Licensing Agreement Signed for RTECS
On December 18, 2001 , CDC's Technology Transfer Office, on behalf of
NIOSH, successfully completed negotiating a "PHS Trademark Licensing
Agreement" for RTECS. This non-exclusive licensing agreement provides for
the transfer and continued development of the "RTECS Database and its
Trademark" to MDL Information Systems, Inc. ("MDL"), a wholly owned
subsidiary of Elsevier Science, Inc. Under this agreement, MDL will be
responsible for updating, licensing, and marketing and distributing RTECS.
What is RTECS?
RTECS is a compendium of data extracted from the open scientific
literature. The data are recorded in the format developed by the RTECS
staff and arranged in alphabetical order by prime chemical name. Six types
of toxicity data are included in the file: (1) primary irritation; (2)
mutagenic effects; (3) reproductive effects; (4) tumorigenic effects; (5)
acute toxicity; and (6) other multiple dose toxicity. Specific numeric
toxicity values such as LD50, LC50, TDLo, and TCLo are noted as well as
species studied and route of administration used. For each citation, the
bibliographic source is listed thereby enabling the user to access the
actual studies cited. No attempt has been made to evaluate the studies
cited in RTECS. The user has the responsibility of making such

About RTECS :
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