Introduction to DNA Industrial Hygiene
DNA Industrial Hygiene is an Occupational/Environmental Health & Safety firm providing comprehensive industrial hygiene/environmental services. We maintain a staff of Safety & Health Professionals, who have qualified for the following professional credentials, Certified Industrial Hygienists and California Asbestos Consultants. They are ready to meet your Health & Safety, Environmental compliance needs.
Since 1982, DNA has been in the industrial hygiene business under the same name and leadership -- Dan Napier . Our experience gives us the confidence to provide innovative services. We have introduced procedures that provide significant time and monetary savings to our customers, with minimum risk to individuals, corporations, and the environment.
DNA Services
DNA employs a multi-disciplinary approach to solve complex environmental issues. Services include initial site assessment characterization, legislative compliance, project design and management through remediation. Monitoring and analytical methods are used to identify the potential for worker and environmental exposures. Engineering work practices are employed to control potential health and environmental hazards. DNA has the field experience to deal with a significant array of situations. Property Assessments, Phase I, II, and III are conducted to ensure the client that sound real estate decisions are made by lenders, buyers, sellers, tenants and manufacturers. Environmental impact reports and risk assessment and management are performed by scientists whose regulatory and technical specialties provide a clear picture of the hazards. We also develop remediation efforts for cost-effective solutions where sometimes a "No Further Action" statement is the best remediation. We can help you develop the most effective IIPP (Safety & Health Program) for your organization. We provide effective defense when you have been cited by OSHA , AQMD, APCD or EPA. Please refer to our records retention policy should you wish to retain us.
Our employees are committed to providing the best available solutions as well as the technology for our client needs. DNA is an integral resource to management for a cost-beneficial approach to the protection of the environment.
DNA Training
an EPA-approved training provider for OSHA required
occupational health and safety classes. Examples of classes
taught are EPA (AHERA/ASHARA) Contractor Supervisor, Asbestos
Worker, Building Inspector, Management Planner and refresher
courses, which can be taught on location. An intensive
hands-on interactive environment provides each student with
in-depth hazardous waste and emergency response training
required for certification and competency. We are affiliated
with Environmental Safety Training Professionals for
California approved training courses ESTP .
DNA Industrial Hygiene Services
Air Quality Analysis--Air Monitoring Tests
Studies--Source Testing
Cal & Fed OSHA Defense
Cal OSHA Compliance Survey--Self Insurance
Approval--Safety Audits--Benchmark Survey
Certified Industrial Hygienists, Click here for a listing--CIH
Certified Safety Professionals, Click Here for a Listing--CSP
Regulation Compliance
of previous tests
Expert Witness Testimony
HAZMAT Surveys
Legal Description Preparation--Phase I Survey
& Analysis--Community Noise Levels--OSHA Noise
Survey--Noise Dosimetry
Noise Abatement Analysis
Operations & Maintenance Manual Production
Operations Assistance/Troubleshooting
Preventive Maintenance Program Design
Project Negotiations
Tight Building Syndrome Evaluations
DNA Environmental Services
Ambient and Source Monitoring
Annual Inspections and Certifications
Air Pollution Controls
Ecological Investigations
Environmental Audits
Environmental Site Assessments
Field Testing
Hazardous Waste Management
Hazardous Waste Investigation
Information Management - MSDS
Materials and Machinery Analysis
Permit Applications & Reporting
Policy Manuals & Operating Procedure Manuals
Project Chemistry
Project Coordination and Oversight
Regulatory Compliance Support
Remote Sensing Services
Risk Management
Site Investigation and Remediation
Soil Vapor Surveys
Soil Investigations and Remediation
Third Party Reviews
Underground Storage Tank Investigations
Underground Storage Tank Cleanup and Removal
VOC and Air Toxic Control
Waste Management
Worker Training: HAZWOPER - Respirators - Equipment Operators - General Safety
Hygiene. is dedicated to protecting workers and the
environment through cost effective management and abatement
techniques. We take pride in the fact that many of our
customers are Certified Industrial Hygienists, Architects and
Professional Engineers. We are the professional's