The employee shall use the provided
respiratory protection in accordance with instructions and training received.
(b) Requirements for a
minimal acceptable program.
(b)(1) Written standard
operating procedures governing the selection and use of respirators shall be established.
(b)(2) Respirators shall
be selected on the basis of hazards to which the worker is exposed.
(b)(3) The user shall be
instructed and trained in the proper use of respirators and their limitations.
(b)(4) [Reserved]
(b)(5) Respirators shall
be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Those used by more than one worker shall be
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each use.
(b)(6) Respirators shall
be stored in a convenient, clean, and sanitary location.
(b)(7) Respirators used
routinely shall be inspected during cleaning. Worn or deteriorated parts shall be
replaced. Respirators for emergency use such as self-contained devices shall be thoroughly
inspected at least once a month and after each use.
(b)(8) Appropriate surveillance of work area
conditions and degree of employee exposure or stress shall be maintained.
(b)(9) There shall be
regular inspection and evaluation to determine the continued effectiveness of the program.
(b)(10) Persons should
not be assigned to tasks requiring use of respirators unless it has been determined that
they are physically able to perform the work and use the equipment. The local physician
shall determine what health and physical conditions are pertinent. The respirator user's
medical status should be reviewed periodically (for instance, annually).
(b)(11) Respirators
shall be selected from among those jointly approved by the Mine Safety and Health
Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health under the
provisions of 30 CFR part 11.
(c) Selection of
respirators. Proper selection of respirators shall be made according to the guidance of
American National Standard Practices for Respiratory Protection Z88.2-1969.
(d) Air quality.
(d)(1) Compressed air,
compressed oxygen, liquid air, and liquid oxygen used for respiration shall be of high
purity. Oxygen shall meet the requirements of the United States Pharmacopoeia for medical
or breathing oxygen. Breathing air shall meet at least the requirements of the
specification for Grade D breathing air as described in Compressed Gas Association
Commodity Specification G-7.1-1966. Compressed oxygen shall not be used in supplied-air
respirators or in open circuit self-contained breathing apparatus that have previously
used compressed air. Oxygen must never be used with air line respirators.
reathing air may be supplied to respirators from
cylinders or air compressors.
(d)(2)(i) Cylinders
shall be tested and maintained as prescribed in the Shipping Container Specification
Regulations of the Department of Transportation (49 CFR Part 178).
(d)(2)(ii) The
compressor for supplying air shall be equipped with necessary safety and standby devices.
A breathing air-type compressor shall be used. Compressors shall be constructed and
situated so as to avoid entry of contaminated air into the system and suitable in-line air
purifying sorbent beds and filters installed to further assure breathing air quality. A
receiver of sufficient capacity to enable the respirator wearer to escape from a
contaminated atmosphere in event of compressor failure, and alarms to indicate compressor
failure and overheating shall be installed in the system. If an oil-lubricated compressor
is used, it shall have a high-temperature or carbon monoxide alarm, or both. If only a
high-temperature alarm is used, the air from the compressor shall be frequently tested for
carbon monoxide to insure that it meets the specifications in paragraph (d)(1) of this
(d)(3) Air line couplings shall be incompatible with
outlets for other gas systems to prevent inadvertent servicing of air line respirators
with nonrespirable gases or oxygen.
(d)(4) Breathing gas
containers shall be marked in accordance with American National Standard Method of Marking
Portable Compressed Gas Containers to Identify the Material Contained, Z48.1-1954; Federal
Specification BB-A-1034a, June 21, 1968, Air, Compressed for Breathing Purposes; or
Interim Federal Specification GG-B-00675b, April 27, 1965, Breathing Apparatus,
(e) Use of respirators.
(e)(1) Standard
procedures shall be developed for respirator use. These should include all information and
guidance necessary for their proper selection, use, and care. Possible emergency and
routine uses of respirators should be anticipated and planned for.
(e)(2) The correct
respirator shall be specified for each job. The respirator type is usually specified in
the work procedures by a qualified individual supervising the respiratory protective
program. The individual issuing them shall be adequately instructed to insure that the
correct respirator is issued.
(e)(3) Written procedures shall be prepared covering
safe use of respirators in dangerous atmospheres that might be encountered in normal
operations or in emergencies. Personnel shall be familiar with these procedures and the
available respirators.
(e)(3)(i) In areas
where the wearer, with failure of the respirator, could be overcome by a toxic or
oxygen-deficient atmosphere, at least one additional man shall be present. Communications
(visual, voice, or signal line) shall be maintained between both or all individuals
present. Planning shall be such that one individual will be unaffected by any likely
incident and have the proper rescue equipment to be able to assist the other(s) in case of
(e)(3)(ii) When
self-contained breathing apparatus or hose masks with blowers are used in atmospheres
immediately dangerous to life or health, standby men must be present with suitable rescue
(e)(3)(iii) Persons
using air line respirators in atmospheres immediately hazardous to life or health shall be
equipped with safety harnesses and safety lines for lifting or removing persons from
hazardous atmospheres or other and equivalent provisions for the rescue of persons from
hazardous atmospheres shall be used. A standby man or men with suitable self-contained
breathing apparatus shall be at the nearest fresh air base for emergency rescue.
(e)(4) Respiratory protection is no better than the
respirator in use, even though it is worn conscientiously. Frequent random inspections
shall be conducted by a qualified individual to assure that respirators are properly
selected, used, cleaned, and maintained.
(e)(5) For safe use of
any respirator, it is essential that the user be properly instructed in its selection,
use, and maintenance. Both supervisors and workers shall be so instructed by competent
persons. Training shall provide the men an opportunity to handle the respirator, have it
fitted properly, test its face-piece-to-face seal, wear it in normal air for a long
familiarity period, and, finally, to wear it in a test atmosphere.
(e)(5)(i) Every
respirator wearer shall receive fitting instructions including demonstrations and practice
in how the respirator should be worn, how to adjust it, and how to determine if it fits
properly. Respirators shall not be worn when conditions prevent a good face seal. Such
conditions may be a growth of beard, sideburns, a skull cap that projects under the
facepiece, or temple pieces on glasses. Also, the absence of one or both dentures can
seriously affect the fit of a facepiece. The worker's diligence in observing these factors
shall be evaluated by periodic check. To assure proper protection, the facepiece fit shall
be checked by the wearer each time he puts on the respirator. This may be done by
following the manufacturer's facepiece fitting instructions.
(e)(5)(ii) Providing respiratory protection for
individuals wearing corrective glasses is a serious problem. A proper seal cannot be
established if the temple bars of eye glasses extend through the sealing edge of the full
facepiece. As a temporary measure, glasses with short temple bars or without temple bars
may be taped to the wearer's head. Wearing of contact lenses in contaminated atmospheres
with a respirator shall not be allowed. Systems have been developed for mounting
corrective lenses inside full facepieces. When a workman must wear corrective lenses as
part of the facepiece, the facepiece and lenses shall be fitted by qualified individuals
to provide good vision, comfort, and a gas-tight seal.
(e)(5)(iii) If
corrective spectacles or goggles are required, they shall be worn so as not to affect the
fit of the facepiece. Proper selection of equipment will minimize or avoid this problem.
(f) Maintenance and care of
(f)(1) A program for
maintenance and care of respirators shall be adjusted to the type of plant, working
conditions, and hazards involved, and shall include the following basic services:
(f)(1)(i) Inspection
for defects (including a leak check),
(f)(1)(ii) Cleaning
and disinfecting,
(f)(1)(iii) Repair,
(f)(1)(iv) Storage
Equipment shall be properly maintained to retain its original effectiveness.
(f)(2)(i) All respirators shall be inspected
routinely before and after each use. A respirator that is not routinely used but is kept
ready for emergency use shall be inspected after each use and at least monthly to assure
that it is in satisfactory working condition.
(f)(2)(ii) Self-contained breathing apparatus shall
be inspected monthly. Air and oxygen cylinders shall be fully charged according to the
manufacturer's instructions. It shall be determined that the regulator and warning devices
function properly.
Respirator inspection shall include a check of the tightness of connections and the
condition of the facepiece, headbands, valves, connecting tube, and canisters. Rubber or
elastomer parts shall be inspected for pliability and signs of deterioration. Stretching
and manipulating rubber or elastomer parts with a massaging action will keep them pliable
and flexible and prevent them from taking a set during storage.
(f)(2)(iv) A record
shall be kept of inspection dates and findings for respirators maintained for emergency
(f)(3) Routinely used
respirators shall be collected, cleaned, and disinfected as frequently as necessary to
insure that proper protection is provided for the wearer. Respirators maintained for
emergency use shall be cleaned and disinfected after each use.
(f)(4) Replacement or
repairs shall be done only by experienced persons with parts designed for the respirator.
No attempt shall be made to replace components or to make adjustment or repairs beyond the
manufacturer's recommendations. Reducing or admission valves or regulators shall be
returned to the manufacturer or to a trained technician for adjustment or repair.
(f)(5)(i) After inspection, cleaning, and necessary
repair, respirators shall be stored to protect against dust, sunlight, heat, extreme cold,
excessive moisture, or damaging chemicals. Respirators placed at stations and work areas
for emergency use should be quickly accessible at all times and should be stored in
compartments built for the purpose. The compartments should be clearly marked. Routinely
used respirators, such as dust respirators, may be placed in plastic bags. Respirators
should not be stored in such places as lockers or tool boxes unless they are in carrying
cases or cartons.
Respirators should be packed or stored so that the facepiece and exhalation valve will
rest in a normal position and function will not be impaired by the elastomer setting in an
abnormal position.
Instructions for proper storage of emergency respirators, such as gas masks and
self-contained breathing apparatus, are found in "use and care" instructions
usually mounted inside the carrying case lid.
(g) Identification of gas
mask canisters.
(g)(1) The primary means
of identifying a gas mask canister shall be by means of properly worded labels. The
secondary means of identifying a gas mask canister shall be by a color code.
(g)(2) All who issue or
use gas masks falling within the scope of this section shall see that all gas mask
canisters purchased or used by them are properly labeled and colored in accordance with
these requirements before they are placed in service and that the labels and colors are
properly maintained at all times thereafter until the canisters have completely served
their purpose.
(g)(3) On each canister
shall appear in bold letters the following:
(g)(3)(i) -