Method no.: |
45 |
Matrix: |
Air |
Target concentration: |
0.5 mg/m3 |
Procedure: |
Samples are collected by drawing a known volume of
air through a sampling device consisting of two specially prepared
XAD-7 adsorbent tubes which are connected in series.
Following desorption with methanol, the samples are analyzed by high
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet (UV)
detection. |
Recommended air volume and sampling rate: |
48 L at 0.2 L/min |
Reliable quantitation limit: |
0.003 mg/m3 |
Standard error of estimate: (Figure 4.7.1.) |
6.65% |
Special requirements: |
The special sampling device as represented in Figure
4.2. must be obtained from the laboratory. It contains two
XAD-7 adsorbent bed sections which are used for
trapping vapor components; a glass fiber filter for trapping
aerosols, and a XAD-7 "cap" section. The
XAD-7 "cap" tube is used as a precautionary measure to
prevent the loss of volatile components which may have collected on
the filter during sampling. The "cap" tube must be removed from the
front section of the sampler prior to sampling and reattached at the
end of the sampling period. |
Status of method: |
A sampling and analytical method which has been
subjected to established evaluation procedures of the Organic
Methods Evaluation Branch. |
Date: October 1983 |
Chemist: Kevin
Cummins |
Organic Methods Evaluation Branch OSHA Analytical
Laboratory Salt Lake City, Utah
1. General Discussion
1.1. Background
1.1.1. History
This air sampling and analytical procedure for
2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol (TCP) is essentially the same as OSHA
Method 39 for pentachlorophenol (PCP) and is designed for the
simultaneous collection and analysis of both of these analytes since
they are used together in the wood industry (Ref. 5.1.). Only minor
changes in sample tube design and in the analytical conditions have
been made from the PCP method. Although there are three isomers of
tetrachlorophenol, the industrial production of TCP from the
chlorination of phenol produces primarily the 2,3,4,6-isomer with
PCP as a contaminant since phenol is an ortho-para-director. (Ref.
5.2.) All evaluations in this method were performed with the
2,3,4,6-isomer, both in the presence and absence of PCP. For future
reference, TCP will refer to the 2,3,4,6-isomer unless otherwise
The sampling tubes for PCP and TCP as represented in Figure 4.2.
consist of two laboratory prepared XAD-7 sampling tubes
connected in series with a small glass fiber filter disc mounted
ahead of the resin bed in the front tube. The filter is used to trap
any small aerosol particles of the analytes which are capable of
penetrating through the sampling tube in its absence (Section 4.5.).
A backup section is included to detect any analyte breakthrough. An
additional XAD-7 tube is included with the sampling
device and this is used to cap the front section of the sampler tube
following collection to prevent possible loss of volatile analyte
from the filter.
XAD-7 has been selected over the other possible
adsorbents as a collection medium for these analytes because it has
a very high capacity and its sampling performance, unlike silica
gel, is not adversely affected by high humidity conditions.
The air sampling evaluations for TCP were performed with an
aerosol generation system described in Section 4.5. Technical grade
TCP containing 15-20% PCP was used for these studies although a
purified TCP standard was prepared for use as an analytical
standard. A majority of the atmosphere generated by the aerosol
system was in the vapor phase because of the high volatility of both
TCP and PCP; however, a measurable aerosol component was also
The effectiveness of this sampling device in sampling an
atmosphere of TCP/PCP was demonstrated by collecting side-by-side
samples of XAD-7 tubes and bubblers containing
isopropanol or 0.1 N NaOH. The average recovery of TCP from the
XAD-7 tubes was 99% relative to the IPA bubblers and
89% compared to the 0.1 N NaOH bubblers. Similar high recoveries for
the PCP component in the atmosphere were also obtained. (Section
A large number of GC methods have been published for the analysis
of chlorophenols; however, many of these methods require precolumn
derivatization (Ref. 5.3.). Several methods have been recently
published for the direct analysis of TCP by HPLC (Refs. 5.1., 5.4. -
5.8.) and one by GC (Ref. 5.9.).
The HPLC analytical conditions employed for this analysis using a
UV detector at 210 nm and a Zorbax ODS reverse phase column do not
differ greatly from many of the previous HPLC methods. These
conditions differ somewhat from those described previously for the
PCP method; however, the analysis can be performed adequately using
either procedure.
1.1.2. Toxic effects (This section is for information only and
should not be taken as the basis of OSHA policy)
Although the toxic effects of TCP have not been as well studied
as PCP, based on LD50 data, TCP has a
comparable acute toxicity. For the rat,
LD50's range from 130 mg/kg to 210 mg/kg
depending on the mode of administration (Ref. 5.10.). Oral
LD50's for each tetrachlorophenol isomer
and for PCP have been determined by one laboratory for rats.
LD50 values for 2,3,5,6-; 2,3,4,6-;
2,3,4,5-TCP, and PCP of 109, 131, 400, and 74 mg/kg respectively
were reported (Ref. 5.11.).
Acute exposure to TCP in animals produces symptoms common to the
lower chlorinated phenols and some symptoms common to PCP.
Convulsant activity, a characteristic of exposure to the lower
chlorinated phenols, and signs of inhibition of oxidative
phosphorylation which are characteristic of PCP exposure, are
observed (Ref. 5.12.). Accelerated respiration, elevated blood
pressure and hyperpyrexia (elevated body temperature), which are all
symptoms of oxidative phosphorylation inhibition can be anticipated
upon acute exposure to TCP.
TCP is a strong irritant and can produce skin and eye irritation
upon contact. Like PCP, TCP is readily absorbed through the skin and
can produce systemic effects. Although a literature search did not
reveal any human cases of acute exposure to TCP, it is widely used
in the wood industry.
Exposure to TCP as a contaminant of PCP also occurs since
technical grade PCP contains from 5-12% TCP (Ref. 5.13.). Widespread
exposure of the general population to TCP is evidenced by the
analysis of urine samples from the general population. Low ppb
levels of 2,3,4,6-TCP which are approximately 1/5 to 1/3 the PCP
levels are reported for twelve samples from the general population
(Ref. 5.14.). Low ppm levels of both TCP and PCP are reported in the
urine of exposed Finnish workers (Ref. 5.3.). Since skin exposure is
a significant route of exposure for both TCP and PCP, biological
monitoring through urine analysis is desirable.
Although no reports of a mutagenic or a teratogenic effect from
TCP were found in the literature, the possibility of such an effect
from polychlorinated dioxin and polychlorinated dibenzofuran
contaminants must be considered. Trace levels of these contaminants
in the blood of exposed workers have been measured (Ref. 5.15.).
1.1.3. Potential workplace exposure
TCP is used almost exclusively in the wood industry to treat
wood. A dilute aqueous solution of mainly sodium tetrachlorophenate
with lesser amounts of the pentachlorophenate salt is sprayed on
newly milled wood surfaces to prevent the wood from darkening during
the aging process (Ref. 5.4.). The pressure treatment of lumber with
PCP dissolved in oil is also a potential source of exposure since
TCP is a major contaminant. It is not known if TCP alone is used in
this manner.
1.1.4. Physical properties (Ref. 5.16.)
CAS no.: |
58-90-2 |
molecular weight: |
231.89 |
melting point: |
70°C |
boiling point: |
150°C (15 mm Hg) |
soluble in: |
alcohol, benzene, chloroform, petroleum
ether |
physical state: |
white to tan crystalline solid |
synonyms and trade names: |
TCP, Dowicide 6 |
1.2. Limit defining parameters (The analyte air concentrations
listed throughout this method are based on an air volume of 48 L and a
solvent desorption volume of 2 mL)
1.2.1. Detection limit of the analytical procedure
The detection limit of the analytical procedure is 1.5 ng per
injection. This is the amount of the analyte which will give a peak
whose height is approximately 5 times the height of the baseline
noise. (Section 4.1.)
1.2.2. Detection limit of the overall procedure
The detection limit of the overall procedure is 0.15 µg per
sample (0.003 mg/m3) for TCP. This is the
amount of analyte spiked on the sampling device which allows
recovery of an amount of analyte equivalent to the detection limit
of the analytical procedure. (Section 4.2.)
1.2.3. Reliable quantitation limit
The reliable quantitation limit is 0.15 µg per sample (0.003
mg/m3) for TCP. This is the smallest
amount of analyte which can be quantitated within the requirements
of a recovery of at least 75% and a precision (1.96 SD) of ±25% or
better. (Section 4.2.)
The reliable quantitation limit and detection limits reported in
the method are based upon optimization of the instrument for the
smallest possible amount of analyte. When the target concentration of
an analyte is exceptionally higher than these limits, they may not be
attainable at the routine operating parameters.
1.2.4. Sensitivity
The sensitivity of the analytical procedure over a concentration
range representing 0.5 to 2 times the target concentration based on
the recommended air volume is 101,610 area units per µg/mL. The
sensitivity is determined from the slope of the calibration curve.
The sensitivity may vary with different instruments or instrumental
conditions. (Section 4.4.)
1.2.5. Recovery
The recovery of TCP from samples used in a 17-day storage test
was 102% when the samples were stored at ambient conditions in the
dark. This is the percent recovery at 17 days determined from the
linear least squares line from the storage data. The recovery of the
analyte from the collection medium during storage must be 75% or
greater. (Section 4.7.)
1.2.6. Precision (analytical procedure only)
The pooled coefficient of variation obtained from replicate
determinations of analytical standards at 0.5, 1 and 2 times the
target concentration is 0.011. (Section 4.3.)
1.2.7. Precision (overall procedure)
The precision at the 95% confidence level for the 17-day storage
test is ±13% for TCP. The overall procedure must provide results at
the target concentration that are ±25% or better at the 95%
confidence level. (Section 4.7.)
1.2.8. Reproducibility
Six liquid-spiked samples and a draft copy of this method were
submitted to the OSHA laboratory for analysis by a chemist
unassociated with this evaluation. The samples were analyzed
approximately two weeks after preparation. The average recovery for
the six samples was 94.0% with a percent standard deviation of 3.9%.
(Section 4.9.)
1.3. Advantages
1.3.1. The two solid sorbent sampling tubes in series represent
a convenient method for sampling both TCP and PCP.
1.3.2. The analysis is rapid, sensitive, and precise.
1.4. Disadvantages
1.4.1. The method has not been field tested.
1.4.2. The sampling tubes are not commercially available.
2. Sampling Procedure
2.1. Apparatus
2.1.1. A constant flow personal sampling pump is used which can
be calibrated to within ±5% of the recommended 0.2 L/min flow rate
while the sampling train is in line.
2.1.2. The sampling tubes, as represented in Figure. 4.2.,
consist of two 50-mm by 8-mm o.d. ( 6-mm i.d.) glass
tubes which are each packed with approximately 175 mg (15-mm tube
length) of XAD-7 resin held in place with two silanized
glass wool plugs and small Teflon-support rings made from narrow
slices of 6-mm o.d., 4-mm i.d. Teflon tubing. These Teflon rings,
when cut at one point across their circumference, provide a flexible
ring which can be easily inserted into the tube to provide support
for the resin bed and the filter disc. The tubes are butted together
using a connector made from a 9/32 inch diameter plastic cap from
which the closed end has been removed. The first sampling tube in
the series also contains an 8-mm glass fiber filter
disc as a precautionary measure to trap any aerosols of the analyte.
A number 4 cork borer is used to cut out the discs from Gelman (Ann
Arbor, Michigan, USA) Type A 35-mm glass fiber filters. The glass
fiber filter is placed ahead of the resin bed and sandwiched between
two Teflon-support rings by simply tapping the over-sized filter
onto the surface of the Teflon ring with a glass rod or similar
object and then placing an additional Teflon ring on top of the
filter. In order to retain any volatile components which may have
collected on the front filter section of the sampling device during
sampling, an additional XAD-7 packed tube is included
with the sampling device. This tube is used to cap the front section
of the sampling device following sampling and must be removed prior
to sampling and replaced at the end of the sampling period.
Amberlite XAD-7 resin (Rohm and Haas, Philadelphia, PA,
USA) 20-50 mesh size which was purchased from Sigma Chemical (St.
Louis, MO) lot no. 61F-0150 was used in this study. The resin was
first rinsed with methanol to remove fines and then Soxhlet
extracted overnight with HPLC grade methanol. The resin was taken to
dryness on a rotary evaporator and then dried for 12 h at 35°C under
2.2. Reagents
None required
2.3. Technique
2.3.1. Properly label all three sections of the sampling device
prior to sampling.
2.3.2. Before sampling, remove and save the front glass tube
section containing XAD-7 resin which will serve as a
cap following completion of sampling.
2.3.3. Attach the sampling tubes to the pump using a section of
flexible, plastic tubing so that the adsorbent tube containing the
glass fiber filter serves as the front sampling section. Do not
place any tubing ahead of the sampling device. Attach the sampling
device in the workers breathing zone in such a manner that it does
not impede work performance.
2.3.4. After sampling for the appropriate time, remove the
sampling device from the pump, cap the front end of the device with
the resin-filled glass tube and cap the back end of the device with
a plastic cap. Insure that the caps are well fitted and label the
sampling tubes with OSHA seals (Form 21).
2.3.5. Include at least one blank for each sampling set. The
blank should be handled in the same manner as the samples with the
exception that air is not drawn through it.
2.3.6. Any bulk samples submitted for analysis must be shipped in
separate containers to avoid contamination of the air samples.
2.3.7. List any potential interferences on the sample data sheet.
2.4. Breakthrough
Since XAD-7 resin has a very high capacity for TCP,
the determination of the amount of analyte which can be collected from
an atmosphere before breakthrough occurs was found to be
experimentally difficult to determine and of little practical value.
Two studies were performed, however, to demonstrate the high capacity
of the resin for the analyte.
In the first study, an XAD-7 sampling tube with a
glass fiber filter insert was used to sample a 4.9
mg/m3 atmosphere of TCP which was generated
by an aerosol generation system. No breakthrough to the backup
sampling tube was observed after 354 L of dry air was sampled at 1
L/min for 5.9 h. (A more complete description of the experiment and
the aerosol generation system is discussed in Section 4.5.)
In the second study, the ability of a XAD-7 sampling
tube to collect TCP vapors was investigated under high humidity
conditions. No breakthrough was observed after sampling 438 L of a 4.3
mg/m3 atmosphere of TCP at 1 L/min with an
XAD-7 sampling tube containing a glass fiber filter.
(Section 4.5.)
2.5. Desorption efficiency
The average desorption efficiency over the range of 0.5 to 2 times
the target concentration was 95.4% for TCP and 99.8% for PCP. The
percent recovery ranged from 91.2% for 2 times the target
concentration to 99.7% for the 0.5 times target concentration for TCP.
Similarly, PCP recoveries ranged from 95.5% to 105% over the same
range. The variability in desorption efficiency with amount loaded on
sample is not understood but may be a function of the spiking
In the course of this evaluation, it was also observed that the
desorption efficiency from XAD-7 was dependent on the
drying temperature. XAD-7 resin dried at 105°C under
vacuum following rotary evaporation and spiked at the PEL resulted in
an 87% recovery for TCP and 91% recovery for PCP. This contrasts to
resin which was dried by rotary evaporation alone which resulted in
recoveries of 105% for TCP and 110% for PCP.
The desorption efficiency of the resin that was dried at 105°C
under vacuum and of the resin similar to the one used in this study
was not affected by humidity.
These variations in desorption efficiency for XAD-7
resin, depending on preparation technique, emphasize the need for
careful quality control. (Section 4.6.)
2.6. Recommended air volume and sampling rate
A 48-L air sample obtained by sampling at 0.2 L/min for 4 h is
recommended for TCP. If necessary, the sensitivity of the analytical
method will permit a sampling period as short as 15 min at 0.2 L/min
for determination of the analyte at the target concentration. Higher
flow rates can also be employed if necessary.
2.7. Interference
There are no known interferences to the sampling procedure.
2.8. Safety precautions
2.8.1. Attach the sampling equipment to the worker in such a
manner that it will not interfere with work performance or safety.
2.8.2. Follow all safety practices that apply to the work area
being sampled.
3. Analytical Procedure
3.1. Apparatus
3.1.1. A high performance liquid chromatograph equipped with
sample injector, ODS bonded phase HPLC column, UV detector, and
chart recorder are needed for the analysis. A Waters 6000A pump, a
Waters WISP 710 auto sampler, a Dupont UV detector and a Zorbax
25-cm × 4.6-mm i.d. ODS-bonded phase column were used in this study.
3.1.2. An electronic integrator or other suitable means of
measuring detector response is required. The Hewlett-Packard 3354
data system was used in this study.
3.1.3. Various sizes of volumetric glassware and pipettes are
needed for sample and standard preparations.
3.1.4. Three-milliliter (or larger) screw-cap or crimp-type vials
are needed for desorbing the XAD-7 sampling adsorbent.
Four-milliliter Waters WISP vials were used in this study.
3.1.5. Small brown glass bottles fitted with inert cap liners are
needed to store standard solutions.
3.1.6. A repetitive dispenser capable of accurately delivering
the desorption solution is needed.
3.2. Reagents
3.2.1. HPLC grade methanol and acetonitrile.
3.2.2. Reagent grade phosphoric acid.
3.2.3. HPLC grade water. Water obtained from a Milli-Q reagent
grade water system (Millipore, Inc. Bedford, Mass.) was used in this
3.2.4. Eighty-five percent pure 2,3,4,6-TCP containing PCP
contaminant was purchased from Fluka Chemical (Hauppauge, NY, USA)
for preparation of a purified standard. A semi-preparative HPLC
technique which utilized a (8-mm i.d. × 25 cm) Zorbax
ODS column and aqueous mobile phase of 80% acetonitrile 0.1%
phosphoric acid with a 2.5 mL/min flow rate was used to prepare a
purified standard. Repetitive 130-µL injections of a 1 mg/µL (130-mg
injections) in methanol of the unpurified TCP were made onto the
column. The peak fraction containing TCP which eluted at 7 min and
was fully resolved from the PCP contaminant was collected. These
TCP-containing fractions were pooled following
verification of their purity by HPLC and the acetonitrile portion
was removed by rotary evaporation. The remaining aqueous portion was
then acidified to pH 1 with concentrated HCl and extracted with HPLC
grade methyl t-butyl ether. The ether fraction was dried with
anhydrous sodium sulfate and the purified 2,3,4,6-TCP was recovered
following evaporation of the ether. The melting point of the white
crystalline substance was 67°C and no PCP peak was evident upon HPLC
3.3. Standard preparation
Prepare a stock solution of TCP by accurately weighing
approximately 32 mg of the standard in a 100-mL volumetric flask and
diluting to volume with methanol. Prepare 1/50, 1/25, and 2/25
dilutions of this stock solution to obtain standards which correspond
to approximately 0.5, 1 and 2 times the target concentration for the
recommended sampling conditions.
3.4. Sample preparation
Prepare samples for analysis by transferring the entire contents of
the sampling tube including the Teflon-support rings, both glass wool
plugs, the XAD-7 resin and the glass fiber disc into a
4-mL vial. Considerable care must be exercised in transferring the
samples to the vials to avoid sample loss from static build-up on the
XAD-7 beads. The transfer is best accomplished if the
Teflon support rings and the glass fiber filter are first transferred
to the sample vial by using a small wire hook to remove them. Then
with front glass wool plug partially removed, invert the sampling tube
into the vial and use a small glass rod or similar object to force the
contents of the tube into the vial. Rinse the inside of the sampling
tube into the vial with two 1-mL portions of methanol using a 1-mL
repetitive dispenser. Cap the vials and shake vigorously for a minimum
of 10 s. The backup tube and the cap tube, which are analyzed
separately, are handled in the same manner.
3.5. Analysis
3.5.1. Prepare a high performance liquid chromatograph for
sample analysis using the HPLC conditions listed below:
column: |
Zorbax 25 cm × 4.6-mm i.d. ODS bonded
phase |
mobile phase: |
25/75 (v/v) acetonitrile/water containing
approximately 0.1% by volume of phosphoric acid |
flow rate: |
1.3 mL/min |
UV detector: |
210 nm |
injection volume: |
20 µL |
retention time: |
4.6 min |
3.5.2. Analyze the front and back sampling tubes and the sample
cap tube separately. Verify that the sample responses lie within the
range of the responses observed for the standards.
3.5.3. Since column to column variations do occur, it is
important to ensure that TCP is separated from PCP. The injection of
a TCP/PCP mixture should produce baseline separation if the
analytical conditions are properly selected.
3.6. Interferences
Any compound which has the same retention time as 2,3,4,6-TCP is a
potential interference. Under the analytical conditions outlined,
2,3,5,6-TCP and 2,3,4,6-TCP are not resolved. However, since only the
2,3,4,6 isomer of TCP is used industrially, and the response factors
for these two isomers are very similar at 210 nm, no significant error
would be introduced in determining TCP content under these conditions
(Figure 4.10.). A complete separation of the three isomers of TCP in
30 min has been performed using gradient reverse phase HPLC conditions
(Ref. 5.2.). A normal phase separation of the isomers using a silica
column and a GC separation have also been reported in the literature
(Ref. 5.8.). These alternative methods are useful for sample
confirmation. GC/Mass spectrometry may also be a useful method of
sample confirmation.
3.7. Calculations
Prepare a standard calibration curve of area response versus
concentration for TCP by determining the least squares fit equation
for the curve. Calculate the amount of analyte (µg/mL) in the samples,
preferably by entering their response values into the equation and
solving for the sample concentration. Add the results from the backup
and cap tubes to that of the front tube. Sample air concentrations are
calculated as follows:
mg/m3 = (µg/mL)(2 mL)(1 mg/1000 µg)/(air
vol. m3)(desorp. effic.)
To convert to ppm at 760 mm and 25°C:
ppm =
(mg/m3)(24.46)/(MW) |
where |
24.46 MW |
= = |
the molar volume 231.89 |
3.8. Safety precautions
3.8.1. Minimize exposure to TCP by performing standard
preparations in a well ventilated hood.
3.8.2. Avoid all skin contact with TCP.
3.8.3. Restrict the use of solvents to hoods which provide
adequate ventilation.
3.8.4. Wear safety glasses in laboratory areas at all times.
4. Backup Data
4.1. Detection limit for analytical procedure
The detection limit for the analytical procedure is 1.5 ng for TCP.
This is based on a 20-µL injection of a 0.075 µg/µL standard, and
represents approximately 5 times the baseline noise (Figure 4.1.).
4.2. Detection limit of the overall procedure and reliable
quantitation limit
The detection limit of the overall procedure and the reliable
quantitation limit are both 0.15 µg per sample (0.003
mg/m3) for TCP.
Six XAD-7 sampling tubes were spiked with 8 µL of 40.4
µg/mL TCP in methanol, then capped and stored overnight in a
laboratory drawer. Assuming complete recovery, this amount of analyte
is equivalent to the detection limit of the analytical procedure. The
following day the samples were desorbed in 2 mL of methanol and
analyzed. The percent recoveries (corrected for 95.4% desorption
efficiency) are reported below in Table 4.2.
Table 4.2. Detection Limit Data
% recovery |
statistics |
98.8 98.8 99.8 95.2 98.8 98.8 |
 SD 1.96 SD |
= = = |
98.4 1.60 3.14 |
4.3. Precision of the analytical method
The pooled coefficient of variation for TCP is 0.011 over a range
of 0.5 to 2 times the target concentration. This value was determined
from multiple injections of three standard solutions. The results are
listed in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3. Precision Data
× target conc. µg/mL |
0.5× 5.98 |
1× 11.97 |
2× 23.94 |
= 0.011 |
599574 600337 600090 612430 614097 612310
606473 7123 0.0117 |
1198240 1193360 1189100 1207610 1208830 1208540
1200947 8596 0.00716 |
2355190 2333730 2410920 2380600 2411150 2371280
2377145 30693 0.0129 |
4.4. Sensitivity
The slope of the calibration curve over the range of 0.5 to 2 times
the target concentration for the analysis represents the sensitivity
of the method. The sensitivity determined in this manner is 101,610
area units per µg/mL for TCP (Figure 4.4.).
4.5. Breakthrough
Breakthrough studies were performed using a sub-micron aerosol
generation system consisting of a TSI (St. Paul, MN) atomizer used in
the non-recirculating mode, an aerosol electrostatic neutralizer, a
sampling chamber, and a TSI Model 3203 Particle Mass Monitor.
Submicron aerosols of TCP/PCP, less than 0.3 microns in diameter,
were generated by pumping a 1.5 mg/mL isopropanol solution of
technical grade 2,3,4,6-TCP containing PCP into the atomizer with a
Waters (Milford, MA) Model 6000A pump at a 0.7 mL/min flow rate. A
fine aerosol spray is produced in the atomizer as the TCP solution
passes into a high velocity jet air stream which consists of dry
laboratory air supplied at a flow of 3.5 L/min. The large droplets of
the aerosol, which produce large particles, impact on the wall of the
atomizer and are drained to a waste container and do not enter the air
stream. The submicron aerosol that is produced by the atomizer is then
passed through an electrostatic neutralizer before it is diluted with
25 L/min of dry laboratory air and drawn into the sampling chamber.
The sampling chamber consists of a 9 in. by 20 in. clear acrylic
plastic cylinder equipped with a diffuser plate at the top, and at the
bottom are mounted 3.75-in. outlet lines attached to a flow-controlled
vacuum pump that is used to maintain a 20 L/min air flow through the
chamber. A separate vacuum pump attached to a manifold is used in
conjunction with critical orifices to sample from six sampling ports
positioned at the base of the chamber. Attached to a seventh sampling
port in the base is a TSI particle mass monitor for measuring the
total aerosol concentration of the chamber.
A simple experiment demonstrating the importance of the glass fiber
filter in sampling a submicron aerosol was performed with the
described apparatus. A glass fiber filter mounted in a glass sampling
tube and placed ahead of the particle mass monitor reduced a 1.71
mg/m3 TCP/PCP aerosol to background levels
(0.034 mg/m3) indicating that the filter
alone was effective in trapping the aerosol. However, an
XAD-7 tube without a glass fiber filter permitted
approximately 50% of the same aerosol to pass through the tube (0.929
mg/m3). Insertion of a filter ahead of the
tube immediately reduced the aerosol concentration to background
In other studies, breakthrough of TCP and PCP was observed upon
analysis of backup sections from sampling tubes not equipped with a
glass fiber filter which were taken from an aerosol test atmosphere.
These results differ from those observed for samples collected from
2.2 µm PCP aerosol generated by a TSI monodisperse generator. For
these larger size aerosol particles, a sampling tube alone was
completely effective in trapping the aerosol.
Although it is clear that TCP and PCP are quite volatile and exist
largely as a vapor in test atmospheres, the potential for an aerosol
component exists in the work environment. Penetration of a packed
sampling tube by small aerosols, which has been demonstrated here and
is reported in the literature can occur in the work atmosphere and
does represent a potential source for loss of sample (Ref. 5.16.).
Under these laboratory conditions, no sample breakthrough was observed
for the sampling tube as designed.
Tests of the capacity of the XAD-7 sampling tube for
sampling high concentrations of TCP were also performed with this
apparatus. After sampling a 6 mg/m3 TCP (1
mg/m3 PCP) for 5.3 h, no breakthrough of
either analyte was observed at the time the experiment was
In order to test the effects of humidity on the sampling device, a
crude vapor generation system was devised. This system consisted of a
syringe drive pump which delivered 0.01 mL/min of 4 mg/mL technical
grade 2,3,4,6-TCP in methanol into one end of a glass tee which was
wrapped with heat tape and packed with silanized glass wool. A
Rheostat set at 20% of full scale was used to heat the sampling tee.
Air at 80% relative humidity and ambient temperature was drawn through
the tee at 1 L/min and into an XAD-7 sampling tube
(equipped with a glass fiber filter) which is attached to the other
end of the tee. No breakthrough was observed during the 7.3 h sampling
period. The total amount of TCP found on the sampling tube was 20 mg,
which corresponds to a 4.6 mg/m3 average
concentration for TCP over the entire sampling period.
4.6. Desorption efficiency
Amberlite XAD-7 resin 20-50 mesh size which was
purchased from Sigma Chemical (St. Louis, MO) lot # 61F-0150 was used
in this study. The resin was first washed with methanol to remove
fines and then Soxhlet extracted overnight with HPLC grade methanol.
The resin was then taken to dryness with rotary evaporation and dried
for 12 h at 35°C under vacuum.
Three sets of six sample tubes packed with this XAD-7
resin were each spiked with 1.25, 2.5 and 5.0 µL, respectively, of a
stock TCP/PCP mixture (10.04/10.02 mg/mL) in methanol corresponding to
0.5, 1 and 2 times the target concentration. The samples were capped
and stored overnight and analyzed the next day. The desorption
efficiencies are reported below in Tables 4.6.1. - 4.6.2.
Table 4.6.1. Desorption Efficiency (TCP)
× target conc. µg/sample |
0.5× 12.55 |
1× 25.1 |
2× 50.2 |
desorption efficiency, %

= 95.4 |
98.4 99.2 98.5 99.2 99.7 102.9
99.65 |
93.8 92.1 91.3 93.0 102.0 100.2
95.4 |
92.1 91.3 91.1 91.0 90.5 91.0
91.2 |
Table 4.6.2. Desorption Efficiency (PCP)
× target conc. µg/sample |
0.5× 12.52 |
1× 25.05 |
2× 50.1 |
desorption efficiency, %

= 99.8 |
104.0 105.6 103.6 104.4 105.4 107.0
105.0 |
99.1 98.0 98.7 99.4 100.2 98.5
99.0 |
95.5 98.0 95.5 94.8 94.3 94.7
95.5 |
In order to test the effect of elevated drying temperatures of the
adsorbent on desorption efficiency, a new portion of
XAD-7 resin was prepared as above and dried under vacuum
in 12-h increments at temperatures ranging from 50°C to 105°C. The
desorption efficiencies for each step of the treatment are reported
below in Table 4.6.3. for a 2.5-µL spike of six sample tubes of the
stock TCP/PCP mixture.
Table 4.6.3. Effect of Adsorbent Drying Temp. on Desorption
XAD-7 |
average % recovery |
lot no. |
treatment |
TCP (% SD) |
PCP (% SD) |
103B 103C 103D 103E |
methanol extraction, to dryness with rotary
evaporation 103A plus 12 h at 50°C 103B plus 12 h at
65°C 103C plus 12 h at 80°C 103D plus 12 h at 105°C |
105(1.9) 104(2.6) 88.1(4.8) 87.4(0.8) |
110(1.7) 109(2.5) 94.4(6.7) 92.6(0.5) |
The effects of humidity on the dried XAD-7 resin were
evaluated for lot 103C and lot 103E. For each test six sample tubes
were spiked with 2.5 L of the stock TCP/PCP mixture. The percent
recoveries for each test are reported below in Table 4.6.4.
Table 4.6.4. Effect of Humid Air on Desorption
XAD-7 |
average % recovery |
lot no. |
treatment |
TCP (% SD) |
PCP (% SD) |
103C |
138 L of humid air (80% RH) sampled
after spike control, no air sampled (four
samples) 60 L of humid air (80% RH) sampled after
spike control, no air sampled (four samples) 80 L of
humid air (80% RH) sampled spike |
99.1(1.4) 99.9(2.0) |
103(1.4) 103(1.8) |
4.7. Storage test
No storage problem was observed for either the ambient or the
refrigerated storage samples which were generated with the submicron
aerosol generation system described in Section 4.5. Total air
concentrations of TCP in the 1.2 - 1.7 mg/m3
range were generated by using a 1.5 mg/mL solution of the technical
grade TCP metered into the atomizer at a 0.7 mL/min flow rate. All
other conditions for the aerosol system were the same as described in
breakthrough. For storage, seven sets of six samples each were
collected from the aerosol system at sampling rates ranging from 0.8
to 1.0 L/min. The individual sampling rates for each sample were
determined both before and after collection with the sample tube in
line. A 25-min collection period was used for all seven sets of
storage samples. Since there was some variability in the air
concentration of TCP generated in the aerosol chamber from one sample
set to the next, one sample from each set was selected as a control
and analyzed immediately. Of the remaining total of 35 samples
generated for storage, three samples were discarded because of clogged
sampling orifices, two were randomly selected for zero-day storage and
analyzed immediately, and the remaining 30 samples were randomly split
into equal-sized ambient and refrigerated groups for storage. All of
the stored samples were capped and stored in the dark either at
ambient conditions on a laboratory shelf or in a refrigerator at 5°C
prior to analysis. Since variability in the air concentration of TCP
occurred during the generation process, the percent recoveries
reported below in Table 4.7. for each sample are determined relative
to the concentration of TCP of the control sample for that set. A plot
of percent recovery of TCP versus days stored for both ambient and
refrigerated samples is shown in Figures 4.7.1. and 4.7.2.
Table 4.7.1. Storage Samples
(set 1) sample |
mg/m3 |
days stored |
% recovery |
(set 2) sample |
mg/m3 |
days stored |
% recovery |
1 2 3 4 5 6
 CV |
1.28 1.13 1.34 1.30 1.33 1.32
1.28 0.061 |
control 10
(A)1 17
(R)2 7 (R) 14 (A) 0 |
100 88.3 105 102 104 103 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
1.25 1.23 1.35 1.34 1.27 1.33
1.295 0.039 |
control 3 (R) 14 (R) 7
(R) 14 (A) 10 (A) |
100 98.4 108 107 102 106 |
(set 3) sample |
mg/m3 |
days stored |
% recovery |
(set 4) sample |
mg/m3 |
days stored |
% recovery |
1 2 3 4 5 6
 CV |
1.46 1.51 1.50 1.46 1.48 1.52
1.49 0.017 |
control 10 (R) 7
(A) 0 10 (A) 17 (A) |
100 103 103 100 101 104 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
1.46 1.51 1.50 1.42 1.56 1.52
1.50 0.033 |
control 3 (A) 17 (A) 14
(A) 17 (A) 7 (A) |
100 103 103 97.3 107 104 |
(set 5) sample |
mg/m3 |
days stored |
% recovery |
(set 6) sample |
mg/m3 |
days stored |
% recovery |
1 2 3 4 5
 CV |
1.64 1.62 1.61 1.63 1.61
1.62 0.008 |
control 7 (R) 10 (R) 3
(A) 3 (R) |
100 98.8 98.2 99.4 98.2 |
1 2 3 4 5 |
1.66 1.64 1.63 1.72 1.62
1.65 0.024 |
control 10 (R) 7 (A) 3
(A) 14 (R) |
100 98.8 98.2 104 97.6 |
(set 7) sample |
mg/m3 |
days stored |
% recovery |
1 2 3 4 5
 CV |
1.67 1.64 1.64 1.67 1.70
1.66 0.015 |
0 3 (R) 14 (R) 17
(R) 17 (R) |
100 98.2 98.2 100 102 | |
1 ambient
refrigerated conditions |
4.8. Comparative sampling data
Comparative sampling of a TCP/PCP atmosphere was performed with
XAD-7 sampling tubes and both isopropanol and 0.1 N NaOH
bubblers. The test atmosphere was generated with the submicron aerosol
generation system described in Section 4.5. A 1.8 mg/mL technical
grade TCP solution in isopropanol containing PCP was metered into the
atomizer at a 0.7 mL/min flow rate for comparative sampling with IPA
bubblers. For the NaOH bubbler tests, the TCP concentration was
reduced to 1.2 mg/mL.
Four sets of six samples were collected from the test atmosphere
over several days using three XAD-7 sampling tubes and
three IPA bubblers. Sampling rates were 1 L/min and the sampling time
was 48 min for each set. The XAD-7 tubes were analyzed
according to the procedure described in this method and the IPA
bubblers were analyzed simultaneously by direct injection. The results
are listed in Table 4.8.1.
The overall average recovery of the XAD-7 tubes
relative to the IPA bubblers was 99% for TCP. For PCP, the average
recovery was 115%. PCP comprised approximately 17% of the total weight
of PCP and TCP sampled. This is approximately the content of the PCP
contaminant in the TCP technical grade standard injected into the
Table 4.8.1. Comparison Sampling with IPA bubblers and
XAD-7 Tubes
sample set 1 |
(TCP) |
(PCP) |
- 1 - 2 - 3
- 1 -
2 - 3 |
1.25 1.26 1.28
1.19 1.25 1.21 |
= 1.26
0.26 0.33 0.31
0.22 0.24 0.24 |
= 0.30
sample set 2 |
(TCP) |
(PCP) |
- 1 - 2 - 3
- 1 - 2 - 3 |
1.29 1.24 1.24
1.31 1.33 1.34 |
= 1.26
0.30 0.29 0.28
0.26 0.26 0.27 |
= 0.29
sample set 3 |
(TCP) |
(PCP) |
- 1 - 2 - 3
- 1 - 2 - 3 |
1.48 1.60 1.50
1.68 1.60 1.58 |
= 1.53
0.33 0.21 0.32
0.32 0.30 0.29 |
= 0.29
sample set 4 |
(TCP) |
(PCP) |
- 1 - 2 - 3
- 1 - 2 |
1.23 1.37 1.41
1.32 1.30 |
= 1.34
1.31 |
0.22 0.29 0.36
0.24 0.25 |
= 0.29
0.24 |
For the comparative sampling with NaOH bubblers, four sets of six
samples were sampled from the test atmosphere over several days using
four XAD-7 tubes and two 0.1 N NaOH bubblers. The flow
rate of the bubblers was approximately 0.5 L/min to avoid frothing of
the collection solution. The flow rates for the XAD-7
tubes were varied from 0.2 to 1 L/min. Sampling times for each set
ranged from 93 to 232 min. The XAD-7 samples were
analyzed according to the procedure described in this method and the
0.1 N NaOH bubblers were analyzed directly by HPLC following
acidification with concentrated HCl. The results are reported in Table
4.8.2. The overall average recovery of the XAD-7 tubes
relative to the 0.1 N NaOH bubblers was 89% for TCP. For PCP the
average recovery was 100%.
Table 4.8.2. Comparison Sampling with NaOH Bubblers and
XAD-7 Tubes
sampling |
(sampling |
set 1 |
rate (L/min) |
(mg/m3) |
(mg/m3) |
time 93 min) |
- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
- 1 - 2 |
0.920 0.213 0.197 1.02
0.480 0.490 |
0.63 0.62 0.56 0.68
0.73 0.67 |
= 0.70 |
0.17 0.16 -- 0.19
0.17 0.18 |
= 0.175 |
sampling |
(sampling |
set 2 |
rate (L/min) |
(mg/m3) |
(mg/m3) |
time 93 min) |
- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
- 1 - 2 |
0.902 0.212 0.196 0.980
0.475 0.470 |
0.70 0.67 0.66 0.67
0.78 0.66 |
= 0.72 |
0.15 0.17 0.16 0.15
0.18 0.17 |
= 0.175 |
sampling |
(sampling |
set 3 |
rate (L/min) |
(mg/m3) |
(mg/m3) |
time 93 min) |
- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
- 1 - 2 |
0.905 0.211 0.203 0.199
0.466 0.445 |
0.77 0.84 0.75 0.76
0.76 0.82 |
= 0.79 |
0.17 0.17 0.17 0.16
0.15 0.18 |
= 0.165 |
sampling |
(sampling |
set 4 |
rate (L/min) |
(mg/m3) |
(mg/m3) |
time 93 min) |
- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
- 1 - 2 |
0.896 0.211 0.196 0.201
0.448 0.63 |
0.70 0.67 0.70 0.65
0.80 0.78 |
= 0.79 |
0.17 0.14 0.16 0.15
0.18 0.15 |
= 0.165 |
4.9. Reproducibility
Six sample tubes, each spiked with 3 µL of a 10.75 mg/µL (79% pure)
TCP standard in methanol. This resulted in a sample loading of 25.5
µg. The samples, along with a blank sample, were capped, labeled and
submitted to an OSHA laboratory service branch, with a draft copy of
this method, for analysis. The samples were analyzed approximately two
weeks after preparation by a chemist not associated with this
evaluation. The percent recoveries for the six samples were: 97.3,
99.9, 90.5, 93.5, 92.0, and 90.5. The average is 94.0 and the standard
deviation is 3.9.
Figure 4.1. Detection limit for TCP.
Figure 4.2. Sampling device for
Figure 4.4. Calibration curve for TCP.
Figure 4.7.1. Ambient storage for TCP.
Figure 4.7.2. Refrigerated storage for
Figure 4.9. Analysis of TCP in presence of
Figure 4.10. UV scan of TCP isomers in mobile phase
5. References
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5.2. J.D. Doedens in "Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical
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5.3. Pekari, K; Aitio, A., J. Chromatogr. (1982), 232,
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Chromatogr. (1981), 213, 83-90.
5.8. Mundy, D.E.; Machin, A.F., J. of Chromatogr. (1981),
216, 229-38.
5.9. Edgerton, T.R.; Moseman, R.F., J. Chrom. Science
(1980), 18, 25-29.
5.10 "NIOSH Registry of the Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances",
USDHEW, PHS, CDC, NIOSH, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing
Office (1977).
5.11. Ahlborg, U.G.; Larrsson, K., Arch. Toxicol. (1978),
40(1), 63-74.
5.12. Deichmann, W.; Keplinger, M.L., in "Patty's Industrial
Hygiene and Toxicology", 3rd revised ed.; Clayton, G.D.; Clayton,
F.E., Ed.; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1981; Vol. IIA,
Chapter 36.
5.13. Lamberton, J; Griffin, D.; Arbogast, B.; Inman, R.; Deinzer,
M., Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. (1979), 40, 816-21.
5.14. Edgerton, T.R.; Moseman, R.F.; Lores, E.M.; Wright, L.H.,
Anal. Chem. (1980), 52, 1774-77.
5.15. Rappe, C.; Buses, H.; Rudolf, in "Chemical Hazards in the
Workplace", Choudhary, Gangadhar, Ed.; American Chemical Society,
1981; ACS Series 149, Chapter 20.
5.16. Beast, R.C., "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics", 62nd
ed.; CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Florida; 1981-82.
5.17. Fairchild, C.I.; Tillery, M.I., Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc.
J. (1977), 38, 277-83.