficient of determination (fraction of
variation in candidate measurements due to variation in reference
measurements) | The
coefficients of determination are between 0.94 and 1.00. This indicates
that, at most, only 6% of the variance in the candidate measurement is
not accounted for by variance in the "independent" reference
The slopes approaching a value of 1 indicate small
relative bias between the candidate and comparison methods. This is the
case in all but the XRD results for the "M" dust. The slope of
approximately 2 indicates an unacceptable relative bias.
Results (t-tests and F-tests)
APD-A "W" dust APD-A "M" dust |
-.4557 9.0564 |
2.110 2.120 |
1.02257 3.62634 |
2.30 2.33 |
17 16 |
APD-B "W" dust APD-B "M" dust |
-.4683 9.0849 |
2.110 2.120 |
1.15448 4.52635 |
2.30 2.33 |
17 16 |
EDXRF "W" dust EDXRF "M" dust |
-1.659 2.3854 |
2.120 2.120 |
1.01211 1.23193 |
2.33 2.33 |
16 16 |
Where: |
t |
= |
calculated Student t-test value
(bias indicated by sign) |
t-crit |
= |
two-sided critical t value for 0.05 probability
(from Reference 9.16) |
F |
= |
calculated F-test value |
F-crit |
= |
critical F value for 0.05 probability (from
Reference 9.16) |
df |
= |
degrees of freedom (no. paired observations -
1) | For the fine
respirable dust ("W") samples, no significant difference was detected
between the performance of the test and comparative methods.
t-test data above indicate that for the respirable dust
("M") samples there is a significant difference in means between the
X-ray test methods and the AAS comparison method.
the case of the "M" dust samples, the F-test data indicate
that there was a significant difference in precision between the XRD and
AAS methods, but there was not a significant difference in precision
between the XRF and AAS methods. 7. Summary of
In order to get the best estimate of the
Overall Error, the recoveries and CV1 Pooled results for the
two different APDs used in the validation were averaged. Averaging was
not necessary for the XRF results, since only one instrument was used.
The ranges shown are for all experiments performed and are therefore
somewhat larger than if only a single APD instrument were used.
The results for the accuracy and precision calculations in
Section 3 were based on the assumption that the theoretical amount of
V2O5 delivered to each PVC membrane represented
the true amount. The X-ray stock material was verified
against the AAS standard giving approximately 100%
V2O5. The XRD, XRF, and AAS analyses of the "W"
dust samples and the XRF and AAS analyses of the "M" dust samples agreed
well. A 10% negative bias was noted in recoveries of the "W" dust
samples. It was concluded that the negative bias in these cases was
probably due to losses incurred in spiking the PVC membrane with a
V2O5 suspension in acetonitrile. Because the same
samples were analyzed by XRD, XRF and AAS, any physical losses incurred
in spiking and transfer to the Ag membrane were the same for each sample
regardless of the analytical technique. The recoveries for "M" dust
samples by XRD disagreed considerably with the other methods
investigated and followed the trend expected for larger particles. The
process of spiking by means of a suspension does not duplicate aerosol
sampling and may not be ideally representative of samples taken with a
The ability of each analytical technique to accurately
determine each V2O5 material was assessed using
overall error. The overall error should be within ± 25% and is
calculated using the following equation:
Overall Error = ± ( |mean bias|
+ 2[CVT
pooled])100% | CV1 pooled was used instead of CVT
pooled in this study. In Section
3 the low end of the range for the overall error for "M" dust
analyzed by XRD was reported as ± 91%. Regardless, all the XRD work
exceeds a 25% cutoff for overall error. Only the "M" dust XRF results
satisfy an overall error limit of ±25%. 8. Conclusions
8.1 X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the
method of choice in identifying
V2O5. Due to the significant dependence of XRD
analytical sensitivity upon particle-size distribution, XRD
is only used as a confirmation technique for this analyte. Analytical
lines are available for qualitative verification in addition to the line
available for quantitation. In order to quantitate using XRD, the
standard material must approximate the analyte
particle-size distribution of the samples. This may not be
practical for the OSHA dust and fume standards for
V2O5. If fume is present in an operation, the
results in Section
5.2 indicate that recovery may be low due to the reduced XRD
analytical sensitivity for finer particles. Therefore, XRD is used for
confirmation only.
8.2 X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is
the method of choice in quantitating
V2O5 because particle-size effects
are much less severe for XRF compared to XRD. In XRF, the V
Kß peak is also available for qualitative verification of V.
8.3 Due to the common sample preparation technique and superior
performance of the XRF methodology, this work suggests a hybrid method
incorporating quantitation by XRF and chemical species verification (and
semi-quantitative support) by XRD. There is a potential for
multi-analyte analyses by such a hybrid approach. If the
industrial hygienist desired, both respirable V2O5
and respirable quartz [which coexist in certain industrial operations (9.4)]
could be determined on the same prepared sample if the quartz sampling
procedure is employed (9.17)
The XRD method was patterned after the NIOSH study (9.4).
A discussion of the effects of deviation in V2O5
methodology between OSHA and NIOSH can be found in reference 9.18.
8.5 Concluding remarks:
As noted above, there was good
agreement between the AAS and XRF results in this study for all three
particle-size distributions. The major biases observed for
the XRD analyses are most readily explained as due to the change in
sensitivity with respect to particle size.
The results in this
report support the proposition that the quantitative analysis of
V2O5 by XRD would require close matching of the
particle-size distribution of the standard material to that
of air samples collected during industrial operations on PVC filters. As
seen in the samples subjected to removal of coarse particles by
sedimentation ("Fine-W"), XRD evidenced decreased
analytical sensitivity when compared to both XRF and AAS. As shown in Section
5.2, there was a large positive bias in the XRD analyses when the
particle-size distribution was biased towards larger
particles. This was most clearly shown when the analyses of
V2O5 finely ground in a freezer mill ("W" samples)
are compared to the analyses of V2O5 more coarsely
ground in a mortar and pestle ("M" samples). The coarse material
provided a doubling of recoveries when compared to the recoveries of the
fine material. The quantitative analysis of V2O5
by XRF was more immune to the particle-size distribution,
thus giving improved recoveries and better precision than analysis by
the XRD method. Aerosol generation and particle sizing would be
advantageous in more fully evaluating these particle-size
effects. 9. References
9.1 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Technical
Center: Confirmation of Vanadium Pentoxide in
Workplace Atmospheres by M.C. Rose (USDOL/OSHA-SLTC
Method No. ID-185). Salt Lake City, UT. Revised 1991.
9.2 Occupational Safety and
Health Administration Technical Center: Metal
and Metalloid Particulated in Workplace Atmospheres (ICP
Analysis) by J.C. Septon (USDOL/OSHA-SLTC Method No.
ID-125G). Salt Lake City, UT. Revised 1991.
9.3 Occupational Safety and Health
Administration Analytical Laboratory: OSHA
Manual of Analytical Methods edited by R.G. Adler (Method No.
I-1). Salt Lake City, UT. 1977.
9.4 Carsey, T.P.: Quantitation of
Vanadium Oxides in Airborne Dusts by X-ray Diffraction.
Anal. Chem. 57:2125-2130 (1985)
9.5 Gelman Sciences: The Filter Book. Ann Arbor, MI: Gelman Sciences,
9.6 Occupational Safety
and Health Administration Analytical Laboratory: X-ray Diffraction Program
Documentation. Salt Lake City, UT. 1981 (unpublished)
9.7 Leroux, J. and C. Powers:
Direct X-ray Diffraction Quantitative Analysis of Quartz in
Industrial Dust Film Deposited on Silver Membrane Filters. Occup. Health Rev.
21:26-34:26-34 (1970).
9.8 National institute for Occupational
Safety and Health: Collaborative Tests of Two
Methods for Determining Free Silica in Airborne Dust (DHHS
Publication No. 83-124). Cincinnati, OH: National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health, and the Bureau of Mines,
9.9 Mandel, J.:
Accuracy and Precision, Evaluation and Interpretation of Analytical
Results, The treatment of Outliers. In Treatise on
Analytical Chemistry, 2nd ed., edited by I. M. Kolthoff and P. J.
Elving. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1978. pp. 282-285.
9.10 Youden, W.J.:
Statistical Methods for Chemists. New York:
John Wiley and Sons, 1964. p 20.
9.11 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Analytical
Laboratory: Precision and Accuracy Data Protocol for Laboratory
Validations. In OSHA Analytical Methods
Manual. Cincinnati, OH: American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists (Pub. No. ISBN: 0-936712-66-X),
9.12 Long, G.L. and
J.D. Winefordner: Limit of Detection -- A Closer Look at the
IUPAC Definition. Anal. Chem. 55:
712A-724A (1983).
9.13 Analytical Methods Committee: Recommendations for the
Definition, Estimation and Use of the Detection Limit. Analyst
112:199-204:199-204 (1987).
9.14 Westgard, J.O. and M.R. Hunt.:
Use and Interpretation of Common Statistical Tests in Method
Comparison Studies. Clinical Chemistry 19:49
9.15 Ripley, B.D. and
M. Thompson: Regression Techniques for the Detection of
Analytical Bias. Analyst
112:337-383:337-383 (1987).
9.16 Gore, W.L.: Statistical Methods. New York: Interscience, 1952,
pp. 189-191.
9.17 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Analytical
Laboratory: OSHA Analytical Methods
Manual (USDOL/OSHA-SLCAL Method No. ID-142).
Cincinnati, OH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (Pub. No. ISBN: 0-936712-66-X), 1985.
9.18 Occupational Safety and Health
Administration Analytical Laboratory: The
effects of Deviation in Methodology - OSHA vs. NIOSH Results by
M.C. Rose. Salt Lake City, UT. 1987 (unpublished).
1 Calibration Data Freezermill ("W")
Material APD-A X-Ray
V2O5 µg Taken
µg Calculated
Std Dev
50 50 50 |
818 827 860 |
46.9 47.4 49.3 |
(46.4 - 49.4)* |
47.9 |
1.27 |
0.0264 |
100 100 100 |
1522 1634 1718 |
87.8 94.4 99.3 |
(87.2 - 100.4) |
93.8 |
5.77 |
0.0615 |
200 200 200 |
3444 3573 3306 |
202.2 210.0 193.9 |
(192.7 - 211.3) |
202.0 |
8.05 |
0.0399 |
250 250 250 |
4040 4195 4509 |
238.5 248.1 267.4 |
(234.4 - 268.2) |
251.3 |
14.72 |
0.0586 |
499 499 499 |
8054 9131 9270 |
495.3 568.2 577.7 |
(495.3 - 598.9) |
547.1 |
45.08 |
0.0824 |
998 998 998 |
14909 13309 15791 |
969.3 855.8 1032.7 |
(849.5 - 1055.7) |
952.6 |
89.62 |
0.0941 |
1996 1996 1996 |
29359 27312 27943 |
2096.7 1923.8 1976.5
(1897.1 - 2100.9) |
1999.0 |
88.62 |
0.0443 |
2495 2495 2495 |
35312 34389 35014 |
2632.4 2545.7 2604.3
(2543.2 - 2645.0) |
2594.1 |
44.24 |
0.0171 | *
Acceptable ranges from the ASTM test are shown in
Calibration fit spliced at 500 µg,
8125 counts: |
Low fit : High fit: |
Counts = Counts =
0 +
17.562281 × µg -
0.002626 × µg2 399.9865
+ 15.962334 × µg -
0.001026 ×
µg2 |
Table 1 (Continued) Calibration
Data Freezer mill ("W") Material APD-B
X-ray Diffractometer
V2O5 µg Taken
µg Calculated
Std Dev
50 50 50 |
1327 812 974 |
* 43.5 52.3 |
(Test not applicable) |
47.9 |
6.22 |
0.1299 |
100 100 100 |
1736 1593 1888 |
94.0 86.1 102.4 |
(84.8 - 103.6)** |
94.2 |
8.15 |
0.0865 |
200 200 200 |
3691 3720 3922 |
204.5 206.1 217.9 |
(201.1 - 217.9) |
209.5 |
7.32 |
0.0349 |
250 250 250 |
4440 4358 4456 |
248.2 243.4 249.2 |
(243.3 - 250.5) |
246.9 |
3.10 |
0.0126 |
499 499 499 |
8097 9462 9216 |
475.9 567.9 551.0 |
(475.3 - 587.9) |
531.6 |
48.97 |
0.0921 |
998 998 998 |
15331 13357 15996 |
968.6 831.7 1015.2 |
(828.8 - 1048.2) |
938.5 |
95.38 |
0.1016 |
1996 1996 1996 |
31381 29308 29709 |
2163.3 1999.8 2031.2
(1965.0 - 2164.6) |
2064.8 |
86.76 |
0.0420 |
2495 2495 2495 |
36411 36811 34880 |
2573.9 2607.4 2446.8
(2445.3 - 2640.1) |
2542.7 |
84.72 |
0.0333 |
* |
One of the 50 µg standards appeared as an
outlier. Although the result was acceptable on APD-A,
the standard was not used for calibrating
APD-B. |
** |
Acceptable ranges from the ASTM test are shown
in parentheses. |
Calibration fit spliced at 500 µg,
8461 counts: |
Low fit : High fit: |
Counts = Counts =
0 +
18.836058 × µg -
0.003830 × µg2 773.2365
+ 15.743113 × µg -
0.000737 ×
µg2 |
Table 1 (Continued) Calibration
Data Freezer mill ("W") Material EDXRF
V2O5 µg Taken
µg Calculated
Std Dev
50 50 50 |
246 206 220 |
60.7 50.6 54.2 |
(49.3 - 61.0)* |
55.2 |
5.12 |
0.0928 |
100 100 100 |
412 359 415 |
102.4 89.1 103.2 |
(89.1 - 107.3) |
98.2 |
7.92 |
0.0806 |
200 200 200 |
869 785 848 |
217.2 196.1 212.0 |
(195.8 - 221.1) |
208.4 |
10.99 |
0.0527 |
250 250 250 |
1005 976 1015 |
251.4 244.1 253.9 |
(244.0 - 255.7) |
249.8 |
5.09 |
0.0204 |
499 499 499 |
2076 2178 2093 |
520.5 546.2 524.8 |
(514.7 - 546.3) |
530.5 |
13.77 |
0.0259 |
998 998 998 |
3924 3579 3811 |
984.9 898.2 956.5 |
(895.7 - 997.3) |
946.5 |
44.20 |
0.0467 |
1996 1996 1996 |
8361 7419 7750 |
2099.7 1863.0 1946.2 |
(1831.6 - 2107.8) |
1969.7 |
120.07 |
0.0610 |
2495 2495 2495 |
9941 9826 10449 |
2496.8 2467.8 2624.4** |
(2423.9 - 2615.5) |
2529.7 |
83.31 |
0.0329 |
* |
Acceptable ranges from the ASTM test are shown
in parentheses. |
** |
Although this standard appeared outside of the
ASTM test range, it was used in the
calibration. | EDXRF curve
fit: Counts = 4.427507051 +
3.979798615 × µg + 0
× µg2
Table 1 (Continued) Calibration
Data Freezer mill ("W") Material* EDXRF
V2O5 µg Taken
µg Calculated
50 100 200 250 499 998 1996 2495
210 404 756
945 2114 3873 7754 10146 |
93.7 188.6 239.3 548.9 1002.4 1956.8
2517.0 |
* |
Standards prepared from this material were used
to analyze fume-like "Fine-W"
samples. | EDXRF curve
fit: Counts = 59.00722287 +
3.670421406 × µg +
1.33910E-04 × µg2
2 Analysis - Spiked Sample Data Freezer mill ("W")
Material APD-A X-ray
V2O5 µg Taken
Recovery Range*
Std Dev
237 |
(0.738 - 1.085) |
6 |
0.911 |
0.0895 |
0.0982 |
474 |
(0.639 - 1.149) |
6 |
0.894 |
0.1314 |
0.1470 |
710 |
(0.706 - 1.046) |
6 |
0.876 |
0.0877 |
0.1001 |
Average Recovery CV1 (Pooled) |
= 0.894 =
0.1173 |
APD-B X-ray
V2O5 µg Taken
Recovery Range*
Std Dev
237 |
(0.690 - 1.028) |
6 |
0.859 |
0.0871 |
0.1015 |
474 |
(0.601 - 1.174) |
6 |
0.887 |
0.1476 |
0.1663 |
710 |
(0.731 - 1.059) |
6 |
0.895 |
0.0846 |
0.0946 |
Average Recovery CV1 (Pooled) |
= 0.880 =
0.1250 |
* Acceptable ranges from the ASTM test
are shown in parentheses.
3 Analysis - Spiked Sample Data Alumina Mortar and
Pestle ("M") Material APD-A X-ray
V2O5 µg Taken
Recovery Range*
Std Dev
233 |
(1.483 - 1.841) |
6 |
1.662 |
0.0923 |
0.0555 |
467 |
(1.510 - 1.960) |
6 |
1.735 |
0.1158 |
0.0668 |
700 |
(1.450 - 1.818) |
5** |
1.634 |
0.1052 |
0.0644 |
Average Recovery CV1 (Pooled) |
= 1.680 =
0.0624 |
APD-B X-ray
V2O5 µg Taken
Recovery Range*
Std Dev
233 |
(1.560 - 2.158) |
6 |
1.859 |
0.1543 |
0.0830 |
467 |
(1.629 - 2.176) |
6 |
1.902 |
0.1414 |
0.0743 |
700 |
(1.622 - 2.060) |
6 |
1.841 |
0.1129 |
0.0613 |
Average Recovery CV1 (Pooled) |
= 1.867 =
0.0734 |
* |
Acceptable ranges from the ASTM test are shown
in parentheses. |
** |
One of the 700 µg spiked samples was damaged in
transfer from APD-B to APD-A; it was not
used in subsequent analyses. |
4 Analysis - Spiked Sample Data Freezer-mill ("W")
Material EDXRF
V2O5 µg Taken
Recovery Range*
Std Dev
237 |
(0.788 - 1.000) |
6 |
0.8938 |
0.0547 |
0.0612 |
474 |
(0.632 - 1.064) |
5** |
0.8481 |
0.1235 |
0.1456 |
710 |
(0.744 - 0.992) |
6 |
0.8681 |
0.0640 |
0.0737 |
Average Recovery CV1 (Pooled) |
= 0.8713 =
0.0966 |
5 Analysis - Spiked Sample Data Alumina Mortand
and Pestle ("M") Material EDXRF
V2O5 µg Taken
Recovery Range*
Std Dev
233 |
(0.825 - 1.126) |
6 |
0.9759 |
0.0776 |
0.0795 |
467 |
(0.839 - 1.076) |
6 |
0.9574 |
0.0612 |
0.0639 |
700 |
(0.895 - 1.028) |
5** |
0.9615 |
0.0377 |
0.0392 |
Average Recovery CV1 (Pooled) |
= 0.9651 =
0.0642 |
* |
Acceptable ranges from the ASTM test are shown
in parentheses. |
** |
One sample was lost in analysis |
*** |
One of the 700-µg spiked samples was damaged in
transfer from APD-B to APD-A; it was not
used in subsequent analyses. |
6 Analysis - Spiked Sample Data Freezer-mill ("W")
Material AAS
V2O5 µg Taken
Recovery Range*
Std Dev
237 |
(0.857 - 0.963) |
6 |
0.9096 |
0.0273 |
0.0300 |
474 |
(0.843 - 0.957) |
6 |
0.9004 |
0.0294 |
0.0327 |
710 |
(0.838 - 0.942) |
6 |
0.8900 |
0.0268 |
0.0301 |
Average Recovery CV1 (Pooled) |
= 0.9000 =
0.0309 |
7 Analysis - Spiked Sample Data Alumina Mortand
and Pestle ("M") Material AAS
V2O5 µg Taken
Recovery Range*
Std Dev
233 |
(0.938 - 1.001) |
6 |
0.9692 |
0.0163 |
0.0168 |
467 |
(0.905 - 0.954) |
6 |
0.9295 |
0.0124 |
0.0134 |
700 |
(0.875 - 0.924) |
5** |
0.8994 |
0.0137 |
0.0153 |
Average Recovery CV1 (Pooled) |
= 0.9327 =
0.0152 |
* |
Acceptable ranges from the ASTM test are shown
in parentheses. |
** |
One of the 700-µg spiked samples was damaged in
transfer from APD-B to APD-A; it was not
used in subsequent analyses. |
Table 8 µg
V2O5 "Fine-W" Recoveries Spiked
on Silver Membranes Reported by Analysis
A B C |
190.2 199.3 259.9 |
188.0 227.2 256.0 |
309.5 329.0 373.9 |
297.9 344.9 371.5 |
Table 9 µg
V2O5 "W" Recoveries Spiked on PVC
Membranes Reported by Analysis
237 237 237 237 237 237 474 474 474 474 474 474 710 710 710 710 710 710 |
234.5 220.5 245.9 195.1 204.4 195.5 498.0 403.3 482.0 338.4 375.5 444.4 548.7 548.6 658.3 612.3 669.9 692.2 |
236.7 202.4 218.8 182.8 188.5 192.0 500.9 434.3 496.5 341.6 346.4 403.2 614.5 542.5 682.3 603.4 662.5 706.4 |
233.6 206.7 221.3 207.2 202.7 199.7 489.6 403.7 * 338.6 360.2 418.0 555.0 576.8 677.1 607.7 640.9 641.1 |
225.3 212.3 218.8 209.1 218.8 209.1 430.1 430.1 443.6 410.0 410.0 436.9 598.1 636.6 640.0 622.5 650.6 643.6 |
µg V2O5 "M"
233 233 233 233 233 233 467 467 467 467 467 467 700 700 700 700 700 700 |
355.2 412.2 410.8 378.6 382.5 384.5 761.9 886.6 787.7 867.2 797.7 760.2 1079.0 * 1111.3 1230.0 1215.6 1081.9 |
363.5 443.3 442.7 433.5 467.3 448.5 857.9 990.2 807.5 941.8 864.1 868.9 1173.3 1337.8 1277.4 1382.2 1337.0 1223.3 |
222.3 255.7 218.5 202.2 228.8 236.8 484.6 482.3 427.3 425.5 437.9 425.0 666.8 * 654.4 709.7 689.4 644.9 |
228.5 222.0 231.8 225.3 222.0 225.3 426.8 433.5 436.9 443.6 433.5 430.1 615.5 * 636.6 626.0 640.1 629.5 | * Sample lost in analysis.
10 Detection Limit Determination Blanks Prepared
as Spiked Samples 100-s Analysis Time & Normalized
APD-A Counts
APD-B Counts
EDXRF Counts
A B C D E F G |
330 135 105 187 196 108 408 |
434 113 106 165 231 191 545 |
59 11 22 41 42 8 39 |
Average |
209.86 |
255.00 |
31.714 |
SD |
116.46 |
168.96 |
18.599 |
Slope (Count/µg) |
17.562 |
18.836 |
3.9798 |
D.L. |
19.9 |
26.9 |
14.0 |
Estimated DL |
25 µg V2O5 (XRD) |
14 µg V2O5 (XRF) |
Detection Limit Determination Blanks
Prepared as Spiked Samples 1,000 s Analysis Time &
Normalized to Compare with 100-s Results
APD-A Counts
APD-B Counts
EDXRF Counts
A B C D E F G H I |
214 27 47 42 21 15 234 195 97 |
251 21 94 24 81 84 351 435 106 |
1.0 4.3 4.3 8.4 0 4.4 4.5 1.2 0 |
Average |
99.11 |
160.78 |
3.12 |
SD |
90.10 |
148.95 |
2.78 |
Slope (Count/µg) |
17.562 |
18.836 |
3.9798 |
D.L. |
15.4 |
23.7 |
2.10 |
Estimated DL |
20 µg V2O5 (XRD) |
2 µg V2O5 (XRF) | Where DL = 3(SD) / sensitivity
Appendix 1 |
The multichannel analyzer was set to 512
channels and the instrument was calibrated using the
calibration standard. The spectrum range was approximately 1.2 to
20.6 kV. |
Finnigan EDXRF Program
Changes for analysis on different days
Steps to be entered on instrument console
Analyses at 100 s
Analyses at 1,000 s
programming.) LEARN |
"Fine-W" and DL |
DL |
(Program system to set up analytical
conditions.) |
100 SEC
100 s |
1,000 s |
(Program system to acquire
spectrum.) ACQUIRE |
(Program the instrument to obtain net
counts using background subtraction.) NET
background low energy region to ~3.4 kV (between Ag La and V Ka peaks).]
= 5
[Set background high energy region to ~5.9 kV
(just beyond the V Kß peak).] |
= 124
SPAN = 5
127 |
127 |
[Set region to span the V
Ka analytical peak at 4.949 kV
(~0.64 kV span.)] |
= 91
SPAN = 17
93 |
93 14 |
(End of programming.)
EXECUTE | Note: This program was written for a specific
instrument (Finnigan 77-900A). Commands are capitalized.
Background regions should be adjusted when interferences are present.