CIH Approved Safety Plans Order Desk

Please Select the Plan that you want.  If you do not see the exact plan you want just use the last one and fill in the details in the comment section, and do not forget to call me.   Email me and call 800-644-1924 to discuss what it is that you need.   All these plans are site specific and are produced for your company.  For some plans we will need SDS Sheets, or other information.   Call me at 310-644-1924 X 103 or 800.644-1924 X 103. If I am not in please-- you can chat with either Rebekka  X119 or Taylor X105 or--leave a message. Someone will call you back the same day.  Plans usually are completed very quickly. District Offices accept Electronic Copies.   Please tell me if you need this to be a Disadvantaged Business Contract. It will cost more, but it will give you the Credit for hiring a Minority Woman Owned Business.

Safety and Health Training
Tell me what training classes you need, If an Agency is requiring this send the Agency Request. Lead or Asbestos is always the same, so do not be concerned about what the Agency wants. Send as much information as you can and call us! 800-644-1924 24/7 leave a coherent message, we will call you. We do classes in Spanish too.

Asbestos Survey, Air Monitoring, Smoke Damage, Mold Survey or Project Oversight
If you need more space just send as much information as you can and then call us! 800-644-1924 24/7 leave a coherent message, we will call you.

Traffic Stripe Removal Plan
Tell me what process you are going to use.  MLR® Bobcat®,  Water Blaster etc.  If this is a minor Contract, City or County or other Agency (Not Published) please send me the drawings and specials.  Use Dropbox if the plans are large.

Cold Plane Lead Containing Traffic Stripe Plan
I will need the equipment and manpower and some notes if they include ADL in the cold plan project.  If this is a minor Contract, City or County or other Agency (Not Published) please send me the drawings and specials.  Use Dropbox if the plans are large.

Aerially Deposited Lead Plan (ADL)
We can help you with you work plan or excavation  plans !  You do not need a CIH for those plans, but if you have never done one I will get you headed in the right direction.  If this is a minor Contract, City or County or other Agency (Not Published) please send me the drawings and specials.  Use Dropbox if the plans are large.

Methacrylate Public Safety Plan
Polyester concrete is included in this topic, often these require air monitoring, we provide that service.  Call for specific information and help in planning that work. If this is a minor Contract, City or County or other Agency (Not Published) please send me the drawings and specials.  You will need to send me the Safety Data Sheets (SDS)  the new MSDS information for your resins and catylizers  Use Dropbox if the plans are large.

Asbestos Creosote-Arsenic Wood Plan
For Asbestos remediation I will need the drawings and the complete asbestos survey that was completed by a licensed Certified Asbestos Consultant (CAC).  Very important--carefully review the regulations, it is the Owner's responsibility to provide all contractors and Sub-Contractors with asbestos and lead information.  The same goes for the Arsenic Plan.

Procedure V
We can will produce a Procedure V mitigation Plan that the Agency will approve with compliance with the intricate issues raised by our favorite Agency.

Industrial Hygiene Project
We can conduct a Benchmark Survey< Safety Audit, IIPP or other IH Related project.

Work Plans
We can provide a work plan or Transportation Plan to assist you with compliance with the intricate issues raised by our favorite Agency.

Dan Napier, CIH
800-644-1924 X 103
310-644-1924 X 103
619-233-4287 X 103

Here are the links to the Industry Studies that sometimes must be submitted with your CIH approved Plan.

If you need this to be a Minority Agency Approved Contractor We are partnered with approved contractors and can help you meet those minority contractor requirements. Please call me for help, we can geterdone.

Other Helpful Stuff  "Transportation Plan Help" and Testing Info

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   ©1/25/25 Dan Napier, CIH