Building Air Quality
A Guide for Building Owners
and Facility ManagersForeword
Note to Building Owners and Facility Managers
AcknowledgementsTAB I: BASICS
Section 1: About this Document
Section 2: Factors Affecting Indoor Air Quality
- Sources of Indoor Air Contaminants
- HVAC System Design and Operation
- Pollutant Pathways and Driving Forces
- Building Occupants
Section 3: Effective Communication
- Communicating to Prevent IAQ Problems
- Communicating to Resolve IAQ ProblemsTAB II: PREVENTING IAQ PROBLEMS
Section 4: Developing an IAQ Profile
- Skills Required to Create an IAQ Profile
- Steps in an IAQ Profile
Section 5: Managing Buildings for Good IAQ
- Developing an IAQ Management PlanTAB III: RESOLVING IAQ PROBLEMS
Section 6: Diagnosing IAQ Problems
- Overview: Conducting an IAQ Investigation
- Initial Walkthrough
- Collecting Additional Information
- Collecting Information About Occupant Complaints
- Using the Occupant Data
- Collecting Information about the HVAC System
- Using the HVAC System Data
- Collecting Information about Pollutant Pathways and Driving Forces
- Using Pollutant Pathway Data
- Collecting Information on Pollutant Sources
- Using Pollutant Source Data
- Sampling Air for Contaminants and Indicators
- Complaints Due to Conditions Other Than Poor Air Quality
- Forming and Testing Hypotheses
Section 7: Mitigating IAQ Problems
- Background: Controlling Indoor Air Problems
- Sample Problems and Solutions
- Judging Proposed Mitigation Designs and Their Successes
Section 8: Hiring Professional Assistance to Solve an IAQ Problem
- Make Sure That Their Approach Fits Your Needs
- Selection CriteriaTAB IV: APPENDICES
Appendix A: Common IAQ Measurements - A General Guide
- Overview of Sampling Devices
- Simple Ventilation/Comfort Indications
- Air Contaminant Concentrations
Appendix B: HVAC Systems and Indoor Air Quality
- Background
- Types of HVAC Systems
- Basic Components of an HVAC System
- ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines
Appendix C: Moisture, Mold and Mildew
- Background on Relative Humidity, Vapor Pressure, and Condensation
- Taking Steps to Reduce Moisture
- Identifying and Correcting Common Problems from Mold and Mildew
Appendix D: Asbestos
- EPA and NIOSH Positions on Asbestos
- Programs for Managing Asbestos In-Place
- Where to Go for Additional Information
Appendix E: Radon
- Building Measurement, Diagnosis and Remediation
- Where to Go for Additional Information
Appendix F: Glossary and Acronyms
Appendix G: Resources
- Federal Agencies with Major IAQ Responsibilities
- Other Federal Agencies with Indoor Air Responsibilities
- State and Local Agencies
- Private Sector Contacts
- Publications
IAQ Management Checklist
Pollutant Pathway Record for IAQ Profiles
Zone/Room Record
Ventilation Worksheet
Indoor Air Quality Complaint Form
Incident Log
Occupant Interview
Occupant Diary
Log of Activities and System Operation
HVAC Checklist - Short Form
HVAC Checklist - Long Form
Pollutant Pathway Form for Investigations
Pollutant and Source Inventory
Chemical Inventory
Hypothesis Form