Method no.: |
14 |
Matrix: |
Air |
Target Concentration: |
350 ppm (1900 mg/m3) OSHA PEL |
Procedure: |
Collection on charcoal adsorbent, desorption with
carbon disulfide, analysis by GC using a flame ionization
detector. |
Recommended air volume and sampling rate: |
3 L at 0.2 L/min |
Reliable quantitation limit: |
0.07 ppm (0.4 mg/m3) |
Standard error of estimate at the PEL
concentration: (Section 4.4.) |
5.2% |
Status of method: |
Evaluated method, This method has been subjected to
the established evaluation procedures of the Organic Methods
Evaluation Branch. |
Date: January 1980 |
Chemist: Duane E. Lee |
Organic Methods Evaluation Branch OSHA Analytical
Laboratory Salt Lake City, Utah
1. General Discussion
1.1. Background
1.1.1. History
Outdated methods for the sampling and analysis of
1,1,1-trichloroethane called for collection of the
sample in a gas sampling bag and analysis by infrared spectroscopy
or GC. (Ref. 5.1.) The use of gas sampling bags is awkward and
impractical when they must be transported to a central laboratory
for the analysis. Infrared absorption analysis is subject to serious
interferences from other components collected in the sample. GC
offers an efficient and specific mode of analysis when air samples
are collected on charcoal, as in the NIOSH method. (Ref. 5.2.) This
procedure was evaluated in order to obtain additional data on
storage stability of collected samples and collection capacity in
humid atmospheres.
1.1.2. Toxic effects (This section is for information only and
should not be taken as the basis of OSHA policy.)
The following information is taken directly from Reference 5.3.
1,1,1-Trichloroethane causes central nervous system depression.
A number of human fatalities related to industrial exposure in
closed spaces have been reported, some of which may have been
"sudden deaths" due to sensitization of the myocardium to
Based on effects caused in monkeys and rats, the following
effects are expected in humans: 20,000 ppm for 60 min, coma and
possibly death; 10,000 ppm for 30 min, marked incoordination; 2000
ppm for 5 min, disturbance of equilibrium. Human subjects exposed
to 900 to 1000 ppm for 20 min experienced lightheadedness,
incoordination, and impaired equilibrium; transient eye irritation
has also been reported at similar concentrations.
A few scattered reports have indicated mild kidney and liver
injury in humans from severe exposure; animal experiments have
confirmed the potential for liver, but not for kidney, injury.
Skin irritation has occurred from experimental skin exposure to
the liquid and from occupational use. The liquid can be absorbed
to a moderate degree through the skin.
In dogs, myocardial sensitization to epinephrine occurred at
concentrations of 5000 to 10,000 ppm. In a carcinogenicity study,
rats and mice were given the liquid orally at two different dose
levels, five days a week for 78 weeks. Both female and male test
animals exhibited early mortality compared with untreated
controls, and a variety of neoplasms was found in both treated
animals and controls. Although rats of both sexes demonstrated a
positive dose-related trend, no relationship was established
between the dosage groups, the species, sex, type of neoplasm, or
the sites of occurrence.
The odor threshold has been described by various investigators
as ranging from 16 to 400 ppm.
The TLV was set at a level to prevent mild irritation.
1.1.3. Worker exposure
NIOSH estimates that there were 2.9 million workers exposed to
1,1,1-trichloroethane. (Ref. 5.4.)
1.1.4. Use and operations where exposure occur
1,1,1-Trichloroethane is mainly used as a solvent for cleaning
and other solvent applications. There were 630 million pounds
produced in 1976. (Ref. 5.5.)
Industries where 1,1,1-trichloroethane is used
include: medical and other health services, automotive dealers and
service stations, wholesale trade, printing and publishing, eating
and drinking places, communications, chemicals and allied products,
electrical equipment and supplies, fabricated metal products, and
others. (Ref. 5.4.)
1.1.5. Physical properties (Refs. 5.6. and 5.7.)
molecular weight: |
133.42 |
specific gravity: |
1.3249 (26°C/4°C) |
melting point: |
-32.62°C |
boiling point: |
74.1°C |
vapor density: |
4.6 (air = 1) |
vapor pressure: |
127 mm Hg (25°C) |
color: |
colorless liquid |
refractive index: |
1.43765 (21°C) |
saturated air: |
16.7% (25°C) |
saturated air density: |
1.6 (air = 1) |
solubility: |
insoluble in water; soluble in ethanol and
ethyl ether |
molecular formula: |
CCl3CH3 |
synonyms: (Ref. 5.4.) |
Aerothene TT; Chloroethene NU; Chlorothene;
Chlorothene NU; Chlorothene VG; Chlorten; Inhibisol; methyl
chloroform; methyltrichloromethane; NCI-C04626; Alpha-T;
trichlorethane; a-trichloroethane. |
1.2. Limit defining parameters
1.2.1. Detection limit of the analytical procedure
The detection limit of the analytical procedure is 1.2 ng per
injection. This is the amount of analyte which will give a well
defined peak on the tail from the solvent peak. (Section 4.1.)
1.2.2. Detection limit of the overall procedure
The detection limit of the overall procedure is 1.2 µg per sample
(0.07 ppm or 0.4 mg/m3). This is the amount of analyte
spiked on the sampling device which allows recovery of an amount of
analyte equivalent to the detection limit of the analytical
procedure. (Section 4.1.)
1.2.3. Reliable quantitation limit
The reliable quantitation limit is 1.2 µg per sample (0.07 ppm or
0.4 mg/m3). This is the smallest amount of analyte which
can be quantitated within the requirements of 75% recovery and 95%
confidence limits of ±25%. (Section 4.2.)
The reliable quantitation limit and detection limits reported in
the method are based upon optimization of the instrument for the
smallest possible amount of analyte. When the target concentration of
an analyte is exceptionally higher than these limits, they may not be
attainable at the routine operating parameters.
1.2.4. Sensitivity
The sensitivity of the analytical procedure over a concentration
range representing 0.1 to 2.1 times the PEL concentration based on
the recommended air volume is 53430 area units per mg/mL. The
sensitivity is determined by the slope of the calibration curve.
(Section 4.3.) The sensitivity will vary somewhat with the
particular instrument used in the analysis.
1.2.5. Recovery
The recovery of analyte from the collection medium must be 75% or
greater. The average recovery over the range of 0.5 to 2 times the
PEL is 99.6%. (Section 4.1.)
1.2.6. Precision (analytical method only)
The pooled coefficient of variation obtained from replicate
determinations of analytical standards at 0.5, 1 and 2 times the PEL
concentration is 0.0086. (Section 4.3.)
1.2.7. Precision (overall procedure)
The overall procedure must provide results at the PEL
concentration that are ±25% or better at the 95% confidence level.
The precision at the 95% confidence level for the
15-day storage test is ±11.0% (Section 4.4.). This
includes an additional 5% for sampling error.
1.3. Advantages
1.3.1. The sampling procedure is convenient.
1.3.2. The analytical procedure is quick, sensitive, and
1.3.3. Reanalysis of the samples is possible.
1.4. Disadvantages
If other compounds are present, the GC run time must be lengthened
so the late eluting peaks will not interfere with the next sample.
2. Sampling Procedure
2.1. Apparatus
2.1.1. An approved and calibrated personal sampling pump whose
flow can be determined within ±5% at the recommended flow.
2.1.2. Charcoal tubes: Glass tube, with both ends heat sealed,
7.0 cm × 6-mm i.d. × 4-mm i.d., containing 100-mg front
and 50-mg backup sections of 20/40 mesh charcoal SKC tubes or
2.2. Reagents
None required.
2.3. Sampling technique
2.3.1. Immediately before sampling, break open the ends of the
charcoal tube. All tubes must be from the same lot.
2.3.2. Connect the charcoal tube to the sampling pump with
flexible tubing. The short section of the charcoal tube is used as a
backup and should be positioned nearer the sampling pump.
2.3.3. The tube should be placed in a vertical position during
sampling to minimize channeling.
2.3.4. Air being sampled should not pass through any hose or
tubing before entering the charcoal tube.
2.3.5. Seal the charcoal tube with plastic caps immediately after
sampling. Also, seal each sample with OSHA sealing tape lengthwise.
2.3.6. With each batch of samples, submit at least one blank tube
from the same lot used for samples. This tube should be subjected to
exactly the same handling as the samples (break, seal, transport)
except that no air is drawn through it.
2.3.7. Transport the samples (and corresponding paperwork) to the
lab for analysis.
2.3.8. If bulk samples are submitted for analysis, they should be
transported in glass containers with Teflon-lined caps. These
samples must not be put in the same container used for the charcoal
2.4. Breakthrough
Breakthrough tests were run on the primary portion of a charcoal
tube (SKC Lot 107) at a sampling rate of 0.2 L/min from a generated
test atmosphere. The test atmosphere was 708 ppm
1,1,1-trichloroethane with an average relative humidity
of 81.4% at 24.6°C. The 5% breakthrough volume was 3.7 L. This was
determined by monitoring the downstream effluent for
2.5. Desorption efficiency
The desorption efficiency from liquid injections on charcoal tubes
(SKC Lot 107), averaged 99.6% for 2.98 to 11.9 mg per tube, which is
182 to 728 ppm for a 3-L air volume (Section 4.1.).
2.6. Recommended air volume and sampling rate
2.6.1. The recommended air volume is 3 L.
2.6.2. The recommended sampling rate is 0.2 L/min.
2.6.3. If a longer sampling time is required, the sampling rate
should be lowered to 0.1 L/min or 0.05 L/min.
2.7. Interferences (sampling)
2.7.1. At the present time, it is unknown if any compound would
severely interfere with the collection of
1,1,1-trichloroethane on charcoal. In general, the
presence of other solvents will decrease the breakthrough volume for
a particular solvent.
2.7.2. Any compound which is suspected of interfering in the
collection or analysis should be listed on the sampling data sheet.
2.8. Safety precautions
2.8.1. Safety glasses should be worn when breaking the ends of
the tubes.
2.8.2. The broken ends of the tubes should be protected to avoid
injury to the person being sampled.
2.8.3. When working in environments containing flammable vapors,
do not provide any spark source from equipment used or pumps.
2.8.4. Observe all safety practices for working in hazardous
3. Analytical Procedure
3.1. Apparatus
3.1.1. A GC equipped with a flame ionization detector.
3.1.2. A number of GC columns are available and adequate. The
column used for this study was a 10-ft × 1/8-in. stainless steel 7%
Penta 100/120 Chrom P AW.
3.1.3. An electronic integrator or other suitable method of
measuring peak area.
3.1.4. Two-milliliter vials with Teflon-lined caps.
3.1.5. Microliter syringes, 50-µL for preparing standards, 1-µL
for sample injections.
3.1.6. Pipets for diluting standards. A 1-mL pipet for dispensing
solvent for desorption, or a 1-mL dispenser pipet.
3.1.7. Volumetric flasks, convenient sizes for preparing
3.2. Reagents
3.2.1. Carbon disulfide, chromatographic grade.
3.2.2. 1,1,1-trichloroethane, reagent grade.
3.2.3. Purified GC grade helium, hydrogen, and air.
3.3. Standard preparation
3.3.1. Standards are prepared by diluting pure
1,1,1-trichloroethane with carbon disulfide.
3.3.2. Forty-five microliters of
1,1,1-trichloroethane per 10 mL of carbon disulfide
equals 364 ppm for a 3-L air sample desorbed with 1 mL of carbon
3.4. Sample preparation
3.4.1. The front and backup sections of each sample are
transferred to separate 2-mL vials.
3.4.2. Each section is desorbed with 1.0 mL of carbon disulfide.
3.4.3. The vials are sealed immediately and allowed to desorb for
30 min with intermittent shaking.
3.5. Analysis
3.5.1. GC conditions
helium (carrier gas) flow rate: |
25.1 mL/min |
injector temperature: |
150°C |
detector temperature: |
200°C |
column temperature: |
80°C |
detector: |
flame ionization |
hydrogen flow rate: |
43 mL/min |
air flow rate: |
248 mL/min |
injection size: |
1 µL |
3.5.2. Chromatogram (Section 3.5.2.)
3.5.3. Peak areas are measured by an electronic integrator or
other suitable means.
3.5.4. An external standard procedure is used. The integrator is
calibrated to report results in ppm for a 10-L air sample after
correction for desorption efficiency.
3.6. Interferences (analytical)
3.6.1. Any compound having the same general retention time of
1,1,1-trichloroethane is an interference.
3.6.2. GC parameters may be changed to circumvent most
3.6.3. Retention time on a single column is not considered proof
of chemical identity. Samples should be confirmed by GC/MS or other
suitable means.
3.7. Calculations
Usually the integrator is programmed to report results in ppm
(corrected for desorption efficiency) for a 3-L air sample. The
following calculation is used:
ppm = (A)(3)/B |
where |
A = ppm on report B = air volume,
L |
3.8. Safety precautions
3.8.1. All work using solvents (preparation of standards,
desorption of samples, etc.) should be done in a hood.
3.8.2. Avoid any skin contact with all of the solvents.
3.8.3. Safety glasses should be worn throughout the procedure.
4. Backup Data
4.1. Detection limit data
4.1.1. Analytical detection limit
A small amount of analyte (1.2 ng/injection) which still produced
a well defined peak on the tail of the solvent peak was designated
as the analytical detection limit. This was determined with an
analytical standard which contained 0.009 µL of
1,1,1-trichloroethane per milliliter of carbon
disulfide or 1.2 µg/mL. The chromatogram is shown in Figure 4.1.1.
Reproducibility of the peak, produced by replicate 1.2-ng
injections, was good. Twelve injections gave an average analyte peak
height of 35 mm with coefficient of variation of 2.4%.
A sample collected from 3 L of air which contained 1.2 ng/µL
after desorption with 1 mL of carbon disulfide would represent an
air concentration of 0.07 ppm.
4.1.2. Desorption efficiencies for determining the overall
detection limit and the reliable quantitation limit
Liquid injections were made on the front portion of charcoal
tubes (SKC Lot 107) at 0.0012 to 11.92 mg. These charcoal tubes were
refrigerated overnight and desorbed and analyzed the following day.
These results are presented in Table 4.1.2. and in Figures
and The overall detection limit was determined to be 1.2
µg/sample in Figure
Table 4.1.2. Desorption Efficiencies for Various
Sampler Loadings
µg/sample |
11920 |
5960 |
2980 |
1484 |
296.8 |
59.4 |
11.9 |
2.37 |
1.187 |
desorption |
98.2 |
99.6 |
101.7 |
99.8 |
100.4 |
97.2 |
101.1 |
99.7 |
100.7 |
efficiency, |
98.5 |
99.5 |
99.4 |
99.0 |
100.2 |
98.0 |
101.0 |
-- |
100.0 |
% |
96.4 |
94.7 |
100.1 |
99.1 |
100.2 |
101.0 |
100.4 |
99.0 |
102.0 |
97.3 |
98.6 |
99.2 |
98.2 |
99.5 |
100.3 |
The average desorption
efficiency over the range of 2980 to
11920 µg (0.5 to 2 times the target
concentration) is 99.6%. |
98.5 |
98.3 |
100.1 |
102.2 |
102.2 |
104.5 |
101.3 |
102.1 |
102.4 |
 |
98.8 |
99.3 |
101.0 |
4.2. Reliable quantitation limit
The reliable quantitation limit was verified to be the same as the
overall detection limit by liquid spiking six samples with loadings
equivalent to the overall detection limit (1.187 µg/sample). These
samples were analyzed to assure the requirements of at least 75%
recovery with a precision (1.96 SD) of at least ±25% were met.
Table 4.2. Reliable Quantitation Limit
sample no. |
% recovered |
sample no. |
% recovered |
1 2 3 |
98.6 94.3 99.3 |
4 5 6 |
100.0 100.0 98.6 |
= 98.5 |
SD = 2.135 |
1.96(SD) =
4.2 | |
4.3. Precision data
Multiple injections were made of standards that were prepared over
a range of 0.1 to 2.1 times the OSHA standard. A standard deviation
was determined at each concentration. The pooled coefficient of
variation was determined for the range.
Table 4.3. Analytical Precision
× target conc. µg/sample |
0.1× 596 |
0.2× 1190 |
0.5× 2980 |
1.0× 5960 |
2.1× 11920 |
 SD CV
= 0.0086 |
33828 33747 34117 33516 33586 33650
33742 216 0.0064 |
67545 66599 66413 68164 67086 67182
67165 638 0.0095 |
166773 165396 167897 164153 163485 163222
165150 1882 0.0114 |
327123 327763 328157 325401 322931 324246 323908 323029
325319 2117 0.0065 |
647551 643296 642360 635031 634452 633876
639427 5735 0.0090 |
4.4. Storage data
Samples were collected on charcoal tubes (SKC Lot 107) from a
generated atmosphere containing 354 ppm
1,1,1-trichloroethane with an average relative humidity
of 81% at 23.5°C. A storage study was then conducted in
which the collected samples were divided into two groups; one stored
at ambient temperature and the other under refrigeration. Every few
days, three samples from each group were analyzed. The results are
shown in Table 4.4. and in Figures 4.4.1. and 4.4.2.
Table 4.4. Storage Tests
storage time |
% recovery |
(days) |
(-4°C to 3°C) |
(18.2°C to 21°C) |
1 3 6 9 12 15 |
102.8 100.6 104.2 102.0 102.2 102.3 |
104.7 99.8 101.6 99.3 101.0 100.8 |
102.5 100.8 102.0 101.6 101.5 101.1 |
106.0 101.0 101.8 105.4 104.3 100.9 |
103.1 103.2 101.5 102.6 103.0 100.0 |
104.4 102.8 103.3 100.9 102.1 101.6 |
Figure 3.5.2. Chromatogram of a standard of
Figure 4.1.1. Chromatogram of the analytical detection
limit of 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
Figure The detection limit of the overall
procedure of 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
nt face="Arial" size="2">Figure Desorption
efficiency data for 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
Figure 4.3. Calibration curve of instrument response to
Figure 4.4.1. Ambient storage test of
Figure 4.4.2. Refrigerated storage test of
5. References
5.1. American Industrial Hygiene Association: Analytical Abstract
"Halogenated Hydrocarbons" A.I.H.A., 1965.
5.2. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, U.S.
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: NIOSH Manual of
Analytical Methods, Vol. 3, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, (NIOSH) Pub. No. 77-157-C, Method No. S328, 1977.
5.3. Proctor, N.H., and Hughes, J.P., Chemical Hazards of the
Workplace., Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., pp 488-489, 1978.
5.4. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, U.S.
Department of Health, Education and Welfare: NIOSH Current
Intelligence Bulletin 17. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office (NIOSH) Pub. No. 78-181, 1978.
5.5. A.C.G.I.H.: Methyl chloroform
(1,1,1-trichloroethane). Documentation of the TLVs for
Substances in Workroom Air. ed. 3, Cincinnati, pp 161-162, 1976.
5.6. Standen, A. (editor), Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical
Technology. 2nd ed., New York: Interscience Publishers, Vol. 5, pp.
154-157, 1964.
5.7. Patty, F.A. (editor) Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 2nd
ed., New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., p. 1288, 1963.