Method number: |
99 |
Matrix: |
Air |
Procedure: |
Samples are collected by drawing air through standard
size (6-mm o.d., 100/50-mg sections)
coconut shell charcoal tubes. Samples are desorbed with 95/5 (v/v)
methylene chloride/methanol and analyzed by gas chromatography using
a flame ionization detector. Samples should be desorbed in the
presence of a drying agent such as magnesium sulfate or
Drierite®. |
Recommended air volume and sampling rate: |
10 L at 0.1 L/min |
1M2P |
2M1P |
1M2PA |
2M1PA |
Target concentration: |
100 ppm (368 mg/m3) |
1 ppm (3.7 mg/m3) |
100 ppm (540 mg/m3) |
1 ppm (5.4
mg/m3) |
Reliable quantitation limit: |
20 ppb (74
µg/m3) |
20 ppb (74
µg/m3) |
20 ppb (108
µg/m3) |
20 ppb (108
µg/m3) |
Standard error of estimate at the target concentration: |
5.3% |
5.5% |
5.1% |
5.4% |
Special requirements: |
Samples for 1M2PA and 2M1PA should be refrigerated
upon receipt by the laboratory to minimize hydrolysis. |
Status of method: |
Evaluated method. This method has been subjected to
the established evaluation procedures of the Organic Methods
Evaluation Branch. |
Date: April 1993 |
Chemist: Carl J.
Elskamp |
Organic Methods Evaluation Branch OSHA Salt Lake Technical
Center Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0200
1. General Discussion
1.1. Background
1.1.1. History
Over the past several years there has been an increase in the
number of samples submitted to the OSHA Salt Lake Technical Center
for propylene glycol ethers and their acetates. This is likely due
to the increased usage of these solvents as substitutes for ethylene
glycol ethers and their acetates, which have been associated with
the potential to cause adverse reproductive effects in both male and
female workers. (Ref.
5.1.) Now there is evidence that 2M1P and 2M1PA may exhibit
analogous toxicities. (Ref.
5.2.) 2M1P and 2M1PA are present as impurities in technical
grade 1M2P and 1M2PA respectively. OSHA has adopted a
TWA-PEL of 100 ppm for 1M2P, but has no PEL for the
other three analytes. (Ref.
5.3.) Because 1M2P and 1M2PA have similar toxic properties, a
target concentration of 100 ppm was chosen for these two analytes.
Based on their potential reproductive toxicity, a target
concentration of 1 ppm was chosen for 2M1P and 2M1PA.
There were no reported air monitoring procedures in the
literature for these propylene glycol ethers/acetates. A method has
now been evaluated based on previous evaluations done at the OSHA
Salt Lake Technical Center for a number of ethylene glycol
ether/acetates, which are chemically similar to these compounds.
(Refs. 5.4.-5.5.)
Sampling is done by drawing workplace air through sampling tubes
containing coconut shell charcoal. The analytes are adsorbed by the
charcoal and the tubes are sent to the laboratory for analysis. The
analytes are desorbed from the charcoal with a 95/5 (v/v) methylene
chloride/methanol mixture, and are quantitated by GC using flame
ionization detection.
As was found for the acetates of ethylene glycol ethers
(Refs. 5.4.-5.5.),
the acetates of propylene glycol ethers are also prone to hydrolysis
after being adsorbed onto charcoal. The average loss due to
hydrolysis was about 3% for 1M2PA (100 ppm for 10 L) and 11% for
2M1PA (1 ppm for 10 L) when generated samples were stored for 15
days at ambient temperatures. When generated samples were
refrigerated for 15 days, the average loss was about 1% for 1M2PA
and 4% for 2M1PA. The slow rate of loss due to hydrolysis indicates
it is unnecessary to ship samples under reduced temperatures, but
they should be refrigerated at the lab until analyzed.
As was the case for some of the other previously evaluated
ethylene glycol ethers (Ref.
5.4.), the use of a drying agent such as magnesium sulfate is
needed to improve the desorption efficiency of 1M2P and 2M1P from
charcoal. Because MgSO4 can only be
purchased as a powder, periodically the syringe used for sample
injections into the GC may be plugged by
MgSO4 suspended in solution. This can be
avoided by centrifuging the samples or by allowing the powder to
settle out before analysis. Two granular drying agents,
20-40 mesh Drierite® (anhydrous calcium
sulfate) and 10-60 mesh sodium sulfate, were tested as
alternatives. Sodium sulfate was found to be ineffective.
Drierite® was effective, but 400 mg must be used versus
125 mg of MgSO4. If Drierite®
is used, samples need not be centrifuged and can be analyzed
immediately after the desorption period.
Many solvent vapors collected on charcoal and analyzed at the
OSHA Salt Lake Technical Center are desorbed with 99/1 (v/v) carbon
(CS2/DMF) instead of methylene
chloride/methanol. Because it is possible that these propylene
glycol ether/acetates may be used with other solvents in the
workplace, CS2/DMF was investigated as an
alternative desorbing solvent. For the target concentrations
studied, CS2/DMF is an acceptable
alternative for 1M2PA and 2M1PA samples if
MgSO4 is added to the desorption vials.
Desorption with CS2/DMF is not acceptable
for 1M2P and 2M1P samples because there is considerable differences
in desorption efficiencies from wet and dry charcoal, even if
MgSO4 is used. Also, the desorption
efficiency for 2M1P is less than 75% from wet charcoal.
It is felt that there will always be some amount of corresponding
alcohol present in samples containing acetates because the acetates
may be partially hydrolyzed in the air before collection or on the
charcoal after collection. For example, 1M2P would be found in
samples containing 1M2PA, and 2M1P would be found in 2M1PA samples.
Also, the alcohols could be present as contaminants in the
corresponding technical grade acetates. For these reasons, it would
be wise to analyze for the alcohols in acetate samples. Thus, unless
it is absolutely necessary to desorb with
CS2/DMF for analysis of other co-collected
solvents, samples for 1M2PA and 2M1PA should also be desorbed with
methylene chloride/methanol in the presence of
MgSO4 or Drierite® to
facilitate the analysis of the corresponding alcohols.
1.1.2. Toxic effects (This section is for information only and
should not be taken as the basis of OSHA policy.)
These propylene glycol ethers/acetates have low acute toxicity,
with the main effect at high doses being central nervous system
depression. There are no reported studies on the carcinogenicity of
these compounds. 1M2P and 1M2PA appear to lack reproductive
toxicity, with the critical effect being irritation of the eyes and
mucous membranes. 2M1PA is embryotoxic and teratogenic in laboratory
animals. It is very likely that 2M1P is also teratogenic because the
common metabolite of 2M1P and 2M1PA is
2-methoxypropionic acid.
3-Methoxypropionic acid, which is a structural isomer
of 2-methoxypropionic acid, causes growth retardation
and abnormalities in post-implantation rat embryo
cultures. This is analogous to the effects of methoxyacetic acid,
which is a common metabolite of 2-methoxyethanol and
2-methoxyethyl acetate. (Ref.
1.1.3. Workplace exposure
Propylene glycol ethers/acetates are used industrially as
solvents for paints, lacquers, resins, oils and fats. Their use has
increased considerably since 1985. This is probably because they are
used as substitutes for the chemically similar ethylene glycol
ethers, which have been associated with reproductive toxicity. From
NIOSH occupational surveys done from 1981-1983, it is
estimated that 329,000 people are potentially exposed to 1M2P and
about 306,000 are potentially exposed to 1M2PA. 2M1P and 2M1PA,
which are also known as the beta isomers, are typically present as
impurities in varying amounts in 1M2P and 1M2PA respectively. (Ref.
1.1.4. Physical properties (Ref.
5.2. unless otherwise noted)
Property |
1M2P |
2M1P |
1M2PA |
2M1PA |
CAS number: molecular
weight: melting point (°C): boiling point (°C):
flash point (°C): vapor pressure (kPa): vapor
density (25°C, air=1): liquid density (25°C/4°C):
description: miscibility with water: |
107-98-2 90.12 119.6 38 1.6 @
25°C 3.11 0.917 colorless liquid complete |
1589-47-5 90.12 130 (Ref.
5.6.) 0.938 (Ref.
5.6.) colorless liquid complete |
108-65-6 132.16 <-67 145.8 42.2 0.5
@ 20°C 4.55 0.97 colorless liquid
19% (w/w) |
70657-70-4 132.16 colorless
liquid |
Note: Commercial grade 1M2P contains mainly (95-99%) 1M2P,
with the remainder (1-5%) being 2M1P. Technical 1M2PA
consists mainly of ( 95%) 1M2PA, with
remainder largely being 2M1PA. (Ref.
structural formulae:
1-methoxy-2-propanol (1M2P):
2-methoxy-1-propanol (2M1P):
1-methoxy-2-propyl acetate (1M2PA):
2-methoxy-1-propyl acetate (2M1PA):
1-methoxy-2-propanol- 1M2P; methoxypropanol, alpha isomer;
propylene glycol monomethyl ether; propylene glycol methyl ether;
2-methoxy-1-propanol- 2M1P; methoxypropanol, beta isomer;
propylene glycol monomethyl ether; propylene glycol methyl ether;
1-methoxy-2-propyl acetate- 1M2PA; methoxypropyl acetate, alpha
isomer; propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate; propylene glycol
methyl ether acetate; PGMEA
2-methoxy-1-propyl acetate- 2M1PA; methoxypropyl acetate, beta
isomer; propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate; propylene glycol
methyl ether acetate; bPGMEA
The analyte air concentrations throughout this method are based on
the recommended sampling and analytical parameters. Air concentrations
listed in ppm and ppb are referenced to 25°C and 101.3 Kpa (760 mmHg.)
1.2. Limit defining parameters
1.2.1. Detection limit of the analytical procedure
The detection limits of the analytical procedure are 48, 50, 71,
and 71 pg per injection (1.0-µL injection with a
15:1 split) for 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA respectively. These are
the amounts of each analyte that will give peaks with heights
approximately 5 times the height of baseline noise. (Section
1.2.2. Detection limit of the overall procedure
The detection limits of the overall procedure are 0.73, 0.75,
1.1, and 1.1 µg per sample for 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA
respectively. These are the amounts of each analyte spiked on the
sampling device that, upon analysis, produce a peak similar in size
to that of the respective detection limit of the analytical
procedure. These detection limits correspond to air concentrations
of 20 ppb (74 µg/m³), 20 ppb (74 µg/m³), 20 ppb (108
µg/m³), and 20 ppb (108 µg/m³) for 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA,
and 2M1PA respectively. (Section
1.2.3. Reliable quantitation limit
The reliable quantitation limits are 0.73, 0.75, 1.1, and 1.1
µg per sample for 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA respectively.
These are the smallest amounts of each analyte that can be
quantitated within the requirements of recoveries of at least 75%
and precisions (±1.96 SD) of ±25% or better. These reliable
quantitation limits correspond to air concentrations of 20 ppb (74
µg/m³), 20 ppb (74 µg/m³), 20 ppb (108 µg/m³),
and 20 ppb (108 µg/m³) for 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA
respectively. (Section
The reliable quantitation limits and detection limits reported
in the method are based upon optimization of the GC for the smallest
possible amounts of each analyte. When the target concentration of
an analyte is exceptionally higher than these limits, they may not
be attainable at the routine operating parameters.
1.2.4. Instrument response to the analyte
The instrument response over the concentration ranges of 0.5 to 2
times the target concentrations is linear for all four analytes. (Section
1.2.5. Recovery
The recovery of 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA from samples used in
a 15-day storage test remained above 100%, 94%, 97%,
and 90% respectively when the samples were stored at ambient
temperatures. (Section
4.5., from regression lines shown in Figures,,
1.2.6. Precision (analytical procedure)
The pooled coefficients of variation obtained from replicate
determinations of analytical standards at 0.5, 1, and 2 times the
target concentrations are 0.0025, 0.0045, 0.0025, and 0.0041 for
1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA respectively. (Section
1.2.7. Precision (overall procedure)
The precisions at the 95% confidence level for the ambient
temperature 15-day storage tests are ±10.3, ±10.8,
±10.0, and ±10.5% for 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA respectively.
These include an additional ±5% for sampling error. (Section
1.2.8. Reproducibility
Six samples for each analyte collected from controlled test
atmospheres and a draft copy of this procedure were given to a
chemist unassociated with this evaluation. The samples were analyzed
after nine days of refrigerated storage. No individual sample result
deviated from its theoretical value by more than the precision
reported in Section
1.2.7. (Section
2. Sampling Procedure
2.1. Apparatus
2.1.1. Samples are collected using a personal sampling pump
calibrated to within ±5% of the recommended flow rate with a
sampling tube in line.
2.1.2. Samples are collected with solid sorbent sampling tubes
containing coconut shell charcoal. Each tube consists of two
sections of charcoal separated by a urethane foam plug. The front
section contains 100 mg of charcoal and the back section, 50 mg. The
sections are held in place with glass wool plugs in a glass tube
70-mm × 4-mm i.d. × 6-mm o.d.
For this evaluation, SKC Inc. (Eighty Four, PA) charcoal tubes
(catalog number 226-01, Lot 120) were used.
2.2. Reagents
None required
2.3. Technique
2.3.1. Immediately before sampling, break off the ends of the
charcoal tube. All tubes should be from the same lot.
2.3.2. Connect the sampling tube to the sampling pump with
flexible, non-crimpable tubing. It is desirable to
utilize a sampling tube holder that shields the employee from the
sharp, jagged end of the sampling tube. Position the tube so that
sampled air first passes through the 100-mg section.
2.3.3. Air being sampled should not pass through any hose or
tubing before entering the sampling tube.
2.3.4. To avoid channeling, place the sampling tube vertically in
the employee's breathing zone.
2.3.5. After sampling, seal the tubes immediately with plastic
caps and wrap lengthwise with OSHA Form 21.
2.3.6. Submit at least one blank sampling tube with each sample
set. Blanks should be handled in the same manner as samples, except
no air is drawn through them.
2.3.7. Record sample volumes (in liters of air) for each sample.
2.3.8. List any compounds that could be considered potential
interferences, especially solvents, that are being used in the
sampling area.
2.3.9. Ship any bulk sample(s) in a container separate from the
air samples.
2.4. Sampler capacity
2.4.1. Sampler capacity is determined by measuring how much air
can be sampled before breakthrough of analyte through the sampler
occurs, i.e., the sampler capacity is exceeded. Breakthrough is
considered to occur when the effluent from the sampler contains a
concentration of analyte that is 5% of the upstream concentration
(5% breakthrough). Testing for 1M2P breakthrough was performed by
monitoring the effluent (with a total hydrocarbon analyzer) from
sampling tubes containing only the 100-mg section of
charcoal while sampling at 0.2 L/min from an atmosphere containing
204 ppm of analyte. The atmosphere was at approximately 80% relative
humidity and 20-25°C. The average 5% breakthrough
volume from three determinations was 33.8 L (RSD=2.1%). A similar
test was done for 1M2PA at 199 ppm. The average 5% breakthrough
volume from three determinations was 24.9 L (RSD=6.8%).
2.4.2. Similar studies as in 2.4.1. were done for 1M2P at 2.0 ppm
and 1M2PA at 2.2 ppm. Both atmospheres were sampled for more than 6
h (>72 L) with no breakthrough detected. 1M2P and 1M2PA were used
in these studies instead of 2M1P and 2M1PA because sufficient
quantities of the latter analytes were not available. It is felt
that the breakthrough volume for 2M1P would approximate that of 1M2P
and the breakthrough volume of 2M1PA would approximate that of
2.5. Desorption efficiency
2.5.1. Desorption with 95/5 (v/v) methylene chloride/methanol The average desorption efficiencies of 1M2P, 2M1P,
1M2PA, and 2M1PA from dry Lot 120 charcoal are 100.4%, 99.7%,
101.8%, and 101.4% respectively over the range of 0.5 to 2 times
the target concentrations. (Section
4.9.) Desorbed samples from Section 2.5.1. remain stable for
at least 24 h. (Section
4.10.) The desorption efficiencies at the target
concentrations from wet charcoal are essentially the same as from
dry charcoal when MgSO4 is used. The
desorbed samples are stable for at least 24 h. (Section
4.11.) The use of MgSO4 is
recommended for 1M2P and 2M1P samples, but is optional for 1M2PA
and 2M1PA samples.
2.5.2. Desorption with 99/1 (v/v) carbon
(CS2/DMF) The average desorption
efficiencies of 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA from dry Lot 120
charcoal are 86.3%, 80.8%, 98.4%, and 98.0% respectively over the
range of 0.5 to 2 times the target concentrations. (Section
4.12.) All of the analytes with the exception of 2M1P were
sufficiently stable for the target concentration samples from Section The average desorption efficiency for 2M1P dropped
from 82.2% to 75.8% in 24 h. (Section
4.13.) The average desorption efficiencies at the target
concentrations from wet charcoal are 79.5% for 1M2P and 70.5% for
2M1P when MgSO4 is used. These compare
to 87.4% and 82.2% respectively from dry charcoal. The desorbed
1M2P samples are stable for at least 24 h, while the average
desorption efficiency dropped to 64.3% for the 2M1P samples. The
optional use of CS2/DMF (with
MgSO4) would be acceptable for 1M2P
samples but not for 2M1P samples at or around the studied
loadings. (Section
The average desorption efficiencies at the target
concentrations for 1M2PA and 2M1PA from wet charcoal using 99/1
CS2/DMF as the desorbing solvent (with
MgSO4) are essentially the same as from
dry charcoal. The desorbed samples are stable for at least 24 h.
2.6. Recommended air volume and sampling rate
2.6.1. For TWA samples, the recommended air volume is 10 L
collected at 0.1 L/min (100-min samples). The
recommended air volume is significantly lower than the breakthrough
volumes, but 10 L was chosen to provide a reasonable safety margin
in case other solvent vapors are present in the sampled air. Also,
10 L is commonly recommended for solvent vapors collected on
charcoal tubes.
2.6.2. For short-term samples, the recommended air volume is 3 L
collected at 0.20 L/min (15-min samples).
2.6.3. When short-term samples are required, the reliable
quantitation limits become larger. For example, the quantitation
limits are 67 ppb when 3 L is sampled.
2.7. Interferences (sampling)
2.7.1. It is not known if any compound(s) will severely
interfere with the collection of any of the four analytes on
charcoal. In general, the presence of other contaminant vapors in
the air will reduce the capacity of charcoal to collect the
2.7.2. Suspected interferences should be reported to the
laboratory with submitted samples.
2.8. Safety precautions (sampling)
2.8.1. Attach the sampling equipment to the employee so that it
will not interfere with work performance or safety.
2.8.2. Wear eye protection when breaking the ends of the charcoal
2.8.3. Follow all safety procedures that apply to the work area
being sampled.
3. Analytical Procedure
3.1. Apparatus
3.1.1. A GC equipped with a flame ionization detector. For this
evaluation, a Hewlett-Packard 5890A Gas Chromatograph
equipped with a 7673A Automatic Sampler was used.
3.1.2. A GC column capable of separating the analyte of interest
from the desorbing solvent, internal standard and any interferences.
A 30-m × 0.32-mm i.d. fused silica
Stabilwax-DA® column with a
1-µm df (Cat. no. 11054, Restek Corp.,
Bellefonte, PA) was used in this evaluation.
3.1.3. An electronic integrator or some other suitable means of
measuring peak areas or heights. A Waters 860 Networking Computer
System was used in this evaluation.
3.1.4. Two-milliliter vials with Teflon®-lined caps.
3.1.5. A dispenser capable of delivering 1.0 mL of desorbing
solvent to prepare standards and samples. If a dispenser is not
available, a 1.0-mL volumetric pipet may be used.
3.2. Reagents
3.2.1. 1-Methoxy-2-propanol, 2-methoxy-1-propanol,
1-methoxy-2-propyl acetate, and 2-methoxy-1-propyl
acetate, reagent grade or of known purity. Lot HB062777 1M2P
from Aldrich Chemical Company (Milwaukee, WI), 2M1P from Dow
Chemical (Midland, MI), and mixtures of 1M2PA and 2M1PA from Aldrich
(Lot 03019HY) and Frinton Laboratories (Vineland, NJ) were used in
this evaluation. The Aldrich 1M2P contains some 2M1P as a
contaminant and the Dow Chemical 2M1P contains some 1M2P. A
98.97/1.03 (w/w) 1M2P/2M1P mixture was prepared by mixing the
appropriate proportions of these two solvents. The mixture was
assayed by GC. The density of the mixture was determined to be 0.917
g/mL (RSD=0.1%, n=4) at 24°C by weighing 10.00 mL of the mixture
contained in tared volumetric flasks. A 99.01/0.99 (w/w) 1M2PA/2M1PA
mixture was similarly prepared from the Aldrich and Frinton
mixtures. The density of this mixture was determined to be 0.961
g/mL (RSD=0.17%, n=4) at 24°C.
3.2.2. Anhydrous magnesium sulfate or 20-40 mesh
Drierite® (anhydrous calcium sulfate), reagent grade.
Chempure Lot M172 KDHM magnesium sulfate was used in this
3.2.3. Methylene chloride, chromatographic grade. Burdick and
Jackson Lot BB551 was used in this evaluation.
3.2.4. Methanol, chromatographic grade. Fisher Lot 913607 was
used in this evaluation.
3.2.5. A suitable internal standard, reagent grade. "Quant Grade"
2-heptanol from Polyscience Corporation (Niles, IL) was used in this
3.2.6. The desorbing solvent consists of 95/5 (v/v) methylene
chloride/methanol containing an internal standard at a concentration
of 1 µL/mL.
3.2.7. GC grade nitrogen, air, and hydrogen.
3.3. Standard preparation
3.3.1. Prepare standards by injecting microliter amounts of
analytes into vials containing 1.0 mL of desorbing solvent delivered
from the same dispenser used to desorb samples. For example, to
prepare a standard of 1M2P and 2M1P, inject 4.00 µL of a
98.97/1.03 (w/w) 1M2P/2M1P mixture (density = 0.917) into a vial
containing 1.0 mL of desorbing solvent. This standard contains 3630
µg of 1M2P and 37.78 µg of 2M1P per sample.
3.3.2. Bracket sample concentrations with working standard
concentrations. If samples fall outside of the concentration range
of prepared standards, prepare and analyze additional standards to
ascertain the linearity of response.
3.4. Sample preparation
3.4.1. Transfer each section of the samples to separate vials.
Discard the glass tubes and plugs.
3.4.2. For 1M2P and 2M1P samples and for 1M2PA and 2M1PA samples
to be analyzed for 1M2P and 2M1P respectively, add about 125 mg of
anhydrous magnesium sulfate or 400 mg of 20-40 mesh
Drierite® to each vial.
3.4.3. Add 1.0 mL of desorbing solvent to each vial using the
same dispenser as used for preparation of standards.
3.4.4. Immediately cap the vials and shake them periodically for
about 30 min.
3.4.5. If magnesium sulfate is used as the drying agent,
centrifuge the vials or allow time for the powder to settle out to
avoid plugging the syringe used for GC injections.
3.5. Analysis
3.5.1. GC conditions
zone temperatures: |
column- injector- detector- |
95°C 175°C 200°C |
gas flows: |
hydrogen (carrier)- nitrogen (makeup)-
hydrogen (flame)- air- |
3.0 mL/min (60 kPa head pressure) 37 mL/min 33
mL/min 390 mL/min |
signal range: |
0 |
injection volume: |
1.0 µL (with a 15:1 split) |
column: |
30-m × 0.32-mm i.d. fused silica,
Stabilwax-DA®, 1-µm df |
retention times: |
1M2P- 2M1P- 1M2PA- 2M1PA-
2-heptanol- |
3.1 min 4.4 min 4.7 min 5.4 min 7.2
min (internal standard) |
chromatograms at the target
concentrations: |
 Chromatogram of the analytes at the target concentrations
with 1M2P and 1M2PA at approximately full scale. Key: (1) 1M2P,
(2) 2M1P, (3) 1M2PA, (4) 2M1PA, (5) 2-heptanol.
 Chromatogram of the analytes at the target concentrations
with 2M1P and 2M1PA at approximately full scale. Key: (1) 1M2P,
(2) 2M1P, (3) 1M2PA, (4) 2M1PA, (5) 2-heptanol.
3.5.2.Peak areas (or heights) are measured by an integrator or
other suitable means.
3.5.3. An internal standard (ISTD) calibration method is used.
Calibration curves are prepared by plotting micrograms of analyte
per sample versus ISTD-corrected response of standard injections.
Sample concentrations must be bracketed by standards.
3.6. Interferences (analytical)
3.6.1. Any compound that responds on a flame ionization detector
and has the same general retention time of the analyte or internal
standard is a potential interference. Possible interferences should
be reported to the laboratory with submitted samples by the
industrial hygienist. These interferences should be considered
before samples are desorbed.
3.6.2. GC parameters (i.e. column and column temperature) may be
changed to possibly circumvent interferences.
3.6.3. Retention time on a single column is not considered proof
of chemical identity. Analyte identity should be confirmed by
GC/mass spectrometry.
3.7. Calculations
The analyte concentration for samples is obtained from the
appropriate calibration curve in terms of micrograms of analyte per
sample, uncorrected for desorption efficiency. The air concentration
is calculated using the following formulae. The back
(50-mg) section is analyzed primarily to determine if
there was any breakthrough from the front (100-mg)
section during sampling. If a significant amount of analyte is found
on the back section (e.g., greater than 25% of the amount found on the
front section), this fact should be reported with sample results. If
any analyte is found on the back section, it is added to the amount
found on the front section. This total amount is then corrected by
subtracting the total amount (if any) found on the blank.
mg/m³ = |
(µg of analyte per sample)
(L of air sampled)(desorption efficiency) |
where desorption efficiencies = |
1.00 for 1M2P, 1.00 for 2M1P, 1.02 for 1M2PA, 1.01 for
2M1PA |
ppm = (mg/m³)(24.46) / (molecular weight of analyte)
where 24.46 is the molar volume at 25°C and 101.3 kPa (760 mmHg)
and molecular weights =
90.12 for 1M2P and
132.16 for 1M2PA and 2M1PA
3.8. Safety precautions (analytical)
3.8.1. Avoid skin contact and inhalation of all chemicals.
3.8.2. Restrict the use of all chemicals to a fume hood when
3.8.3. Wear safety glasses and a lab coat at all times while in
the lab area.
4. Backup Data
4.1. Detection limit of the analytical procedure
The detection limits of 48, 50, 71, and 71 pg per injection were
determined by making injections (1.0 µL with a 15:1 split) of
726, 754, 1066, and 1066 pg/µL standards for 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA,
and 2M1PA respectively. These amounts were judged to produce peaks
with heights approximately 5 times the baseline noise.
4.2. Detection limit of the overall procedure
The detection limits of the overall procedure of 0.73, 0.75, 1.1,
and 1.1 µg per sample were determined by analyzing six samples
for each analyte that had been spiked with 0.726, 0.754, 1.066, and
1.066 µg of 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA respectively. The
detection limits of the overall procedure correspond to air
concentrations of 20 ppb (74 µg/m³), 20 ppb (74 µg/m³),
20 ppb (108 µg/m³), and 20 ppb (108 µg/m³) for 1M2P,
2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA respectively.
Table 4.2.1. Detection Limit of the Overall
Procedure for 1M2P
sample no. |
µg spiked |
µg recovered |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
0.726 0.726 0.726 0.726 0.726 0.726 |
0.690 0.686 0.710 0.702 0.724 0.702 |
Table 4.2.3. Detection Limit of the Overall
Procedure for 1M2PA
sample no. |
µg spiked |
µg recovered |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
1.066 1.066 1.066 1.066 1.066 1.066 |
1.048 1.093 1.086 1.102 1.017 1.144 |
| |
Table 4.2.2. Detection Limit of the Overall
Procedure for 2M1P
sample no. |
µg spiked |
µg recovered |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
0.754 0.754 0.754 0.754 0.754 0.754 |
0.713 0.756 0.742 0.753 0.720 0.760 |
Table 4.2.4. Detection Limit of the Overall
Procedure for 2M1PA
sample no. |
µg spiked |
µg recovered |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
1.066 1.066 1.066 1.066 1.066 1.066 |
1.079 1.140 1.098 1.075 1.099 1.069 |
| |
4.3. Reliable quantitation limit
The reliable quantitation limits of 0.73, 0.75, 1.1, and 1.1 g per
sample were determined by analyzing six samples for each analyte that
had been spiked with 0.726, 0.754, 1.066, and 1.066 µg of 1M2P,
2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA respectively. The reliable quantitation limits
correspond to air concentrations of 20 ppb (74 µg/m³), 20 ppb
(74 µg/m³), 20 ppb (108 µg/m³), and 20 ppb (108
µg/m³) for 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA respectively.
Table 4.3.1. Reliable Quantitation Limit
for 1M2P (Based on samples and data of Table
percent recovered |
statistics |
95.0 94.5 97.8 96.7 99.7 96.7 |
mean = SD
= Precision
= = |
96.7 1.9 (1.96)(±1.9) ±3.7 |
Table 4.3.3. Reliable Quantitation Limit
for 1M2PA (Based on samples and data of Table
recovered |
statistics |
98.3 102.5 101.9
103.4 95.4 107.3 |
mean = SD
= Precision
= = |
101.5 4.1 (1.96)(±4.1) ±8.0 |
| |
Table 4.3.2. Reliable Quantitation Limit
for 2M1P (Based on samples and data of Table
percent recovered |
statistics |
94.6 100.3
98.4 99.9 95.5 100.8 |
mean = SD
= Precision
= = |
98.2 2.6 (1.96)(±2.6) ±5.1 |
Table 4.3.4. Reliable Quantitation Limit
for 2M1PA (Based on samples and data of Table
percent recovered |
statistics |
101.2 106.9 103.0 100.8 103.1 100.3 |
mean = SD
= Precision
= = |
102.6 2.4 (1.96)(±2.4) ±4.7 |
| |
4.4. Instrument response to the analyte
The instrument response to the analytes over the range of 0.5 to 2
times the target concentrations was determined from multiple
injections of analytical standards. The response is linear for all
four analytes with slopes (in ISTD-corrected area counts
per microgram of analyte per sample) of 275, 290, 291, and 290 for
1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA respectively.
Table 4.4.1. Instrument Response to
× target
concn µg/sample ppm |
0.5× 1815 49.3 |
1× 3630 98.5 |
2× 7260 197 |
area counts |
503710 501140 504620 502310 504370 503980 |
1005400 1004600 1006400 1003300 1004000 1001500 |
2005600 2001400 1991800 2002700 1992000 1997800 |
mean |
503360 |
1004200 |
1998600 |
4.4.1. Instrument response to 1M2P. (Slope = 275) |
Table 4.4.2. Instrument Response to
× target
concn µg/sample ppm |
0.5× 18.89 0.51 |
1× 37.78 1.03 |
2× 75.56 2.05 |
area counts |
5534 5490 5532 5534 5544 5539 |
11000 11055 11018 10987 10980 10881 |
22048 21910 21957 22031 21782 21909 |
mean |
5529 |
10987 |
21940 |
4.4.2. Instrument response to 2M1P. (Slope = 290) |
Table 4.4.3. Instrument Response to
× target
concn µg/sample ppm |
0.5× 2664 49.3 |
1× 5328 98.6 |
2× 10657 197 |
area counts |
751990 757280 755840 753060 753250 755340 |
1544600 1541100 1547500 1535200 1540700 1538500 |
3086000 3073400 3089900 3076200 3083300 3084000 |
mean |
503360 |
1541300 |
3082100 |
4.4.3. Instrument response to 1M2PA. (Slope = 291) |
Table 4.4.4. Instrument Response to
× target
concn µg/sample ppm |
0.5× 26.64 0.49 |
1× 53.28 0.99 |
2× 106.6 1.97 |
area counts |
7615 7575 7639 7627 7678 7646 |
15492 15425 15513 15386 15470 15314 |
30869 30848 31009 30759 30804 30871 |
mean |
7630 |
15433 |
30860 |
| |
4.4.4. Instrument response to 2M1PA. (Slope = 290)
4.5. Storage test
Storage samples were generated by sampling from atmospheres
containing the analytes at the target concentrations. 1M2P and 2M1P
were generated in the same atmosphere and 1M2PA and 2M1PA were
generated together in another atmosphere. For each set of 36 samples,
six samples were analyzed immediately after generation, fifteen were
stored in a refrigerator at 0°C and fifteen were stored in a closed
drawer at ambient temperatures of 20-25°C. Six samples
from each set, three from refrigerated and three from ambient storage,
were analyzed in three-day intervals over a period of
fifteen days. The results are given in Tables 4.5.1.- 4.5.4. and shown
graphically in Figures,,,,,,,
Table 4.5.1. Storage Test Data for 1M2P
days of storage |
% recovery (refrigerated) |
% recovery (ambient) |
0 0 3
6 9 12 15 |
102.3 101.6 101.4
99.2 101.8 99.5 98.8 |
101.2 100.2 100.5
99.8 102.7 99.4 99.0 |
100.6 100.1 101.3 100.3 102.1 99.6 100.0 |
102.3 101.6 99.1
99.4 102.9 99.0 102.6 |
101.2 100.2 99.7
98.9 102.8 98.5 103.3 |
100.6 100.1 98.9
99.4 103.4 99.0 102.3 |
Table 4.5.2. Storage Test Data for 2M1P
days of storage |
% recovery (refrigerated) |
% recovery (ambient) |
0 0 3
6 9 12 15 |
105.1 100.9 101.8
96.4 95.0 98.5 94.5 |
98.8 103.0
95.9 98.8 95.7 96.6 92.3 |
96.7 100.4
98.0 98.4 95.7 97.3 96.9 |
105.1 100.9 103.2
95.9 94.8 97.4 95.8 |
98.8 103.0 100.1
98.2 93.8 97.5 94.3 |
96.7 100.4
96.8 97.2 94.6 97.2 96.0 |
Table 4.5.3. Storage Test Data for 1M2PA
days of storage |
% recovery (refrigerated) |
% recovery (ambient) |
0 0 3
6 9 12 15 |
99.2 96.4 98.4 96.6 96.9 99.2 |
98.8 97.5 97.3 96.8 97.5 99.1 |
98.4 99.8 97.6 97.7 92.8 97.0 100.0
99.2 97.2 98.8 98.7 98.8 97.8 |
98.8 97.3 98.6 98.8 98.6 97.6 |
98.4 99.8 97.2 99.1 98.1 98.7 95.6 |
Table 4.5.4. Storage Test Data for 2M1PA
days of storage |
% recovery (refrigerated) |
% recovery (ambient) |
0 0 3
6 9 12 15 |
99.0 95.8 96.1 95.0 95.3 95.0 |
100.8 101.3
96.0 96.8 94.5 95.5 95.7 |
98.4 100.0
96.9 96.6 91.2 93.8 96.6 |
99.0 93.8 94.6 93.8 92.5 91.2 |
100.8 101.3
92.9 93.8 94.2 93.4 89.7 |
98.4 100.0
94.0 95.5 93.3 93.3 87.0 |
4.6. Precision (analytical procedure)
The precision of the analytical procedure for each analyte is the
pooled coefficient of variation determined from replicate injections
of standards. The coefficients of variation (CV) are calculated from
the data from Tables 4.4.1.-4.4.4. The pooled coefficients of
variation are 0.0025, 0.0045, 0.0025, and 0.0041 for 1M2P, 2M1P,
1M2PA, and 2M1PA respectively.
Table 4.6.1. Precision of the Analytical
Method for 1M2P (Based on the Data of Table
× target
concn µg/sample ppm |
0.5× 1815 49.3 |
1× 3630 98.5 |
2× 7260 197 |
mean CV |
1352 0.00269 |
1708 0.00170 |
5728 0.00287 |
Table 4.6.2. Precision of the Analytical
Method for 2M1P (Based on the Data of Table
× target
concn µg/sample ppm |
0.5× 18.89 0.51 |
1× 37.78 1.03 |
2× 75.56 2.05 |
mean CV |
19.5 0.00353 |
58.4 0.00532 |
97.0 0.00442 |
Table 4.6.3. Precision of the Analytical
Method for 1M2PA (Based on the Data of Table
× target
concn µg/sample ppm |
0.5× 2664 49.3 |
1× 5328 98.6 |
2× 10657 197 |
mean CV |
2008 0.00266 |
4354 0.00282 |
6190 0.00201 |
| |
Table 4.6.4. Precision of the Analytical
Method for 2M1PA (Based on the Data of Table
× target
concn µg/sample ppm |
0.5× 26.64 0.49 |
1× 53.28 0.99 |
2× 106.6 1.97 |
mean CV |
34.4 0.00451 |
74.4 0.00482 |
84.7 0.00274 |
| |
4.7. Precision (overall procedure)
The precision of the overall procedure is determined from the
storage data. The determination of the standard error of estimate
(SEE) for a regression line plotted through the graphed storage data
allows the inclusion of storage time as one of the factors affecting
overall precision. The SEE is similar to the standard deviation,
except it is a measure of dispersion of data about a regression line
instead of about a mean. It is determined with the following equation:
where |
n = k
= k = |
total no. of data points 2 for linear
regression 3 for quadratic regression |
= |
observed percent recovery at a given time |
= |
estimated percent recovery from the regression line at the
same given time |
An additional 5% for pump error is added to the SEE by the addition
of variances. The precision at the 95% confidence level is obtained by
multiplying the SEE (with pump error included) by 1.96 (the
z-statistic from the standard normal distribution at the
95% confidence level). The 95% confidence intervals are drawn about
their respective regression line in the storage graph as shown in
The data for Figures,,
were used to determine the SEEs of ±5.3%, ±5.5%, ±5.1%, and ±5.4% and
the precisions of the overall procedure of ±10.3%, ±10.8%, ±10.0%, and
±10.5% for 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA respectively.
4.8. Reproducibility
Six samples for each analyte collected from controlled test
atmospheres (at about 80% R.H., 20-26°C,
86-88 kPa) were analyzed by a chemist unassociated with
this evaluation. The samples were stored in a refrigerator for nine
days before being analyzed.
Table 4.8.1. Reproducibility Data for
expected |
found |
% found |
deviation |
2861 2810 2773 2766 2848 3030 |
2807 2750 2764 2750 2866 3050 |
98.1 97.9 99.7 99.4 100.6
100.7 |
-1.9 -2.1 -0.3 -0.6 +0.6 +0.7 |
Table 4.8.2. Reproducibility Data for
expected |
found |
% found |
deviation |
29.10 28.58 28.20 28.13 28.97 30.82 |
28.18 27.31 27.70 27.66 28.83 30.52 |
96.8 95.6 98.2 98.3 99.5 99.0 |
-3.2 -4.4 -1.8 -1.7 -0.5 -1.0 |
Table 4.8.3. Reproducibility Data for
expected |
found |
% found |
deviation |
5824 5721 5645 5630 5798 6168 |
5583 5533 5517 5487 5711 6044 |
95.9 96.7 97.7 97.5 98.5 98.0 |
-4.1 -3.3 -2.3 -2.5 -1.5 -2.0 |
| |
Table 4.8.4. Reproducibility Data for
expected |
found |
% found |
deviation |
58.24 57.21 56.45 56.30 57.98 61.68 |
54.81 54.45 54.20 53.89 55.98 59.28 |
94.1 95.2 96.0 95.7 96.6 96.1 |
-5.9 -4.8 -4.0 -4.3 -3.4 -3.9 |
| |
4.9. Desorption efficiency [from dry charcoal using
95/5 (v/v) methylene chloride/methanol]
The average desorption efficiencies of 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA
are 100.4%, 99.7%, 101.8%, and 101.4% respectively over the range of
0.5 to 2 times the target concentrations. They were determined by
injecting microliter amounts of stock standards into the front section
of Lot 120 charcoal tubes. Eighteen samples were prepared, six samples
for each concentration level listed in the following tables. The
samples were stored in a refrigerator and analyzed the next day.
Table 4.9.1. Desorption Efficiency Data for 1M2P and
desorption efficiency, % |
1M2P |
2M1P |
× target concn µg/sample ppm |
0.5× 1815 49.3 |
1× 3630 98.5 |
2× 7260 197 |
0.5× 18.89 0.51 |
1× 37.78 1.03 |
2× 75.56 2.05 |
100.8 100.3
99.5 100.2 101.5 100.7 |
99.6 101.5 100.0 100.7 100.4 100.1 |
99.9 100.5 100.1 100.5 99.7 100.3 |
99.9 98.1 97.5 97.3 99.5 101.4
99.7 101.2 101.8 103.1 97.4 100.6 |
99.4 100.2
97.7 100.2 98.7 100.7 |
mean grand mean |
100.5 |
100.4 100.4 |
100.2 |
99.0 |
100.6 99.7 |
99.5 |
Table 4.9.2. Desorption Efficiency Data for 1M2PA and
desorption efficiency, % |
1M2PA |
2M1PA |
× target concn µg/sample ppm |
0.5× 2664 49.3 |
1× 5328 98.6 |
2× 10657 197 |
0.5× 26.64 0.49 |
1× 53.28 0.99 |
2× 106.6 1.97 |
102.2 101.6 101.6 101.9 101.3 101.6 |
102.3 102.1 101.8 101.9 102.1 101.8 |
101.9 101.5 101.7 102.2 101.8 101.6 |
102.5 102.2 101.2 100.8 101.2 101.1 |
100.8 101.9 101.4 100.0 101.3 101.8 |
101.6 100.9 101.9 102.6 101.2 101.6 |
mean grand mean |
101.7 |
102.0 101.8 |
101.8 |
101.5 |
101.2 101.4 |
101.6 |
4.10. Stability of desorbed samples [from dry
charcoal using 95/5 (v/v) methylene chloride/methanol]
The stability of desorbed samples was checked by reanalyzing
the target concentration samples from Section
4.9. one day later using fresh standards. The sample vials
were resealed with new septa after the original analyses and
were allowed to stand at room temperature until reanalyzed. |
Table 4.10. Stability of Desorbed Samples at the
Target Concentration after 24 Hours
desorption efficiency, % |
1M2P |
2M1P |
1M2PA |
2M1PA |
mean |
100.1 101.1 99.9 101.2 100.4 101.0 100.6 |
99.8 100.6 101.8 100.2 99.5 102.4 100.7 |
102.9 102.2 101.9 102.2 102.4 102.0 102.3 |
102.9 101.9 102.1 101.1 102.9 100.0 101.8 |
4.11. Desorption efficiency and stability of
desorbed samples [from wet charcoal using 95/5 (v/v) methylene
Studies were done at the target concentrations to determine what
effect the presence of water had on the desorption efficiency for the
four analytes. This was done by injecting analytical standards into
the front sections of charcoal tubes that previously had 10 L of 80%
RH air drawn through them. The samples were reanalyzed 24 h later to
check the stability of desorbed samples. Finally, magnesium sulfate
was added to the desorbed samples and they were reanalyzed again.
Table 4.11.1. Desorption of 1M2P from Wet
initial analysis |
next day analysis |
next day +
MgSO4 |
% desorption |
96.0 96.4 96.1 96.7 96.2 96.2 |
96.1 96.9 96.6 97.4 96.9 97.0 |
103.0 101.9 101.3 102.3 102.4 101.9 |
mean |
96.3 |
96.8 |
102.1 |
Table 4.11.2. Desorption of 2M1P from Wet
initial analysis |
next day analysis |
next day +
MgSO4 |
% desorption |
92.3 94.8 94.6 93.4 93.3 93.0 |
95.3 96.8 94.7 96.2 94.8 94.8 |
102.6 103.1 103.2 102.7 102.8 101.5 |
mean |
93.6 |
95.4 |
102.6 |
Table 4.11.3. Desorption of 1M2PA from
Wet Charcoal
initial analysis |
next day analysis |
next day +
MgSO4 |
% desorption |
102.7 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.5 102.3 |
102.5 102.7 102.6 102.7 103.5 102.5 |
102.2 102.3 102.7 102.6 102.5 101.9 |
mean |
102.9 |
102.8 |
102.4 |
| |
Table 4.11.4. Desorption of 2M1PA from
Wet Charcoal
initial analysis |
next day analysis |
next day +
MgSO4 |
% desorption |
102.4 103.2 102.5 101.9 102.7 100.7 |
103.2 102.5 103.2 103.8 102.5 103.6 |
101.8 103.4 104.0 103.0 103.1 101.4 |
mean |
102.2 |
103.1 |
102.8 |
| |
4.12. Desorption efficiency [from dry charcoal using
99/1 (v/v) CS2/DMF]
The average desorption efficiencies of 1M2P, 2M1P, 1M2PA, and 2M1PA
are 86.3%, 80.8%, 98.4%, and 98.0% respectively over the range of 0.5
to 2 times the target concentrations. They were determined by
injecting microliter amounts of stock standards into the front section
of Lot 120 charcoal tubes. Eighteen samples were prepared, six samples
for each concentration level listed in the following tables. The
samples were stored in a refrigerator and analyzed the next day.
Table 4.12.1. Desorption Efficiency Data for 1M2P and
desorption efficiency, % |
1M2P |
2M1P |
× target concn µg/sample ppm |
0.5× 1815 49.3 |
1× 3630 98.5 |
2× 7260 197 |
0.5× 18.89 0.51 |
1× 37.78 1.03 |
2× 75.56 2.05 |
84.1 84.7 84.8 83.3 84.1 83.5 |
87.6 87.9 88.8 89.0 84.4 86.8 |
89.2 88.7 83.4 89.1 88.6 85.4 |
81.0 78.7 79.1 76.5 76.5 75.2 |
80.0 80.6 84.1 83.8 83.7 81.0 |
83.6 82.7 80.5 85.3 81.9 79.7 |
mean grand mean |
84.1 |
87.4 86.3 |
87.4 |
77.8 |
82.2 80.8 |
82.3 |
Table 4.12.2. Desorption Efficiency Data for 1M2PA and
desorption efficiency, % |
1M2P |
2M1P |
× target concn µg/sample ppm |
0.5× 2664 49.3 |
1× 5328 98.6 |
2× 10657 197 |
0.5× 26.64 0.49 |
1× 53.28 0.99 |
2× 106.6 1.97 |
99.1 98.8 98.7 98.8 98.4 98.3 |
97.9 98.6 98.2 97.5 97.7 98.0 |
98.9 98.6 98.5 98.6 98.3 98.9 |
97.9 98.2 97.6 98.7 98.7 98.0 |
97.8 98.9 98.1 97.5 97.6 98.0 |
97.9 97.9 98.0 97.7 97.7 98.4 |
mean grand mean |
98.7 |
98.0 98.4 |
98.6 |
98.2 |
98.0 98.0 |
97.9 |
4.13. Stability of desorbed samples [from dry
charcoal using 99/1 (v/v) CS2/DMF]
The stability of desorbed samples was checked by reanalyzing
the target concentration samples from Section
4.12. one day later using fresh standards. The sample vials
were resealed with new septa after the original analyses and
were allowed to stand at room temperature until reanalyzed. |
Table 4.13. Stability of Desorbed Samples at the
Target Concentration after 24 Hours
desorption efficiency, % |
1M2P |
2M1P |
1M2PA |
2M1PA |
mean |
80.9 81.4 85.2 84.9 86.8 82.7 83.7 |
72.3 72.4 78.9 77.4 78.6 75.1 75.8 |
98.2 98.1 97.1 97.6 97.6 97.6 97.7 |
97.8 97.9 96.4 97.5 96.9 97.2 97.3 |
| |
4.14. Desorption efficiency and stability of
desorbed samples [from wet charcoal using 99/1 (v/v)
Studies were done at the target concentrations to determine what
effect the presence of water had on the desorption efficiency for the
four analytes. This was done by injecting analytical standards into
the front sections of charcoal tubes that previously had 10 L of 80%
RH air drawn through them. The samples were reanalyzed 24 h later to
check the stability of desorbed samples. Magnesium sulfate was added
to one-half of the samples when they were desorbed.
Table 4.14.1. Desorption of 1M2P from Wet
initial (no MgSO4) |
next day (no MgSO4) |
initial (with MgSO4) |
next day (with MgSO4) |
% desorption |
50.9 50.9 50.8 |
48.0 48.1 49.7 |
79.5 83.0 76.2 |
78.9 75.3 79.7 |
mean |
50.9 |
48.6 |
79.6 |
78.0 |
Table 4.14.2. Desorption of 2M1P from Wet
initial (no MgSO4) |
next day (no MgSO4) |
initial (with MgSO4) |
next day (with MgSO4) |
% desorption |
40.5 40.4 40.7 |
36.9 37.7 39.0 |
70.1 74.7 66.6 |
65.8 59.1 68.1 |
mean |
40.5 |
37.9 |
70.5 |
64.3 |
Table 4.14.3. Desorption of 1M2PA from Wet
initial (no MgSO4) |
next day (no MgSO4) |
initial (with MgSO4) |
next day (with MgSO4) |
% desorption |
93.2 94.5 93.0 |
94.6 94.3 93.8 |
95.8 96.6 96.7 |
96.5 95.8 95.2 |
mean |
93.6 |
94.2 |
96.4 |
95.8 |
Table 4.14.4. Desorption of 2M1PA from Wet
initial (no MgSO4) |
next day (no MgSO4) |
initial (with MgSO4) |
next day (with MgSO4) |
% desorption |
91.7 93.0 91.3 |
92.8 92.5 91.3 |
95.4 96.2 96.6 |
95.7 94.9 94.7 |
mean |
92.0 |
92.2 |
96.1 |
95.1 |
5. References
5.1. "Current Intelligence Bulletin 39,
Glycol Ethers"; May 2, 1983, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, NIOSH.
5.2. "NEG and NIOSH basis for an occupational
health standard: Propylene Glycol Ethers and Their Acetates";
1991, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health
Service, Center for Disease Control, NIOSH, Publication No.
5.3. "Table Z-1-A -- Limits for Air
Contaminants", Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29;
1910.1000, U.S. Office of the Federal Register National Archives and
Records Administration, Washington, DC; 1991.
5.4. "OSHA Analytical Methods Manual" U.S.
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration;
OSHA Salt Lake Technical Center: Salt Lake City, UT, 1990; Method 79;
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH):
Cincinnati, OH, ISBN: 0-936712-66-X.
5.5. Elskamp, C.J. "OSHA Method No. 83;
2-Butoxyethanol and 2-Butoxyethyl Acetate",
OSHA Salt Lake Technical Center, unpublished, Salt Lake City, UT
84165-0200, May 1990.
5.6. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,
70th ed.; CRC Press, Inc.: Boca Raton, FL, 1989-1990.