A1 | confirmed human carcinogen (ACGIH)
A2 | suspected human carcinogen (ACGIH)
A3 | animal carcinogen (ACGIH)
A4 | not classifiable as a human carcinogen (ACGIH)
A5 | not suspected as a human carcinogen (ACGIH)
ACGIH | American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
AIHA | American Industrial Hygiene Association
CAS | Chemical Abstract Service
CF | correction factor for LC data
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations
EEGL | emergency exposure guidance level (NRC)
ERPG | emergency response planning guideline (AIHA)
IDLH | immediately dangerous to life or health concentration value
i.p. | intraperitoneal
i.v. | intravenous
kg | kilogram
LC | lethal concentration
LC50 | concentration causing death in 50%
LCLo | lowest concentration causing death
LD | lethal dose
LD50 | dosage causing death in 50%
LDLo | lowest dosage causing death
LEL | lower explosive limit
mg/kg | milligrams per kilogram of body weight
mg/m3 | milligrams per cubic meter of air
mmHg | millimeters of mercury (pressure measurement)
mppcf | millions of particles per cubic foot of air
NIOSH | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NRC | National Research Council
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PEL | permissible exposure limit (OSHA)
ppm | parts per million parts of air
RD50 | concentration producing a 50% decrease in respiratory
rate following a 10-minute exposure
REL | recommended exposure limit (NIOSH)
s.c. | subcutaneous
SCP | Standards Completion Program (NIOSH/OSHA)
SPEGL | short-term public emergency guidance level (NRC)
STEL | Short-term exposure limit
TCLo | lowest concentration resulting in a toxic effect
TDLo | lowest dose resulting in a toxic effect
TLV | threshold limit value (ACGIH)
TWA | time-weighted average