i-viii |
(8 pages, 290K)
Chapter 1 NIOSH and Respiratory Protection
Chapter 2 Types of Respirators
Part I Respiratory Inlet Coverings
A. Tight-fitting coverings
B. Loose-fitting coverings
Part II. Air Purifying Respirators
A. Particulate Filtering Respirators
1.Filtration Mechanisms
2. Types of Filters
3. Particulate Respirator Classifications
4. Filter Efficiency
B. Vapor and Gas Removing Respirators
1. Removal Mechanisms
2. Cartridges vs. Canisters
3. Vapor and Gas Respirator Classifications
C. Powered Air-Purifying Respirators
D. Advantages and Disadvantages of Air-Purifying Respirators
1. Particulate Respirators
2. Vapor and Gas Removing Cartridges and Canisters
3. Nonpowered Air-Purifying Respirators
4. Powered Air-Purifying Respirators
1-54 |
(54 pages, 1,842K)
Part III. Atmosphere Supplying Respirators
A. Self-contained Breathing Apparatus
1. Closed Circuit
2. Open Circuit
B. Supplied-Air Respirators
1. Airline Respirators (Types C and CE)
2. Hose Masks
C. Combination Respirators
1. Combination Supplied-Air/Air-Purifying Respirators
2. Combination Supplied-Air/SCBA Respirators
D. Advantages and Disadvantages of Atmosphere Supplying Respirators
1. Airline Respirators
2. Hose Masks
3. Self-contained Breathing Apparatus
Chapter 3 Respirator Selection
Part I. Regulatory Requirements
Part II. General Selection Information
Part III. NIOSH Respirator Decision Logic
Part IV. NIOSH Certified Equipment List
54-86 |
(33 pages, 1,350K)
Chapter 4 Respirator Use
Part I. Federal Regulatory Requirements
Part II. The Respiratory Protection Program
A. Employer Responsibility
B. Employee Responsibility
Part III. Program Elements
A. Program Administration
B. Program Components
1. Written Standard Operating Procedures
2. Medical Surveillance
3. Training
4. Fitting
5. Respirator Inspection, Cleaning, Maintenance, and Storage
6. Surveillance of Work Area Conditions and Worker Exposure.
7. Respirator Program Evaluation
87-118 |
(32 pages, 1,259K)
Chapter 5 Respirator Use Under Special Conditions
A. Facial Hair
B. Eye Glasses
C. Contact Lenses
D. Facial Deformities
E. Communication
F. In Dangerous Atmospheres
G. In Low and High Temperatures
H. Physiological Response of Respirator Use
Chapter 6 New Developments at NIOSH
A. Respirator Physiology
B. Filtration Mechanics
C. Sorption Technology
D. Quantitative Respirator Efficiency Testing
E. Certification of New Types of Respirators
F. NIOSH Respirator Problem Investigation
119-134 |
(16 pages, 523K)
A. Sample Respirator Program and Evaluation Check List
B. Fit Testing Procedures
135-170 |
(37 pages, 1,038K)
C. Selected NIOSH Respirator User Notices
D. Sample MSHA/NIOSH Approval Labels
171-190 |
(20 pages, 625K)
E. Respirator Decision Logic Pt. 1
193-232 |
(40 pages, 1,686K)
E. Respirator Decision Logic Pt. 2
233-253 |
(21 pages, 957K)
F. Breathing Air Systems for use with Pressure-Demand
Supplied Air Respirators in Asbestos Abatement
255-296 |
(42 pages, 1,852K)