Introduction The procedure for collection and analysis of air samples for hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is described in OSHA Method No. ID-141 (12.1.). Briefly, H2S is collected on Whatman No. 4 filter paper (Special Order, Whatman Labsales, Hillsboro, OR) which has been impregnated with silver nitrate (AgNO3). The H2S reacts with AgNO3 to form silver sulfide, a greyish-black precipitate (12.2., 12.3.). The silver sulfide is dissolved in an alkaline cyanide solution and then analyzed by differential pulse polarography (DPP) for sulfide. 1. Experimental Procedure This method has been evaluated using a sampling rate of 0.2 L/min and a total air volume of 2 L. The OSHA Ceiling Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) was 20 ppm when this evaluation was performed; therefore, concentrations of approximately 10, 20, and 40 ppm H2S were used for the evauluation. The evaluation followed the NIOSH protocol (12.4.) for method evaluation with some exceptions and consisted of the following experiments:
Samples were spiked and analyzed to determine analytical performance of the method and to assess desorption efficiency. Procedure: Samples were prepared by adding known amounts of a
standardized sodium sulfide (Na2S) stock
solution to
2.2. Silver nitrate-impregnated Whatman 4 filters were prepared as mentioned in reference 12.1. 2.3. The three sets of spiked samples were prepared by injecting
known volumes of the standardized Na2S stock
solution on the
2.4. Sample solutions were prepared and analyzed for sulfide by DPP as described in reference 12.1. with one slight modification: Analytical standards were prepared by serial dilution of the standardized Na2S stock solution (10,175 µg/mL H2S) prepared in Section 2.1. Each sample was analyzed twice. Results: The results of the spiked filter samples are given in Table 1. The desorption efficiency (DE) for each sample set analyzed was 0.923, 0.892 and 0.882, respectively. The DE at each level is significantly different from 1.0. The slightly low DE appeared to be due to difficulties in spiking the filters with the Na2S stock solution and not to problems in the desorption of analyte. Potential problems when spiking these solutions were noted:
Procedure: To determine the ability of the method to sample and analyze for H2S, known concentrations of generated samples were prepared. Test atmospheres of H2S gas in this and all following sections were dynamically generated by diluting H2S gas from a cylinder with purified humid air in a Teflon mixing tee. The cylinder concentration had been certified as 220 ± 5 ppm H2S in nitrogen (Airco, Murray Hill, NJ). To verify the concentration of the cylinder, samples were taken and analyzed using the NIOSH sampling and analytical method no. S4 (12.6.) with some modifications. The procedure followed is listed below.
3.2. The samples were analyzed for sulfide content by the methylene blue calorimetric procedure (12.6.). Standards were prepared from the Na2S stock solution prepared in Section 2. 3.3. No H2S was detected in the backup impinger of each sample (detection limit = 1.6 ppm H2S). 3.4. The average H2S concentration of the gas cylinder was 208 ± 14 ppm (95% confidence level). This experimental concentration did not significantly differ from the manufacturers' stated concentration of 220 ± 5 ppm. The stated value was used when calculating all theoretical (taken) results. Test atmospheres were then generated using this gas and the
generation system described in the Appendix.
Six samples were simultaneously collected from the manifold for
approximately 10 min. This was performed for each of the three test
levels. The samples were collected on the
Results: The three sets of samples were analyzed twice by DPP using procedures described in the method (12.1.). The results of the sampling and analysis experiment are shown in Table 2. A correction for DE was not performed on the results. The theoretical (taken) concentration of the generated gas was determined from the measured flow rates of the diluting air and the certified H2S gas from the cylinder at each test level. Two results were deleted as outliers since they failed to pass the outlier test at the 99% confidence level. 4. Collection Efficiency (CE) Procedure: Six samples were simultaneously collected on
Results: The CE of each filter sample was calculated by dividing the amount of H2S collected on the filter by the total amount of H2S collected in the filter and backup impinger. The results are given in Table 3. The CE was 100%. 5. Breakthrough Procedure: Two samples were simultaneously collected at
approximately 40 ppm H2S for 10, 15, and 20
minutes. The generation system test atmospheres were produced at a low
(18%) and then a high (86%) RH (25°C) to determine any humidity effect
on breakthrough. Each sample was collected on a
Results: Breakthrough was determined for each sampling period by dividing the average amount of H2S collected in the backup impingers by the known generated H2S concentration. The results are presented in Table 4. Breakthrough of 6% occurred at both humidities and for a sampling period of 20 min. Breakthrough was below 5% for shorter sampling periods. 6. Storage Stability A study was conducted to assess the stability of
H2S air samples collected on the
Procedure: Three sets (6 samples and a blank sample in each
set) of H2S samples were generated using
Results: The results of the storage stability study are shown in Table 5 [Note: The six samples listed for the 0 day storage test are the same samples taken at 20 ppm for the sampling and analysis (Section 3) experiment]. The results indicate samples are stable for a period of at least 30 days when stored under normal lab temperatures and in a dark environment. 7. Detection Limit Procedure: Standard solutions in 0.1 N NaOH were prepared by serial dilutions of a stock standard solution of Na2S. The procedure used is identical to the preparation of working standards in the method (12.1.), with the exception that the concentrations used for this experiment were from 10.2 to 203.5 ng/mL. Six standards at each concentration and six reagent blanks were prepared and analyzed. Results:
The analytical procedure requires the use of a blank subtraction
software routine for each sample or standard. This routine sets any
constant background signal to zero. Therefore, parametric or
7.2. Quantitative Detection Limit The quantitative detection limit is 0.050 µg/mL or 2.5 µg of H2S in a 50 ml sample extraction volume. This corresponds to 0.9 ppm H2S (2-L air volume). As shown in Table 6, the CV of replicate determinations of standards at this concentration is less than 0.10. 8. Method Comparison A side-by-side method comparison was performed as an independent measurement of the generated concentrations. The NIOSH sampling and analytical method no. S4 (12.6.) was used with some modifications. The samples for the NIOSH method were taken simultaneously with impregnated filter samples during the sampling and analysis experiment (Section 3). Procedure: Six samples (NIOSH method) of the test atmosphere were simultaneously collected from the sampling manifold for approximately 10 min at a flow rate of 0.2 L/min at each of the three test levels. Each set of six samples was concurrently collected with the filter samples at that test concentration. The procedures used for the NIOSH method are listed below.
8.2. The samples were analyzed for their sulfide content by the methylene blue colorimetric procedure with standards prepared from the standardized Na2S stock solution. Results: The average H2S concentration (95% confidence level) determined in each set of impinger samples is:
The first two experimental concentrations found did not significantly differ from the taken concentrations. The difference between the taken and found concentrations for the third test (39.22 vs. 37.19 ppm) was possibly due to analytical difficulties in recovering the cadmium sulfide precipitate from the impingers at this test level. 9. Precision and Accuracy The precision and accuracy data, based on the NIOSH statistical protocol (12.6.), are presented in Tables 1 and 2. The pooled coefficients of variation for spiked (CV1) and generated (CV2) samples and the overall pooled CVT are as follows:
The bias was -3.1% and overall error was ±10.7%. 10. Independent Assessment of Method Procedure: A series of sample filters impregnated with AgNO3 were prepared at the OSHA Analytical Laboratory and submitted to an independent laboratory for sample collection at low and high humidity using their H2S generation system. Their system dynamically generated H2S gas by diluting a gas stream from a cylinder of H2S with a stream of air from a compressed air cylinder. The dilution took place in a Teflon manifold. Flow rates were controlled using rotameters. The high humidity experiment was conducted by bubbling the diluting air in water before mixing. The known (taken) concentrations were determined by measuring aliquots of the generated atmospheres with a model 5700 gas chromatography (Hewlett-Packard, Avondale, PA) equipped with a flame photometric detector. The detector response was calibrated using a H2S permeation tube. Samples were taken at three different concentrations and two different humidities by employees of the independent laboratory. A flow rate of 0.2 L/min was used with model 222-3 sampling pumps (SKC Inc., Eighty Four, PA). The samples were then submitted to the OSHA Analytical Laboratory for analysis. The samples taken at low humidity were collected and analyzed within 30 days of preparation; high humidity samples were collected about 45 days after preparation. The samples taken at high humidity were analyzed about 70 days after the filters were impregnated. Results: Results are shown in Table 7. The results of the two different humidity tests indicate good agreement with the theoretical values with the exception of samples collected at about 40 ppm. All recoveries for the 40 ppm samples were about 50% lower than expected. The independent laboratory indicated monitoring problems occurred when performing the first test (low humidity) at this concentrate ion. The problem was attributed to a faulty H2S permeation tube when calibrating the gas chromatography. For the second high concentration test (high humidity), recoveries were also about 50% low; however, the independent laboratory indicated the impregnated filters used during the 40 ppm test were not handled according to specifications. Blank air was collected through these filters a month prior to their use. The length of time between preparation and analysis for high humidity samples (at concentrations at or below 30 ppm H2S) indicates a storage stability of at least 45 days. 11. Conclusions This sampling and analytical method has been shown to be precise and accurate for determining Ceiling exposures of 10 to 40 ppm when using 0.2 L/min flow rates for 10 to 15 min. To determine compliance with the Final Rule STEL of 15 ppm H2S, the same sampling and analytical conditions can be used. Storage stability did not pose a significant problem under the conditions tested. Breakthrough was evident after 20 min of sampling at 40 ppm which places a limitation on sampling. Due to the potential for breakthrough, it is recommended to sample for TWA exposures at a lower flow rate of 0.1 L/min. Eight 1-h samples are recommended for TWA assessments of H2S. Samples taken near the TWA PEL of 10 ppm (0.1 L/min for 1 h) will have the same total amount collected as the samples collected at 20 ppm (0.2 L/min for 15 min). Therefore, at the lower flow rate the method should not exhibit any significant sample collection problems when determining TWA exposures. 12. References
12.2. Natusch, D.F.S., H.B. Klonis, H.D. Axelrod, R.D. Teck, and J.P. Lodge, Jr.: Sensitive Method for Measurement of Atmospheric Hydrogen Sulfide. Anal. Chem. 44: 2067-2070 (1972). 12.3. Natusch, D. F. S., J.R. Sewell, and R.L. Tanner: Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide in Air -- An Assessment of Impregnated Paper Tape Methods. Anal. Chem. 46: 410-415 (1974). 12.4. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Documentation of the NIOSH Validation Tests by D. Taylor, R. Kupel and J. Bryant (DHEW/NIOSH Pub. No. 77-185). Cincinnati, OH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1977. 12.5. Windholz, H., ed.: The Merck Index. 9th ed. Rahway, NJ: Merck & Co., Inc., 1976. 12.6. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods. 2nd ed., Vol. 2 (DHEW/NIOSH Pub. No. 77-157-B). Cincinnati, OH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1977. pp. S4-1-S4-100 12.7. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration Analytical Laboratory: OSHA Analytical Methods
Manual (USDOL/OSHA-SLCAL Method No. ID-102 (Backup Report)).
Cincinnati, OH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (Pub. No. ISBN:
Generation System for Producing Dynamic Test Atmospheres of Hydrogen Sulfide A generation system was designed such that the H2S gas and diluent air were connected to a mixing tee which was then connected to a sampling manifold. The diluent air was conditioned to the RH and temperature required for the particular experiment. Details of the system are listed below.
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