CAS number: 17702419
NIOSH REL: 0.3 mg/m3 (0.05 ppm) TWA, 0.9 mg/m3 (0.15 ppm) STEL [skin]
Current OSHA PEL: 0.3 mg/m3 (0.05 ppm) TWA [skin]
1989 OSHA PEL: 0.3 mg/m3 (0.05 ppm) TWA, 0.9 mg/m3 (0.15 ppm) STEL [skin]
1993-1994 ACGIH TLV: 0.25 mg/m3 (0.05 ppm) TWA,
0.75 mg/m3 (0.15 ppm) STEL [skin]
Description of Substance: Colorless to white crystalline solid with an intense, bitter, chocolatelike odor.
LEL:. . Unknown
Original (SCP) IDLH: 100 mg/m3
Basis for original (SCP) IDLH: The chosen IDLH is based on the statement by ILO [1971] that the 4hour LC50 was 122 to 230 mg/m3 for small animals.
Short-term exposure guidelines: None developed
Lethal concentration data:
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Human data: None relevant for use in determining the revised IDLH.
Revised IDLH: 15 mg/m3
Basis for revised IDLH: The revised IDLH for decaborane is 15 mg/m3 based on acute inhalation toxicity data in animals [Schechter 1958]. |
1. ILO [1971]. Boron hydrides. In: Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety. 2nd ed. Vol. I (AK). Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office, p. 206.
2. Schechter WH [1958]. Toxicity of high energy fuels. AMA Arch Ind Health 17:362366.
3. Svirbely JL [1954]. Acute toxicity studies of decaborane and
pentaborane by inhalation. AMA Arch Ind Hyg Occup Med 10:298304.
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