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CAS number: 300765
NIOSH REL: 3 mg/m3 TWA [skin]
Current OSHA PEL: 3 mg/m3 TWA
1989 OSHA PEL: 3 mg/m3 TWA [skin]
1993-1994 ACGIH TLV: 3 mg/m3 TWA [skin]
Description of Substance: Colorless to white solid or strawcolored liquid (above 80 F) with a slightly pungent odor.
LEL:. . Noncombustible Solid
Original (SCP) IDLH: 1,800 mg/m3
Basis for original (SCP) IDLH: Because no useful data on acute inhalation toxicity are available, the chosen IDLH has been estimated from the male rat oral LD50 of 250 mg/kg [Gaines 1969 cited by ACGIH 1971]. ACGIH [1971] also reported that the acute toxicity data, inhalation data, and experience to date indicate that this is not a highly dangerous material.
Short-term exposure guidelines: None developed
Lethal dose data:
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*Note: An inhalation exposure that was presented as "mg/kg."
Human data: None relevant for use in determining the revised IDLH.
Revised IDLH: 200 mg/m3
Basis for revised IDLH: The revised IDLH for dimethyl1,2dibromo2,2dichlorethyl phosphate is 200 mg/m3 based on acute toxicity data in animals [Berteau and Deen 1978, Debska et al. 1975; Gaines 1969; Haley et al. 1975]. |
1. ACGIH [1971]. Dibrom (naled). In: Documentation of the threshold limit values for substances in workroom air. 3rd ed. Cincinnati, OH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, p. 73.
2. Berteau P, Deen W [1978]. A comparison of oral and inhalation toxicities of four insecticides to mice and rats. Bulletin Environ Contam Toxicol 19:113120.
3. Debska W, Jaruzelski M, Witkowski W, Zdziechowski J [1975]. Dynamika zanikania pestycydow w roslinach leczniczych. Herba Polonica 21:5360 (in Polish).
4. Gaines TB [1969]. Acute toxicity of pesticides. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 14:515534.
5. Haley TJ, Farmer JH, Harmon JR, Dooley KL [1975]. Estimation
of the LD1 and extrapolation of the LD0.1
for five organophosphate pesticides. Arch Toxicol 34:103109.
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