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Recommendations for Chemical Protective Clothing

A Companion to the
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards




Recommendation for
skin protection

protective clothing


Zinc chloride fume



Determine based on working conditions

Zinc oxide



Determine based on working conditions

Zinc stearate



Determine based on working conditions

Zirconium compounds (as Zr)

7440-67-7 (Metal)

Recommendations regarding personal protective clothing vary depending upon the specific compound.

Contact the manufacturer for recommendations for the specific compound


Recommendations for skin protection

Prevent skin contact....Wear appropriate personal protective clothing to prevent skin contact. Suggested barriers for use should be confirmed with the vendor and for additional information and use limitations.
Frostbite....................Wear appropriate personal protective clothing to prevent the skin from becoming frozen from contact with the evaporating liquid or from contact with vessels containing the liquid.
N.R...........................No specific recommendation can be made. Actual working conditions will determine the need and type of personal protective equipment.

Bold type indicates a change from or an addition to what is published in the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, June 1997 Edition.

Recommended protective clothing barriers*

Butyl = Butyl Rubber (Gloves, Suits, Boots)

Natural = Natural Rubber (Gloves)

Neoprene = Neoprene Rubber (Gloves, Suits, Boots)

Nitrile = Nitrile Rubber (Gloves, Suits, Boots)

PE = Polyethylene (Gloves, Suits, Boots)

PVA = Polyvinyl Alcohol (Gloves)

PVC = Polyvinyl Chloride (Gloves, Suits, Boots)

Teflon = Teflon™ (Gloves, Suits, Boots)

Viton = Viton™ (Gloves, Suits)

Saranex = Saranex™ coated suits

PE/EVAL = 4H™ and Silver Shield™ brand gloves

Barricade = Barricade™ coated suits

CPF3 = CPF3™ suits

Responder = Responder™ suits

Trellchem = Trellchem HPS™ suits

Tychem = Tychem 10000™ suits

8 hr = More than 8 hours of resistance to breakthrough >0.1 µg/cm2/min.

4 hr = At least 4 but less than 8 hours of resistance to breakthrough >0.1 µg/cm2/min.

*Neoprene is a tradename and Teflon™, Barricade™ and Tychem 10000™ are trademarks of the DuPont Company. Viton™ is a registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers. Saranex is a tradename of the Dow Chemical Company. 4H is a trademark of the Safety 4 Company. Silver Shield is a trademark of the Siebe North Company. CPF3 and Responder are trademarks of the Kappler Company. Trellchem HPS is a trademark of the Trelleborg Company. Recommendations are NOT valid for very thin Natural Rubber, Neoprene, Nitrile, and PVC gloves (0.3 mm or less).


This page was last updated April 12, 1999

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