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Appendix E - NIOSH Respirator Decision Logic |
the name of any company or product DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 87-108
FOREWORD The initial Respirator Decision Logic was developed in 1975 as part of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health/Occupational Safety and Health Administration (NIOSH/OSHA) Standards Completion Program and was updated in 1978. Due to technical advances in respirator design and research, NIOSH has again revised the Respirator Decision Logic. This revision retains many aspects of the original Respirator Decision Logic, but it differs in five areas: odor warning properties with respect to air-purifying cartridge/canister respirators, recognition of the problems in assigning protection factors, changes in protection factors for certain respirator classes, respirator recommendations for carcinogens, and medical recommendations. The recognition of wide variation among workers in their sensitivities for detection of odors has led to the recommendation that employers not rely solely on currently published data on odor thresholds to ensure that workers who wear air-purifying cartridge or canister respirators are capable of smelling the contaminant at the applicable exposure limit. Recent research on in-plant respirator testing suggests that some previously assigned protection factors based on data from laboratory fit testing may not be valid. This revised Respirator Decision Logic has incorporated assigned protection factors based on data from recent in-plant research for some powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) and some similar respirators, such as loose-fitting and tight-fitting continuous flow air-line respirators. Since NIOSH maintains that there is no safe exposure to carcinogens, only the most protective respirators should be used to protect workers from exposure to carcinogens in the workplace. Finally, specific medical recommendations are included to assist physicians in determining an individual's fitness to wear a respirator.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This Respirator Decision Logic was prepared by a subcommittee of the NIOSH Respiratory Protection Committee, Sheldon H. Rabinovitz, Ph.D., Chairman. The Committee consists of members of each Division of NIOSH. The subcommittee consisted of the following individuals: Warren R.
Myers, Ph.D., Chairman, DSR The document was reviewed by the following experts in respiratory protection: Earle Shoub,
Consultant In addition, appreciation is extended to the following persons for their assistance in preparing this document: R. Schutz for technical review; C. Browning, R. Grubbs, E. Kuempel, and H. Linn for editorial review; and J. Curless, L. DeVor, B. Ellis, J. Hamons, D. Hill, C. Klinker, N. Morgan, and A. Ritchey for typing. CONTENTS FOREWORD ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TABLES AND FIGURE
I. INTRODUCTION A. Background and Scope The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) routinely makes recommendations regarding the use of respirators for workers exposed to workplace environments that contain hazardous concentrations of airborne contaminants and/or oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Such recommendations are made only when engineering controls are not technically feasible, while controls are being installed or repaired, or when emergency and other temporary situations arise. Respirators are the least preferred method of worker protection from respiratory hazards because they can be unreliable if an adequate respiratory protection program is not established by the employer and because they require worker cooperation. The intent of this decision logic is to provide industrial hygienists and other professionals knowledgeable in respirator selection with a procedure for selecting suitable classes of respirators for particular concentrations of specific contaminants. In this decision logic, concerns are raised about limitations of the data used to set protection factors for several classes of respirators. To ensure uniformity and adherence to proper respirator usage, NIOSH recommendations have been based on the Respirator Decision Logic developed jointly in 1975 by NIOSH and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as part of the Standards Completion Program and updated in June 1978. That decision logic incorporated requirements contained in 30 CFR 11 and fit factor data developed by the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). NIOSH has now modified that decision logic to reflect new developments that include increased use of respirators to control exposure to carcinogens in the workplace, introduction of new respiratory equipment, and reporting of field research data on workplace protection factors (WPFs). This modified decision logic identifies the criteria necessary to determine the classes of respirators that will provide a known degree of respiratory protection for a given work environment, assuming that the respirators are used correctly. The degree of protection is related in part to protection factors. Many of the assigned protection factors (APFs) that appear in this decision logic are based on laboratory studies and should be regarded as approximate. The selection of a specific respirator must be made by individuals knowledgeable about the limitations associated with each class of respirators and familiar with the actual workplace environment, including the job task(s) to be performed. The correct use of a respirator is just as important as the selection process if adequate worker protection is to be achieved. Without a complete respiratory protection program, workers will not receive the degree of protection anticipated from a respirator, even if it is a correct choice for the situation. Training, motivation, medical evaluation, fit testing, and a respirator maintenance program are critical elements for the successful use of a respirator. As a minimum, compliance with 29 CFR 1910.134 is mandatory whenever respirators are used by workers, whether on a required or voluntary basis. B. Cautionary Statements NIOSH concerns about the use of respirators are discussed further in various parts of the document and are summarized in the following six cautionary statements:
II. RESPIRATOR DECISION LOGIC This decision logic contains a series of questions regarding situations which may require the use of respirators. (See Respirator Decision Logic Sequence, page 8.) In answering these questions, the user of this decision logic is assisted in identifying specific classes of respirators, applicable restrictions, and the appropriate respirator selection table to use. When using one of the tables to identify a suitable class of respirators, the user must keep in mind the restrictions identified in the question section of this decision logic. This decision logic identifies the criteria necessary to determine the classes of respirators that will provide the minimum acceptable degree of protection for a chemical at a given concentration. Classes of respirators offering greater protection can usually be used in place of the minimum acceptable class of respirators. Respirator classes are consistent with respirator certification groupings as specified in 30 CFR 11. The recommendations in this decision logic are based primarily on the physical, chemical, and toxicologic properties of the contaminant and on the limitations of each class of respirators, including filtration efficiency, air supply capability, and face seal characteristics and leakage. Thus this decision logic is limited to identifying classes of acceptable respirators, rather than individual respirators. After various classes of respirators are identified as being suitable for a given situation, an evaluation is made of other factors of the particular work environment so that the best respirator within the recommended classes can be chosen. In some situations, the selection of a respirator classified as providing a higher level of protection may be advisable. To assist the user, this decision logic contains ten subparagraphs following the Respirator Decision Logic Sequence that describe respirator limitations, use of applicable exposure limits, warning properties, protection factors, oxygen limitations, and medical evaluation of suitability to wear respirators. Additional supporting information is contained in Appendices A through E. To properly use this decision logic, the user should carefully read the subparagraphs. The assigned protection factors (APFs) used in this decision logic were based on quantitative fit factor data developed by Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) under contract to NIOSH and on field evaluation data gathered by NIOSH and others. Specific references and summaries of the data used to generate certain protection factors can be found in Subparagraph 8, page 28. Fit factors determined for the individual wearer of a respirator by quantitative fit testing or by any other method used to determine fit should not be substituted for the APF given for each class of respirators. However, the fit factor determined through quantitative fit testing must be greater than the APF; otherwise, the respirator cannot be used by the worker. A. Criteria for Selecting Respirators To use this decision logic, the user must first assemble the necessary toxicologic, safety, and other relevant information for each contaminant, including the following:
Obtaining complete information on all criteria needed to use this decision logic may be difficult. When conflicting or inadequate data are found, experts should be consulted before decisions are made that could affect the proper use of this decision logic. In addition, the adequacy of the respirator selected is dependent on the validity of the exposure limit used. While the decision logic can be used with any exposure limit, NIOSH recommends that an REL be used when one exists for a given contaminant. For a more detailed discussion on the use of exposure limits, especially when selecting respirators for protection against carcinogens, see Subparagraph 2, page 21. The information obtained on general use conditions for respirators should include a description of the actual job task, including the duration and frequency, location, physical demands, and industrial processes, as well as the comfort of the respirators. Some general use conditions may preclude the use of specific types of respirators in certain circumstances because the individual must be medically and psychologically suitable to wear a given respirator for a given task, particularly if the respirator is a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Information obtained on the service life of the cartridge/canister under conditions of intended use should be evaluated regardless of the odor warning properties of the chemicals. These evaluations should be based on all gas(es) and vapor(s) present at the temperature and relative humidity extremes (high and low) in the workplace. NIOSH recommends that when the employer or a representative of the employer conducts the tests, the challenge concentrations of the gases and vapors should be at least 10 times the maximum use concentration of the respirator. The service life value obtained from these tests should be used to determine how long a cartridge/canister could provide protection under actual use conditions. This information can be used to set up cartridge replacement schedules and should be used in conjunction with sensory warning properties. Workers should be trained to exit the contaminated area whenever they detect the odor of the contaminant. (See Subparagraph 6, page 26, for a discussion on service life testing for chemicals with poor warning properties.) B. Restrictions and Requirements for All Respirator Usage The following requirements and restrictions must be considered to ensure that the respirator selected will provide adequate protection under the conditions of intended use:
C. Respirator Decision Logic Sequence After all criteria have been identified and evaluated and after the requirements and restrictions of the respiratory protection program have been met, the following sequence of questions can be used to identify the class of respirators that should provide adequate respiratory protection:
D. Subparagraphs
Subparagraph 1: Oxygen-Deficient Atmosphere The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) defines an oxygen-deficient atmosphere as any atmosphere containing oxygen at a concentration below 19.5% at sea level [1]. NIOSH certification of air-line or air-purifying respirators is limited to those respirators used in atmospheres containing at least 19.5% oxygen, except for those air-line respirators equipped with auxiliary self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). The minimum requirement of 19.5% oxygen at sea level provides an adequate amount of oxygen for most work assignments and includes a safety factor. The safety factor is needed because oxygen-deficient atmospheres offer little warning of the danger, and the continuous measurement of an oxygen-deficient atmosphere is difficult. At oxygen concentrations below 16% at sea level, decreased mental effectiveness, visual acuity, and muscular coordination occur. At oxygen concentrations below 10%, loss of consciousness may occur, and below 6% oxygen, death will result. Often only mild subjective changes are noted by individuals exposed to low concentrations of oxygen, and collapse can occur without warning [2,3,4]. Since oxygen-deficient atmospheres are life-threatening, only the most reliable respirators are recommended; the most reliable respirators are the self-contained breathing apparatus or the supplied-air respirators with auxiliary self-contained units. Because a high protection factor is not necessary to ensure an adequate supply of oxygen even in an atmosphere containing no oxygen, any certified self-contained unit is adequate. All aspects of a respiratory protection program must be instituted for these recommendations to be valid. Subparagraph 2: Exposure Limits The majority of the OSHA PELs were adopted from the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) TLVs published in 1968. The difficulty in changing PELs through promulgation of standards when new toxicologic information is identified has caused many standards to become outdated. The effectiveness of this decision logic is limited to the adequacy of the selected exposure limits in protecting the health of workers. Exposure limits based on a thorough evaluation of more recent or extensive data should be given priority. For all chemicals that cause irritation or systemic effects but do not cause carcinogenic effects, it is currently believed that a threshold exposure concentration exists such that virtually all persons in the working population (with the possible exception of hypersensitive individuals) would experience no adverse health effects. For many carcinogenic substances, most available data provide no evidence for the existence of a threshold exposure concentration below which the substance would be safe. As with noncarcinogenic substances, there appears to be a dose-response relationship for carcinogenic substances. If no threshold exists for a carcinogen, then there is no safe exposure concentration; however, lower exposures would be associated with lower risks. For some carcinogens, NIOSH attempts to identify the lowest REL on the basis of the quantitative detection limit for the method used to monitor exposures. For other carcinogens, NIOSH does not identify a precise exposure limit but recommends instead that the employer control worker exposures to the lowest feasible limit. Regardless of the selected exposure limit for a carcinogen, the best engineering controls and work practices should be instituted. Respirators should not be used as a substitute for proper control measures. When respiratory protection is required to achieve the lowest exposure concentration, then only the most effective respirators should be used. Two types of respirators are recommended: a full facepiece SCBA operated in a pressure-demand or other positive pressure mode or a full facepiece supplied-air respirator (SAR) operated in a pressure-demand or other positive pressure mode in combination with a SCBA operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. The practicality of each situation must be assessed to determine the most technically feasible protection for the worker. Other variables such as the specific situation, worker, or job may influence the selection of the appropriate exposure limit for a given contaminant. For example, the effects of some hazardous substances may be increased due to exposure to other contaminants present in the workplace or the general environment or to medications or personal habits of the worker. Such factors, which would affect the toxicity of a contaminant, would not have been considered in the determination of the specific exposure limit. Also, some substances are absorbed by direct contact with the skin and mucous membranes, thus potentially increasing the total exposure. Subparagraph 3: Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) An IDLH exposure condition is defined in this decision logic as one that poses a threat of exposure to airborne contaminants when that exposure is likely to cause death or immediate or delayed permanent adverse health effects or prevent escape from such an environment. The purpose of establishing an IDLH exposure level is to ensure that the worker can escape from a given contaminated environment in the event of failure of the respiratory protection equipment. The IDLH is considered a maximum level above which only a highly reliable breathing apparatus providing maximum worker protection is permitted. Any appropriate approved respirator may be used to its maximum use concentration up to the IDLH concentration. In establishing the IDLH concentration, the following conditions must be assured:
Sources of information for determining whether the exposure limit for a contaminant represents an IDLH condition are as follows:
Subparagraph 4: Eye Irritation Eye protection in the form of respirators with full facepieces, helmets, or hoods is required for routine exposures to airborne contaminants that cause any irritation to the mucous membranes of the conjunctivae or the cornea or cause any reflex tearing. Eye protection is required for contaminants that cause minor subjective effects as well as for those that cause any damage, including disintegration and sloughing of conjunctival or corneal epithelium, edema, or ulceration. NIOSH is not aware of any standards for gas-tight goggles that would permit NIOSH to recommend such goggles as providing adequate eye protection. For escape, some eye irritation is permissible if the severity of irritation does not inhibit the escape and if no irreversible scarring or ulceration of the eyes or conjunctivae is likely. When data on threshold levels for eye irritation are insufficient, quarter- or half-mask respirators can be used, provided that the worker experiences no eye discomfort and no pathologic eye effects develop. Workers should be told that if any eye discomfort is experienced, they will be provided with respirators that have full facepieces, helmets, or hoods and that provide protection equivalent to the quarter- or half-mask respirators. Subparagraph 5: Escape Apparatus Escape devices have a single function: to allow a person working in a normally safe environment sufficient time to escape from suddenly occurring respiratory hazards. Escape devices can be separated into two categories: air-purifying respirators and self-contained breathing apparatus. Air-purifying respirators remove contaminants from the air by sorbent and/or filter media, but because they do not provide air, these respirators cannot be used in an oxygen-deficient atmosphere. Air-purifying escape respirators include the escape gas mask (canister) respirator, the gas mask (canister) respirator, and the filter self-rescuer. The escape gas mask consists of a half-mask or a mouthpiece respirator. The mouthpiece respirator can be used for short periods of time to escape from low concentrations of organic vapor or acid gas. The escape gas mask, which utilizes a half-mask, filters contaminants from the air. These respirators may also be used to escape from low concentrations of organic vapor or acid gas. Escape gas mask respirators equipped with full facepieces can also be used for escape from IDLH conditions but not from oxygen-deficient atmospheres. No air-purifying device is suitable for escape from a potentially oxygen-deficient atmosphere. The filter self-rescue unit is the mouthpiece device, which is designed to protect specifically against less than 1% carbon monoxide. A self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) provides air to the user for escape from oxygen-deficient environments. Escape SCBA devices are commonly used with full facepieces or hoods and, depending on the supply of air, are usually rated as 3- to 60-minute units. Self-contained self-rescuer (SCSR) devices have been approved by MSHA/NIOSH for escape from mines, but these devices may also have application in other similar environments. SCSRs are mouthpiece respirators that provide a source of oxygen-enriched air for up to 60 minutes. All SCBA devices can be used in oxygen-deficient atmospheres. When selecting escape apparatus, careful consideration must be given to potential eye irritation. This consideration is important for determining whether a gas mask or SCBA equipped with a full facepiece should be selected rather than a device equipped with a half-mask or mouthpiece. The majority of gas masks or escape gas masks can be used in situations involving gas(es), vapor(s), or particulates. For escape from particulate-contaminated environments, an air-purifying element must be selected that will provide protection against the given type of particulate. The information in Table 4 should be used to select the appropriate escape apparatus. Table 4.--Selection options for escape respirators
Subparagraph 6:
Potential Warning Properties for Use With For the purpose of this decision logic, warning properties are defined according to odor, taste, eye irritation, or respiratory irritation. Adequate warning properties imply that the gas or vapor of interest has a persistent odor or irritant effect at concentrations at or below the OSHA PEL or NIOSH REL. Recognition of an odor depends on a person's sensory ability to detect it. Since the range of odor recognition thresholds within a population is very large, odor recognition should not be relied on as the only means for determining that a cartridge or canister is no longer effectively removing a contaminant from the air. A more detailed discussion of variability of odor detection within a population is provided in Appendix C. NIOSH recommends that the employer ensure that each worker who is required to wear an air-purifying cartridge or canister respirator is capable of recognizing the odor of the substance of concern at a concentration at or below the applicable exposure limit. Such a determination will necessitate that an odor screening test be conducted on each individual for each substance of concern in the particular workplace. It is recognized that existing screening tests are subjective in nature and not sufficiently sensitive and that conducting screening tests for a group of workers exposed to several substances may be impractical. Therefore, NIOSH knows of no compelling reason not to develop quantitative service life test data to supplement or replace odor screening test results if it can be demonstrated that such a procedure will afford the wearer a level of protection at least equivalent to that indicated by odor screening. Even when service life test data are used, the employer and the respirator wearer should not ignore the usefulness of sensory detection properties (for those who can detect the contaminant's presence) to serve as a warning that the cartridge/canister has failed or that the integrity of the respirator face seal has been compromised. It is important to realize that 30 CFR 11 [specifically, 30 CFR 11.90(b) (note 4) for gas masks (canister respirators) and 30 CFR 11.150 (note 7) for chemical cartridge respirators], which provides for approval of air-purifying (organic vapor) devices, prohibits their approval for use against organic vapors with poor warning properties unless there is an OSHA standard which permits their use. A more detailed discussion appears in Appendix C. A recent policy decision by NIOSH allows the use of respirators with effective end-of-service-life indicators for protection against contaminants with poor warning properties, provided that certain conditions are met. These conditions are described in that policy statement, which is reproduced in Appendix A. Subparagraph 7: Limitations of Respirators for Gases and Vapors Air-purifying respirators cannot be used in IDLH atmospheres or in atmospheres containing less then 19.5% oxygen by volume. Gas masks (canister respirators) may be used for escape if the atmosphere is not oxygen-deficient. If, after the APF is multiplied by the REL or other applicable exposure limit (APF X REL), the product exceeds the IDLH value, then the IDLH value shall be the maximum use concentration. (See Tables 1, 2, and 3.) In addition, there are maximum use concentrations associated with all gas and vapor air-purifying elements. (See Table 5.) Air-purifying devices should not be allowed for either entry into or escape from hazardous environments when supporting evidence exists to demonstrate that unreasonably short service life would occur at the maximum use concentration. Where there is reason to suspect that a sorbent has a high heat of reaction with a substance, use of that sorbent is not recommended. For such a substance, only non-oxidizable sorbents should be allowed. Air-purifying respirators cannot be used for protection against gases and vapors with poor warning properties unless the respirator is approved with an effective ESLI. (See Appendix A.) Although limited in number, there are specific air-purifying respirators that are approved by MSHA/NIOSH for protection against gases and vapors when respirators approved for a given class of contaminants (e.g., organic vapors) cannot be used due to sorbent deficiencies. Subparagraph 8: Assigned Protection Factors (APFs) APFs (sometimes referred to in the literature as respirator protection factors), which appear in the 1975 and 1978 versions of the OSHA/NIOSH Respirator Decision Logic, in the 1980 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards for respiratory protection, and in all OSHA health standards, are based on quantitative fit testing (QNFT) of respirators [6]. (See definition of fit factors in Appendix D.) No data have been reported in the literature to demonstrate that the results of QNFT are sufficiently indicative of the protection that a given respirator provides in the workplace. Recent studies by NIOSH [7-9] and others [10-12] have suggested that fit factors do not correlate with the workplace protection factors provided by powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) and negative pressure half-mask respirators. (See definition of workplace protection factors in Appendix D.) Table 5. NIOSH recommended maximum use concentration (expressed in ppm) for gas and vapor air-purifying elements APFs that are still based on the fit factors determined by Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) can be used for those classes of respirators for which no WPF data or simulated workplace protection factor (SWPF) data are available. However, as WPF data are developed, these APFs will be revised, as have the current APFs for powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) [7-9,11,14-16]. It should be noted that a number of studies [17-20] on the workplace performance of respirators have appeared in the literature. However, the results of these studies are of little value for establishing APFs because their protocols did not require proper fit or correct use and conscientious wearing of the respirator while in-facepiece sampling was done. A notable exception is the study by Revoir (1974) [21]. When WPF data existed, NIOSH utilized the point estimate equation proposed by Myers et al. [13] to help establish the WPFs recommended in this decision logic. The point estimate equation is as follows:
When WPF data existed, NIOSH selected a confidence limit of p=0.95. Thus for a given set of data and given class of respirators, NIOSH would expect that 95% of the WPFs would exceed the calculated point estimate value. Despite the fact that some of the PFs have a statistical basis, they are still only estimates of an approximate level of protection. It must not be assumed that the numerical values of the APFs presented in this decision logic represent the absolute minimum level of protection that would be achieved for all workers in all jobs against all respiratory hazards. The industrial hygienist or other professional responsible for providing respiratory protection or evaluating respiratory protection programs is therefore encouraged to evaluate as accurately as possible the actual protection being provided by the respirator. Subparagraph 9: Particulate Filter Respirators MSHA/NIOSH particulate respirators are certified according to seven basic categories. These categories consist of the following types of exposures:
Subparagraph 10: Suggested Medical Evaluation and Criteria for Respirator Use The following NIOSH recommendations allow latitude for the physician in determining a medical evaluation for a specific situation. More specific guidelines may become available as knowledge increases regarding human stresses from the complex interactions of worker health status, respirator usage, and job tasks. While some of the following recommendations should be part of any medical evaluation of workers who wear respirators, others are identified as being applicable for specific situations.
Conclusion Individual judgment is needed in determining the factors affecting an individual's fitness to wear a respirator. While many of the preceding guidelines are based on limited evidence, they should provide a useful starting point for a respirator fitness screening program. Further research is needed to validate these recommendations and others currently in use. Of particular interest would be laboratory studies involving physiologically impaired individuals and field studies conducted under actual day-to-day work conditions.
2. Guyton AC. Textbook of medical physiology, 3rd ed, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., 1966, p. 578. 3. Clayton GD, Clayton FE, ed. Patty's industrial hygiene and toxicology, 3rd ed, Vol 1, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1978. 4. A guide to industrial respiratory protection. Cincinnati: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1976; HEW (NIOSH) publication no. 76-189. 5. Goodman LS, Gilman A. The pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 3rd ed, New York: The Macmillan Co, 1968, p. 897. 6. Hyatt EC. Respirator protection factors. New Mexico: Los Alamos scientific laboratory of the University of California, informal report no. LA-6084-MS, 1976. 7. Myers WR, Peach MJ III, Allender J. Workplace protection factor measurements on powered air-purifying respirators at a secondary lead smelter--test protocol. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 1984;45(4):236-41. 8. 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IV. GLOSSARY The following definitions are important terms used in the respiratory protection standard and terms that will also provide asssist in the understanding and the application of the decision logic from NIOSH. Assigned Protection Factor (APF): See PROTECTION FACTOR. Breakthrough: The penetration of challenge material(s) through a gas or a vapor air-purifying element. The quantity or extent of breakthrough during service life testing is often referred to as the percentage of the input concentration. Disposable Respirators: A respirator that is discarded after the end of its recommended period of use, after excessive resistance or physical damage, or when odor breakthough or other warning indicators render the respirator unsuitable for further use. Dust: A solid, mechanically produced particle with a size ranging from submicroscopic to macroscopic. Emergency Respirator Use Situation: A situation that requires the use of respirators due to the unplanned generation of a hazardous atmosphere (often of unknown composition) caused by an accident, mechanical failure, or other means and that requires evacuation of personnel or immediate entry for rescue or corrective action. Escape Gas Mask: A gas mask that consists of a half-mask facepiece or mouthpiece, a canister, and assiciated connections and that is designed for use during escape only from hazardous atmospheres. Escape Only Respirator: Respiratory devices that are designed for use only during escape from hazaroudous atmospheres. Filtering Facepiece: A particulate respirator with a filter as an integral part of the facepiece or with the entire facepiece composed of the filtering medium. (See SINGLE-USE DUST or DUST and MIST RESPIRATORS and DISPOSABLE RESPIRATORS.) Fit Factor: A quantitative measure of the fit of a specific respirator facepiece to a particular individual. Fume: A solid condensation particulate, usually of a vaporized metal. Gas: An aeriform fluid that is in a gaseous state at standard temperature and pressure. Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH): Acute respriatory exposure that poses an immediate threat of loss of life, immmediate or delayed irreversible adverse effects on health, or acute eye exposure that would prevent escape from a hazardous atmosphere. Mist: A liquid condensation particulate. Orinasal Respirator: A respirator that covers the nose and mouth and that generally consists of a quarter- or half-facepiece. Planned or Unplanned Entry into an IDLH Environment, an Environment of Unknown Concentration of Hazardous Contaminant, or an Environment of Unknown Composition: A situation in which respiratory devices are recommended to provide adequate protection to workers entering an area where the contaminant concentration is above the IDLH or is unknown. Potential Occupational Carcinogen: Any substance, or combination or mixture of substances, which causes an increased incidence of benign and/or malignant neoplasms, or a substantial decrease in the latency period between exposure and onset of neoplasms in humans or in one or more experimental mammalian species as the resulty of any oral, respiratory, or dermal exposure, or any other exposure which results in the induction of tumores at a site other than the site of administration. This definition also includes any substance that is metabolized into one or more potential occupational carcinogens by mammals (29 CFR 1990.103, OSHA Cancer Policy).
Recommended Exposure Limit (REL): An 8- or 10-hour time-weighted average (TWA) or ceiling (C) exposure concentration recommended by NIOSH that is based on an evaluation of the health effects data. Service Life: The length of time required for an aire-purifying element to reach a specific effluent concentration. Service life is dtermined by the type of substance being removed, the concentration of the substance, the ambient temperature, the specific element being tested (cartridge or canister), the flow rate resistance, and the selected breakthrough value. The service life for a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is the period of time, as determined by the NIOSH certification tests, in which adequate breathing gas is supplied. Single-Use Dust or Dust and Mist Respirators: Respirators approved for use against dusts or mists that may cause pneumonconiosis and fibrosis. Vapor: The gaseous state of a substance that is solid or liquid at temperatures and pressures normally encountered. V. APPENDICES APPENDIX
Health and Human Services NIOSH/MSHA
TESTING AND CERTIFICATION OF AIR-PURIFYING Agency: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Action: Notice of Acceptance of Applications for Approval of Air-Purifying Respirators with End-of-Service-Life Indicators Summary: 30 CFR 11; Sec. 11.150 states that NIOSH and MSHA may, after a review of the effects on wearers' health and safety, approve respirators for gases and vapors not specifically listed in that section. The current regulations also permit the use of "window indicators" for gas masks to warn the wearer when the canister will no longer remove a contaminant t11.102-5(c)(2)]. Although indicators are not mentioned in Subpart L, Chemical Cartridge Respirators, there is nothing in the regulations which explicitly prohibits their use. A NIOSH policy to allow end-of-service-life indicators (ESLl's) on air-purifying respirators for gases and vapors with adequate warning properties has already been established (Letter to All Respirator Hanufacturers from Dr. Elliott Harris, June 18, 1975). Use of ESLl's on chemical cartridge respirators for use against gases and vapors with poor warning properties could also be approved, because 30 CFR 11; Sec. 11.150; footnote 7 states:
Under the present regulations, NIOSH can also require "any additional requirements deemed necessary to establish the quality, effectiveness, and safety of any respirator used as protection against hazardous atmospheres" t30 CFR 11; Sec. 11.63 (c)]. NIOSH must notify the applicants in writing of these additional requirements t30 CFR 11; Sec. 11.63 (d)]. The purpose of this notification is to inform respirator manufacturers and users of the NIOSH requirements for approving air-purifying respirators with either effective passive or active ESLl's for use against gases and vapors with adequate warning properties or for use against gases and vapors with inadequate warning properties whenever there is a regulatory standard already permitting the use of air-purifying respirators. For additional information, contact: Chief, Certification Branch, 944 Chestnut Ridge Road, Morgantown, WV 26505, (304) 291-4331. Supplemental Information Because human senses are not foolproof in detecting gases and vapors and because many gases and vapors found in the workplace do not have adequate warning properties, NIOSH has been investigating alternate means of detection for respirator wearers. In 1976, NIOSH adopted its current policy which allows acceptance of applications for certification of air-purifying respirators, provided that the respirators are equipped with active ESLl's for use against gases and vapors with poor warning properties and are not specifically listed in 30 CFR 11. An active ESLI is defined as an indicator that invokes an automatic and spontaneous warning signal (e.g., flashing lights, ringing bells, etc.). An active indicator does not require monitoring by the wearer although a passive indicator (normally color change indicator) does. During the past several years, NIOSH has received notices of concern from respirator manufacturers, regulatory agencies, and general industry regarding the Institute's policy of accepting only active ESLl's for certification. At the October 1983 Mine Health Research Advisory Council (MHRAC) meeting, NIOSH presented a document briefing on "Consideration of Use of End-of-Service-Life Indicators in Respiratory Protective Devices," and requested that MHRAC provide recommendations to the Institute with regard to the appropriateness of the use of both active and passive ESLl's. MHRAC asked their Respirator Subcommittee to review the issue. The Respirator Subcommittee held a public meeting in Washington, D.C., on December 19, 1983, to solicit comments from interested parties. The Subcommittee reviewed the comments and then reported back to the full committee at the February 2, 1984, MHRAC meeting. Based on the public comments, the Subcommittee also suggested a few additions or modifications be made to the NIOSH proposed evaluation criteria. NIOSH incorporated the recommendations. MHRAC also recommended that active and passive ESLl's are appropriate for use with respiratory protective devices provided that criteria are established for their certification and use to ensure that the user is not exposed to increased risk as a consequence of relying upon such ESLl's. In order for NIOSH to determine the potential effects of ESLl's on user safety and health, NIOSH recommends that all applications for approval of gas and vapor respirators with ESLl's contain the following information:
CRITERIA FOR CERTIFICATION OF END-OF-SERVICE-LIFE INDICATORS An applicant for certification of an ESLI for use against substances with poor warning properties must provide NIOSH with the following information: 1. Data demonstrating that the ESLI is a reliable indicator of sorbent depletion (< 90% of service life). These shall include a flow-temperature study at low and high temperatures, humidities, and contaminant concentrations which are representative of actual workplace conditions where a given respirator will be used. A minimum of two contaminant levels must be utilized: the exposure limit (PEL, REL, TLV@, etc.) and the exposure limit multiplied by the assigned protection factor for the respirator type. 2. Data on desorption of any impregnating agents used in the indicator, including a flow-temperature study at low and high temperatures and humidities which are representative of actual workplace conditions where a given respirator will be used. Data shall be sufficient to demonstrate safe levels of desorbed agents. 3. Data on the effects of industrial interferences which are commonly found in workplaces where a given respirator will be used. Data should be sufficient to show which interferences could impair the effectiveness of the indicator and the degree of impairment, and which substances will not affect the indicator. 4. Data on any reaction products produced in the reaction between the sorbent and the contaminant gases and vapors, including the concentrations and toxicities of such products. 5. Data which predict the storage life of the indicator. (Simulated aging tests will be acceptable). In addition to the foregoing, all passive ESLl's shall meet the following criteria: 1. A passive ESLI shall be placed on the respirator so that the ESLI is visible to the wearer. 2. If the passive indicator utilizes color change, the change shall be such that it is detectable to people with physical impairments such as color blindness. 3. If the passive indicator utilizes color change, reference colors for the initial color of the indicator and the final (end point) color of the indicator shall be placed adjacent to the indicator. All ESLl's shall meet the following criteria: 1. The ESLI shall not interfere with the effectiveness of the face sea 2. The ESLI shall not change the weight distribution of the respirator the detriment of the facepiece fit. 3. The ESLI shall not interfere with required lines of sight. 4. Any ESLI that is permanently installed in the respirator facepiece shall be capable of withstanding cleaning and a drop from a height of 6 feet. Replaceable ESLI must be capable of being easily removed and shall also be capable of withstanding a drop from a height of 6 feet. 5. A respirator with an ESLI shall still meet all other applicable requirements set forth in 30 CFR 11. 6. If the ESLI uses any electrical components, they shall conform to the provisions of the National Electrical Code and be "intrinsically safe." Where permissibility is required, the respirator shall meet the requirements for permissibility and intrinsic safety set forth in 30 CFR 18, Subpart D. Also, the electrical system shall include an automatic warning mechanism that indicates a loss of power. 7. Effects of industrial substances interferences which are commonly found where a given respirator will be used and which hinder ESLI performance, shall be identified. Substances which are commonly found where the respirator is to be used must be investigated. Data sufficient to indicate whether the performance of the respirator would be affected must be submitted to NIOSH. The user shall be made aware of use conditions that could cause false positive and negative ESLI responses. 8. The ESLI shall not create any hazard to the wearer's health or safety. 9. Consideration shall be given to the potential impact of common human physical impairments on the effectiveness of the ESLI. APPENDIX
B. NIOSH POLICY STATEMENT ON USE OF SINGLE-USE AND DUST June 21, 1984, OSHA Public Hearings Under Title 30, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 11 (30 CFR 11), NIOSH is required to test and certify respirators within the categories specified therein when such devices are submitted to NIOSH by applicants. Currently, 30 CFR 11, Subpart K defines a number of dust, fume, and mist respirators which may be used for protection against certain hazardous particulate atmospheres. Among the respirators defined in Subpart K are single-use dust respirators designed as respiratory protection against pneumoconiosis producing and fibrosis-producing dusts, or dusts and mists. Subpart K lists asbestos as one of the dusts against which the single-use dust respirator is designed to protect [Subpart K, Sec. 11.130(H)]. Although at the time of the promulgation of Subpart K, it may have been assumed appropriate to list asbestos as a fibrosis-producing particulate against which the single-use disposable respirator could be reasonably expected to provide adequate protection, NIOSH is no longer confident that such an assumption is reasonable because asbestos is also a potent carcinogen. The current requirements as (specified in 30 CFR 11) for approval of a single-use dust respirator or dust and mist respirator do not include any tests with fibrous challenge aerosol. NIOSH is currently in the process of doing a comprehensive revision of 30 CFR 11 and intends to address the issue of appropriate respiratory protection for use against asbestos, and to require that any respirator for which such approval is sought be proven to provide effective protection against asbestos. NIOSH may change the regulations included in 30 CFR 11 only in accordance with procedures set forth in the Administrative Procedures Act. In the interim, NIOSH will continue to consider applications for approval of single-use and replaceable dust/mist respirators for use against asbestos only because of the legal requirement in the current approval regulations. However, NIOSH does not recommend the use of such respirators where exposures to asbestos may occur because such a recommendation would not be prudent based on the occupational health risk. This policy position is contained in "The Statement of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health--The Public Hearings on Occupational Exposure to Asbestos." APPENDIX C. ODOR WARNING: BACKGROUND INFORMATION It is important to realize that 30 CFR 11 prohibits the use of MSHA/NIOSH approved air-purifying (organic vapor) respirators for protection against organic vapors with poor warning properties unless there is an OSHA standard that permits such use. Specifically, 30 CFR 11, Section 11.90(b), footnote 4 gives the standards for gas masks (canister devices), while 30 CFR 11, Section 11.150, footnote 7 gives the standards for chemical cartridge respirators. Thus the "organic vapor respirator" shall be approved only for organic vapors with adequate warning properties. In addition, the requirement for adequate warning properties also applies to all MSHA/NIOSH-approved air-purifying respirators for protection against organic gases and vapors. A recent policy decision by NIOSH allows the use of respirators to protection against contaminants with poor warning properties, provided that certain conditions are met. These conditions are outlined in the policy statement in Appendix A. MSHA/NIOSH approval may be granted for a respirator designed for use against gases and vapors with poor warning properties if the respirator incorporates an effective end-of-service-life indicator (ESLI). - However, unless the respirator incorporates an ESLI, wearers of air-purifying chemical cartridge/canister respirators must rely on adequate warning properties to alert them to the breakthrough of the sorbent in the cartridge or canister. Amoore and Hautala [33] have noted:
Amoore and Hautala [33] found that on the average, 95% of a population will have a personal odor threshold that lies within the range from about one-sixteenth to sixteen times the reported mean "odor threshold" for a substance. That is, about 2.5% of a population will be able to detect a substance's odor at concentrations less than one-sixteenth of the "odor threshold" for a substance. Correspondingly, about 2.5% of the individuals will need to be exposed to concentrations exceeding by a factor of 16 the "odor threshold" in order to perceive the odor. Thus for many substances the width of distribution of personal odor threshold is over two orders of magnitude of concentration. The "odor thresholds" reported in the literature generally are the median values for wide population distributions. Also, 50% of prospective respirator wearers can detect a substance's odor only at levels that must exceed the reported "odor threshold," and about 15% cannot detect the odor at levels that exceed the "odor threshold" by fourfold [33]. OSHA incorporated into the lead standard a new isoamyl acetate qualitative fit test protocol, developed by Du Pont, which requires odor threshold screening [29 CFR 1910.1025, Appendix D (I)(A)]. Du Pont realized that a qualitative fit test depending on odor recognition would be ineffective if every individual were not first screened for the ability to detect the odor of isoamyl acetate at some minimum concentration. This is also true for detection of the odor of the gas or vapor used to alert the wearer of sorbent element (cartridge or canister) breakthrough. Thus NIOSH recommends screening tests for workers who wear air-purifying gas or vapor respirators to determine their ability to detect the odor below the exposure limit for that gas or vapor.
APPENDIX D. PROTECTION FACTOR: BACKGROUND INFORMATION The U.S. Bureau of Mines referred to the term "Decontamination Factor" in their Approval Schedule 21B, first issued in 1965, and defined it to be "the ratio of the concentration of dust, fume, or mist present in the ambient atmosphere to the concentration of dust, fume, or mist within the facepiece while the respirator is being worn." The decontamination factor is now referred to as the respirator protection factor. The original definition and application given in schedule 21B has been somewhat generalized over the years. The protection factor of a respirator is an expression of performance based on the ratio of two measured variables, Cl and Co. The variable Cl is defined only as the measured concentration of a contaminant inside the respirator facepiece cavity, and Co is defined only as the measured contaminant concentration outside the respirator facepiece. The relationship between these two variables can be expressed not only as the protection factor (Co/C') but also as the penetration (Cl/Co) or efficiency [(Co-CI)/Co]. The protection factor can be related to the penetration (p) and efficiency (E) as follows: PF = Co/CI = 1/p = 1/(1-E) A further implicit condition on the PF function is that Cl c Co; therefore, the PF will always be greater than unity. Protection factor assessments are made almost exclusively on man/respirator systems, while penetration and efficiency assessments are made only on component parts of the respirator system. It is important to recognize that on a man/respirator system, the measured variable Cl becomes a complicated function of many individual sources of penetration (e.g., air-purifying element penetration, exhalation valve penetration, face seal penetration, and other inboard penetration) and those environmental conditions that would effect penetration. To deal with the multiple methods for determining and applying protection factors, a number of definitions have been proposed [13]. These definitions, described below in greater detail than in the Glossary, are as follows: ASSIGNED PROTECTION FACTOR (APF): A special application of the general protection factor concept, APE is defined as a measure of the minimum anticipated workplace level of respiratory protection that would be provided by a properly functioning respirator or class of respirators to a percentage of properly fitted and trained users. The maximum specified use concentration for a respirator is generally determined by multiplying the exposure limit for the contaminant by the protection factor assigned to a specific class of respirators [13]. SIMULATED WORKPLACE PROTECTION FACTOR (SWPF): A surrogate measure of the workplace protection factor (WPF) of a respirator, SWPF differs from the WPF only in that it is measured in a laboratory simulation of a workplace setting rather than in the actual workplace. The definitions and restrictions of Co and Cl are as described for the WPF. For laboratory protection factor testing to reliably estimate WPF's, a relationship must be demonstrated between the two tests. No such relationship has been identified in the literature. Until such a relationship can be shown to exist, the laboratory protection factor is of questionable use in determining or predicting the WPF [13]. WORKPLACE PROTECTION FACTOR (WPF): A measure of the actual protection provided in the workplace under the conditions of that workplace by a properly functioning respirator when correctly worn and used, WPF is defined as the ratio of the estimated contaminant concentration outside the respirator facepiece (Co) to the contaminant concentration inside the respirator facepiece (Cl). The sampling restrictions placed on Co and Cl are that both Co and C1 should be TWA samples taken simultaneously while the respirator is being properly worn and used during normal work activities. In practice, the WPF would be determined by measuring the concentration inside and outside the facepiece during the activities of a normal workday [13]. FIT FACTOR: A special application of the protection factor ratio that represents a quantitative measure of the fit of a particular respirator facepiece to a particular individual, the fit factor is defined under the conditions of quantitative fit testing as the aerosol concentration in the test chamber (Co) divided by the penetration that occurs through the respirator face seal interface (Cl) [34]. For Cl to reflect only face seal leakage, high efficiency filters [greater than 99.97% efficient against 0.3 Am aerodynamic mass median diameter (AMMO) dioctylphthalate aerosol] are installed on the respirator. It is assumed that either no leakage or only a negligible amount of leakage into the facepiece occurs through the exhalation valve or any source other than the face seal. The fit factor is measured on a complete respirator worn by a test subject who follows a regimen of slow head movements, deep breathing, and talking; a oil mist or sodium chloride aerosol is used that has approximately 0.6 + 0.1 Am (with a geometric standard deviation of approximately 2 to 2.4). APPENDIX E. MEDICAL ASPECTS OF WEARING RESPIRATORS: BACKGROUND INFORMATION In recommending medical evaluation criteria for respirator use, one should apply rigorous decision-making principles [35], using knowledge of screening test sensitivity, predictive value, etc. Unfortunately, many gaps in knowledge in this area exist. The problem is complicated by the large variety of respirators, their conditions of use, and individual differences in the physiologic and psychologic responses to them. For these reasons, the preceding guidelines (see Subparagraph 10) are to be considered as informed suggestions rather than established NIOSH policy recommendations. The following information is intended primarily to assist the physician in developing medical evaluation criteria for respirator use. Health Effects of Wearing Respirators Brief descriptions of the health effects associated with wearing respirators are summarized below. Interested readers are referred to recent reviews for more detailed analyses of the data t36,37].